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I just heard a song on YouTube from the 60s which brought back memories of the Vietnam war.  I wasn't there, I just missed the draft by a few months.  I knew a lot of people that were drafted and went to Vietnam.  I remember the protests and watching the war and protests on the news.  I remember how opposed to the war my parents were even though they were pretty patriotic.  I remember thinking how unfair the draft was as it seemed to be a poor man's drafted army.  I remember thinking the deferment system was a bit crazy.  Notably the student deferments and the famous people that got them.  A few examples are Bill Clinton (1 deferment), Joe Biden (5 deferments), and Dick Cheney (5 deferments).  I remember the Vietnam period as if it was yesterday.  What I don't remember is feeling anyone had a good argument for or against the war.  To me it felt that it just happened, that it was something set in motion long ago by half forgotten events.

I have that feeling again as I witness the culture wars.  That people are not so much picking sides but drifting into them.  Do people really decide what side they are on?  

In the three and a half billion year history of evolution has it ever been the case that it could have been different?  When I see people label others as evil it makes me wonder if evil is even a valid concept.    Are predators evil and prey virtuous?  Are the meek really destined to inherit the earth?

Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Dick Cheney, and all the other "draft avoiders", the people with power and influence, the people at Davos and similar groups, the manipulators and exploiters, are they evil?  What about the people who rioted at the capital and have been demonized by the establishment, are they evil?

The concept of evil isn't even clear from a religious perspective.  Could the fallen angels have done otherwise than to challenge God?  Even small children ask why God allows evil but the answers seem contrived and unsatisfying.  To do evil you have to know you are doing evil.  From where does the knowledge of evil come?  From a fruit in the Garden of Eden?  That's a very strange idea.

It's a strange idea because it implies that knowledge of evil must have preceded the ability to discern it.  The first evil act for which we are all cursed was to know good and evil yet to be evil you must know you are doing evil.  By that logic only god could be evil and we mortals just victims of our ignorance. 

I'm not trying to make a theological argument only trying to convince people of what they already know as children.  That all the arguments that adults make are designed to maintain their authority.  Actually or metaphysically.  Who is to say that the rioters at the capitol didn't have the authority to overturn an election?  Authority like evil is self defining, it first has to exist to be called into existence. 

I know this may all sound a bit crazy but I have a point.  Authority like evil exists because it has to exist.  It is not derived from a rational perspective but from an existential perspective.  What has to be for your genes and memes to achieve fitness.  As cultural creatures we often favor our memes over our genes.  That is not a rational perspective from the biological point of view.  The question becomes when and how did we become memes not genes. 

It is impossible for many people to grasp the concept of memes first and then genes but that is the human story.  Culture drove human evolution.  But what drives culture?  The answer has to be genes.  This kind of circular logic pervades everything.  It can't be reasoned with; it just is like evil. 

So how do we break out of what is to what should be?  How can we know what should be?   What kind of magic do we need to have the agency to decide?  A good place to start would be to understand the culture that has evolved before trying to engineer something different. If ignorance is innocence everyone is innocent until they are evil, we have to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, we have to transcend our own innocence.  Until there is knowledge there cannot be agency and having agency defines evil. The greatest sin the one that the fallen angels were guilty of is pride. We have to start from the position that we do not know what we cannot know.

wolfhnd 8 Feb 12
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What song, damn it?

govols Level 8 Feb 12, 2021

Fortunate Son

It captures both genes as destiny and the current sense that the elites don't live by their own convictions. That some lives are more valuable than others. That the game is rigged. That institutions are corrupt.


Good point, they seem to gravitate to whatever's nearest.
Learning critical thought was my best investment against lies, and propaganda.

Aside: I used to take my sons to the National Airsoft Event until this plague. They'd play 'Nam tunes' all the time on the Tannoy, so these tunes always accompanied my team 'moving out', it was quite the buzz.


Very thought provoking,, thank you...but isn’t that the hallmark of the post-modernist thinking, we must change but don’t know into what? And so we push words, push agendas, deny history in some mindless “we can do better if only you had __? I remember those times too and the riots in LA and Chicago. Is this significantly different if we can’t ‘fit in’ we will destroy? My question is, then what?

Like Jordan Peterson says "you have to give the devil his due".

I think people like Marx and Foucault are spiteful mutants. It's not clear to me that Peterson has an explanation for " evil men".

As I tried to explain, evil by definition implies intelligence. We don't think lions and tigers or viruses are evil. Evil according to the Bible enters the world through knowledge by the vehicle of the Fallen Angel. The Fallen Angel who's primary sin is pride.

Post modernism is built into the dominant intellectual paradigm. If logic science reason leads to determinism then there is no basis for morality. I take it one step further and say evil is the pride that stems from ignorance. Ignorance of the unintended consequences of social engineering. The evil of Hitler and Marx doesn't stem directly from ignorance however. It stems from the pride that leads to social engineering.

The first step to solving the worlds problems is humility. If you want to solve the culture war preach humility. Foucault is anything but humble. He believed he and he alone has risen above ignorance to an almost God like state so he lived his life without morality.

Peterson is right our elites like Dawkins are not evolutionary enough thinkers. If they were they would not be such strong opponents of religion. If you are a determinist then religion was determined by selection. They are as self contradictory as religion.

I know you are going to say well are not religious leaders spiteful mutants? Yes and no. The ones that start new religions probably but reformers such as Jesus and Buddha not so much. The rate of cultural mutation is critical to adaptation. Life requires a degree of reproductive fidelity.

@wolfhnd I dunno. The evil of Hitler has to be viewed in the context of what was good - and there was still some good to be found, and what we from our vantage point call evil. Returning 3 million men to work, for example, can be seen to be good. The fact they were brought into the army turned out to be very relativism at work.

As for religious leaders? The failing is not necessarily in the idea but the application. Like Marx, there were/are some good ideas that have been corrupted in how they were implemented, if at all, and not just used as a ruse to silence the critics until a bullet in the back of the head finished the job once and for all.

It seems to me the failure is that it requires people to implement it. 😉


Sure but good as a practical matter is relative and subjective. It is often defined by unintended consequences. If Hitler had won then the majority of people alive may have thought it was good even if it could be objectively shown that it was not.

Another religious concept applies, fallen. It cleverly avoids the concept of good, as in good for whom. I explained that fallen is just a place holder for pride. As in pride goeth before a fall. The pride we want to avoid is thinking that if we had been Hitler we would have done otherwise. Judge not least thee be judged. Judging people doesn't do much good unless you are talking law. Trying to see how and why they failed avoids a lot of confusion.

@wolfhnd There are always unintended consequences, something I had hoped was covered when I wrote about the application of a particular idea. Whether politics or religion the results always seem to be left to the whim of someone other than the author...a real live Hegelian dialectic.


The discovery of fire started the cultural revolution/evolution all those thousands of years ago. It was also discovered that living in larger communities offered more protection from predators and the elements than living in tiny groups. Trial and error would have played a big role also. Design I associate with a designer which I reject as I'm an atheist.

angelo Level 8 Feb 12, 2021

We will have the discussion about design some other time perhaps. Your position is the standard incompatiblist position so you are in good company.


Missed the draft? ... You could have volunteered right?. Why didn't you?,

Bad eyesight, and the war was almost over. By time I would have finished training the war would have been over. In fact I have never registered for the draft. There are a few people like me that fell through the cracks between the time it ended and was reinstated.

There is a story that goes along with the above. I had been notified by the draft board to register but failed to do so because it was clear the draft was going to end soon. When called before the judge to answer for my crime I convinced him that it was an exercise not worth pursuing because the timing made it impossible for me to be drafted. No draft no reason to register.

I should add that I still could have joined the military even though the war in Vietnam was ending. Perhaps to serve my patriotic duty. The problem is I could not see myself as a soldier. Not only was I nearly blind without my glasses I thought I could serve better in the Peace Corp. But I never made it into the Peace Corp either. I had made my application and had started learning French which they required for the teaching position they had selected for me. My wife however refused to allow me to join. It was either my wife or the Peace Corp and I choose my wife.

@wolfhnd Ignore me. My Dad served, came home and died of cancer when I was four. He was younger than I am now ... it just pisses me off that we never had a beer. I'm just bitter - absolutely nothing to do with you. Sorry.


It was a very good question. If I'm making an intellectual argument for conservatism or the conservation of traditional values then avoiding military service makes me a hypocrite. All wars are stupid but the greater sin than starting war is conducting them stupidly. That is Vietnam in a nutshell. You can make the same kind of argument against the Nazis. If they had not gone to war against there own people, Jews and others, they would have conducted the war differently. Maybe even defeated the other evil in Russia.


What drives culture? Evolution of course, what else? The genes we inherit have evolved through the generations. Human evolution drove culture, not vice versa.

angelo Level 8 Feb 12, 2021

The idea that human physical evolution drove culture is a common misconception. The first common use of stone tools was over two million years ago long before modern humans. Possibly made by Paranthropus aethiopicus or Australopithecus garhi. In any case probably some ape with a brain case of around 500 cc while modern human cranial capacity is around 1400–1500 cc. Homo erectus was using fire around a million years ago. The combination of these two cultural adaptations allowed for larger brains to evolve. The importance of these discoveries cannot be overstated because it defines the relationship between physical and cultural evolution and the nature of human intelligence. Their are other species with large brain to body mass ratios such as the Cetacea but they have limited ability to use tools. Large brains in and of themselves do not define the type of intelligence humans have.

The relationship between culture and human intelligence is so developed that there is evidence that humans deprive of the cultural adaptation of language at an early age have physically altered brains that cannot be repaired by changing the environment. More importantly it should be obvious that a human placed in an environment and having no previous exposure to culture would be practically indistinguishable from any other animal. Language and language tools such as writing make all the difference. The ability to pass on advances by memes not genes to successive generations is how human culture has advanced to the current state. A hundred thousand years ago it didn't matter what your "native" intelligence was you were stuck living the life of a vulnerable hunter gatherer.

The question of what intelligence is can be largely ignored because it's cultural adaptation that is important and why human population has grown exponential over the last 20 thousand years. Cultural evolution being less linear than physical evolution.

If language was just a way of passing on information it would not be so powerful but it is more. It is a reciprocal process in which some language tools allow more effective language tools to be developed. The evolution of the thinking tool of mathematics being an example. Such thinking tools however were not possible with out another step in cultural evolution, writing. An interesting question is how much of cultural evolution is or was a matter of trial and error and environmental pressures resulting in selection similar to physical evolution and how much is by design. That leads to another important point or what is the nature of design. By design is the central point of my first post.

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