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(Hebrew: אָמֵן, 'ʾāmēn'; Greek: ἀμήν, 'amín'; Arabic:, 'āmīna'; Aramaic/Syria amīn) is an Abrahamic declaration of affirmation[1] first found in the Hebrew Bible, and subsequently in the New Testament.[2] It is used in Jewish, Christian and Islamic worship, as a concluding word, or as a response to a prayer.[1] Common English translations of the word amen include "verily", "truly", and "so be it". It is also used colloquially, to express strong agreement.[1]

(PC Newspeak) which, loosely translated, means, “Look how fucking stupid I am.”

Edgework 8 Jan 4
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The burns!!


Look how f.......g stupid, ignorant, and Woke I am.


Thank you. "Amen" is not "A" "Man", literally.

Why stop there? Why not change the offensive "men" part to mxn and add the rest while they're at it:

When Trump or other Conservatives say something to "trigger the libs" you all laugh. Now you get offended. Can't take what you dish out.

@JacksonNought This was said to trigger conservatives? I was under the impression there were Christian liberals as well. I actually thought all Christians would find "Amen" being defined incorrectly, as sex preferable, humorous as well.

@saramarylop3z I don't know the purpose behind it, just saying I've seen a bunch of "hot takes" across Conservative media having conniption fits over it.

@JacksonNought tsk, tsk, tsk... how many excuses do you have for your woke idiots in the Democrats... oh wait....

@JacksonNought I'm still not used to Christianity seen as a strictly "conservative" value, but it's definitely defended more on the right. Personally, I feel all faiths should be respected, including Christianity, so when "Amen" is redefined it's rather disrespectful imo. (As well as a funny "fail" )

I do find it interesting, however, that other holy books aren't retranslated to fit a more inclusive language. For many faiths, the words in their holy books are very sacred and are not to be mixed together, challenged, or changed.

Still, a case can be made for the bible, as far as how people have deciphered its meanings. It's been translated in over 2,000 languages, and has been a huge part in many societies developments as well as even law at certain parts in our history. Just, as far as translations go, they may want to look up words like "Amen" before assuming it's gender preferable.

@saramarylop3z the Right, or the US Republicans, definitely align themselves as the party of Christianity. There are certainly many Liberal Christians, and Democrats, and you'll find people like Pelosi and Buttigieg and Biden and Obama claiming to be devout Christian. However, you will find many in the Republican party claiming both that you are only a Real American TM if you are Christian, and that you cannot be a Democrat / Liberal and a Christian. It is one of the fundamental flaws of the Republican party that they so closely align themselves with Christianity, as the "nones" are the fastest growing group right now, and the GOP is doing nothing but disenfranchising people.

Now, I am in no way defending what this person said, I agree it was pretty dumb. But I also believe all religions, Christianity and Islam and everything else, are not above ridicule, and blasphemy is a fundamental freedom we should all practice, so I am not offended by what he said.

@JacksonNought I'm in complete agreement with what you said as far as "branding religion", and it most certainly happens a lot among politicians, on both sides. I usually try to distance myself from the "real Christian" argument, because I feel I'm not one to judge how the bible or other holy books resonate with other people. The bible itself, can be special in numerous ways among different people.

Over the years, religion and politics still haven't quite figured out how exactly they mix. (Or, even if they should) It's been a strange mashing of the two in 2020 alone. From the Christ like ritualistic washing of feet, and other similar racial struggle sessions, to the televangelists speaking in tongues and praying for Trump, it's been very strange.

Personally, I am a bit offended the way Christianity has been stretched politically. However, I don't think the intention of the translation of "Amen" was from a place of malice, and was meant as an all inclusive manner. I do think it was disrespectful that there wasn't a basic knowledge of the words meaning, but am willing to give the benefit of the doubt that it was an honest mistake.


Bunch of snowflakes getting triggered over what one man said.

Not triggered... Entertained!

Not triggered amazed at the woke stupidity and the number of people on your side of politics that think it was a good idea.

@Lightman so triggered. Got it.

@JacksonNought Idiot.....

@Lightman I get it, you're triggered.

@JacksonNought Nope but you are an idiot.... LOL
Wassup Amen something new to you? hahahahahahahahaha

@Lightman you don't have to keep telling me you are triggered, we all already understand that.

@JacksonNought LOL only a deluded Prog would keep on posting the same crap again and again... go away little boy.

LOL people who point out facts are "triggered" ROTFLMAO

@Lightman yep, it is a fact that your feelings are hurt because someone made a comment you didn't like. You are the one who keeps replying, you are more than welcome to go away back to your echo chamber threads where you can complain about Liberals and your need to "own them" - while crying that some Liberal triggered you.

@JacksonNought Youre an idiot why do you feel the need to keep proving it... grow up.
Oh and your post is littered with self delusional lies... that is why I keep replying. It is not that I want to.

@Lightman my post, saying that you are all a bunch of snowflakes getting triggered over one word, is littered with lies? You must live in fantasyland. You are even getting triggered by my replies now. I would have thought you'd have thicker skin, but alas, you can't take that which you deal out.


Why women should not be allowed to vote, nor stupid men either.

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