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Doesn’t Fit The Narrative...

2peros 8 Jan 31
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let us compare the treatment and living conditions of slaves in the south and the factory workers of the north.


The first slaves in North America were native Americans enslaved by Native Americans. Most of the Africans transported to North America were enslaved by Africans. Kind of puts a different perspective on tribal people than the one a lot of people have. It also points to the problem not being cultural or racial but human in origin.

Indentured servant, serf, slave, untouchable, deplorable, there is always a justification for injustice.


Most of them were only indentured servants until they paid off their debts, escaped, or were released due to court rulings, and none of their children were grandfathered into servitude. This was over in less than a generation.

@Aeofric Yes, that is what they are. Which is not the same as race-based chattel slavery.

@Aeofric There are 3 differences: 1. They had more legal rights because they were white, 2. Their servitude had a term, i.e. it wasn't permanent (it may have even been voluntary), and 3. Their children were not born into it.

@Aeofric Oh and #4, after their servitude was done, they were a full citizen.

@Aeofric Did you not see where I said "Yes, that is what they are"? It seems to be you who refuses to make a distinction.

@Aeofric Huge difference in the total number of people enslaved in each system we're comparing to. And somehow you seem completely ignorant of that...

@Aeofric As for modern slavery, the US Supreme Court is currently deciding whether to hold US corporations liable for "contracting" with slavers in Africa and Asia, which they have been doing with no consequences.

@Aeofric NO distinction? I've given you 4 bullet points.

There were millions of slaves of African descent in the US alone.

Rather than explain everything to you, I'd encourage you to read this. []

Has it occurred to you that the camera had not yet been invented in 1619?


@Aeofric the picture is most likely children who were sent on the orphan trains year's later many of whom were treated like slaves.


If you want to be realistic the first slaves that were in the America were captives from tribal wars between the Native Americans.

KeVince Level 8 Jan 31, 2021

The real point is slavery knows no color or gender. All races were used as slaves somewhere at some time. Its was not right and we fought a civil war in part to put a stop to it

Marc07 Level 7 Jan 31, 2021

now it looks like it's heating up again


I think they were indentured servants - not slaves...but I might be mistaken about that.

iThink Level 9 Jan 31, 2021

You are, but who cares about REAL history, it does not fit the narrative!!!!

@turnerjolene48 believe whatever you like, there are clearly conflicting reports...

@turnerjolene48 your post says “fact check”, do you believe that??

many indentured servants were literally worked to death by those whom they where indebted to, they only had a limited time to work them so they were worked longer hours and given worse jobs. There where also the orphan trains that came along later many of the children were used much like slaves.

@turnerjolene48 thank you for saying this. it is what I was getting at with my comment above

@turnerjolene48 Reuters is the narrative...

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