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Big Pharma like Bayer AG of Germany make pesticides, fertilizer, and genetically modified seeds. Monsanto is now owned by Bayer AG. Uunder another name Bayer was the company that produced Zyklon B, also known as Hydrogen Cyanide for the Nazi Party. Zyklon B was used in the concentration camps as part of the final solution.

Until Trump, the U.S. was paying for socialist medicine in countries like Germany. The reason we pay exponentially more for pharmaceuticals.

Monsanto sued farmers when they're genetically modified seeds cross-pollinated with non-modified seeds. Again, Monsanto sued the farmers and took their farms.

The left and the rhino establishment hated Trump because he wouldn't let the world farm us like a milk cow. Yeah, some useful idiots think this is about politics.

If you care to look into this, you'll find scads of information. Definitely not a conspiracy. The statue has clay feet.

Tarpon Level 7 Jan 21, 2021

It’s an insane legal system that allows Monsanto to plant gmo crops adjacent to family farms and then win patent infringement lawsuits, when the small farms are cross pollinated! Government + corporate authoritarianism = fascism!

@WorldSigh Nah, its a conspiracy.


There is a science paper by Kelvin Leibold comparing farming costs for Iowa and
Brazil. American farmers pay a lot for land and seeds. Brazilian land is cheap
and they evaded the seed cost by genetically engineering their own seeds.

Gates owns massive shares in Monsanto, which produces genetically engineered seeds.
American farmers can't compete unless they buy price-gouged genetically engineered seeds. There is no competition in the seed world because Monsanto owns the patents.

If I were president I would open up the seed patents for use by American farmers.
Killing dumbass patents is a great way to redistribute wealth. Baffled that
democrats haven't thought of it. Oh, wait, they're not doing it because they
sold out to corporations, and patents are what holds monopolies together.

If things are going well, farmers own their own farm. If things are going
poorly, corporations own the farms and farmers are slaves on a plantation. If
Gates were a true philanthropist, he would divide the land and give it to
individual farmers. He would command Monsanto to release the seed patents to

Democrats love to bash slavery. Democrat oligarchs create slave plantations.

The Liebold paper: []


Sounds like a “conspiracy theory”. I mean this not as a criticism thrown out by liberals (ie.outlandish or untrue hypothetical speculation). Rather as a linguist using the words in their truest nature (e.g. hypothesis that seeks to explain an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators)

The thing about these conspiracy theories is that they tend to be based upon a great deal of detailed evidence that requires extensive study to prove or disprove. Usually there are elements that are easily proven either true or false and they ultimately remain theoretical because of the “unprovable” nature of either the data or the analysis. Although his motives may be clear to many, they are clearly the opposite to others. Only God knows they heart, but we can “judge” a tree by its fruit.

Personally I believe this theory may not be totally inaccurate.


Gates is buying rural land because it's cheap, on the order of 1 million $/km^2.
He's also buying rural land because land only has value if there is law and order.
There is no law and order in cities. The future of America is rural land.

Gates bought 880 km^2 of land. He spent a billion dollars.

Starbucks is an empire dedicated to acquiring as much storefront space in
cities as possible. They thought that city land was what's important. Bit them
in the ass. Cities are dying, from mob violence and from the exodus of the
wealthy. A typical Starbucks is uninhabitable because of rude people. The
vast empire that Starbucks built is worthless.

Gates praises the books of Vaclav Smil, who writes about biomass engineering.
There is vast potential in biomass engineering. I consider Smil's books to be
great, and they are similar in content to my biomass engineering
textbook. []

America once had a fine sense of frontiersmanship. In the gold rush era it was hard to get to the frontier, but Americans did it. They got all the way to the Yukon. Today we have aircraft and freeways. No excuse for not getting to the frontier. The future of America is the rural frontier.

A nuclear reactor can deliver water to the vast dry areas of America, which opens a new frontier.

In the frontier age it was possible to be an independent miner. All you needed was a pan.
Today you have to be part of a large mining corporation. America's greatest natural resource
is energy. We need to find a way to bust up the mining corporations and empower individuals in the mining industry.

The photo is of Klondike, Yukon, 1896. Today, there's probably a ski lift on that mountain.

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