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Facebook group for super straight pride.


CookieMonster 8 Mar 10
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The alphabet people left out S for straight. How uninclusive! How undiverse! What systemic oppression of straights!

Proposal for a symbol for superstraight:



I question the heterosexuality of anyone joining a #Facebook group for "super straight pride".

Theres super bi and super gays joining the group, how would you question them?

@CookieMonster I wouldn't question that at all. I would assume they're outright freaks. 🌈

What's "super bi" tho? They're super into either gender? That sounds super indecisive. Not saying they have to choose, but it's like being thrilled about both chocolate and vanilla. I guess.🤷♂️


So this group is for "super straight" pride, but they are openly racist and Nazis? The group specifically says:

If you are to be racist, nazi, sexist or whatever the fuck, just make sure you use words that don't get flagged like ni66a, Transformer etc Other than that, enjoy

So they are fine with racism and Nazism, just don't do it in a way that bots will pick it up? Sounds like a great group of people there.

To start, their mission statement is flawed:

For people who don't know who or what a super straight person is, lemme explain. Transsexuals believe it is transphobic of straight people not wanting to fuck them...

The people who legitimately think they are entitled to sex / a relationship despite their identity are extremely rare. They are outliers. It is no different than incels. Should we classify all Christians or all Conservatives / Right-Wingers as incels just because incels mostly identify as Conservative Christian? Should we make "Super Non-Christian" groups with statements like "Christians believe it is anti-Christian for women to not want to fuck them"?

On a different topic, I honestly don't understand straight pride or white pride. I don't really understand having "pride" over something you were born with, something you cannot change about yourself. Now you may ask "what about LGBTQ pride and black pride" - well that isn't really "pride" over something you were born with, but rather pride over the adversity that has been overcome. LBGTQ and black pride is because until very recently in history it was perfectly legal (and even encouraged) to discriminate against people in the LGBTQ and black communities. Even going past slavery and extrajudicial muder / lynchings, you could deny housing accommodation, medical treatment, job opportunities, etc, just because someone was LGBTQ or black. Even today we are still debating in Congress whether we can fire someone from a non-religious corporation for no other reason than they are gay.

To me it seems like straight pride and white pride are nothing more than whining about other people gaining equality, that you are no longer special and given preferential treatment. The Facebook group rule #1 is "no fucking snowflakes" but it seems like the members are the biggest snowflakes of all.

@JacksonNought I agree with about half your comment.

  1. Having not visited the group, it sounds like a Poe. I dunno anymore tho. The world's gone mad enough it could be legit.

  2. I don't think the group is suggesting transfolk think they are entitled to sex with cisfolk. I think it's suggesting transfolk believe it's transphobic for cisfolk to reject any possibility of having a romantic relationship with a transgendered person. And I suppose they're right. Would it be racist of me to reject any possibility of a romantic relationship with a person of another race? I suppose so, but I don't care. I refuse to have romantic relationships with people of different races or transfolk.

  3. I honestly don't understand straight pride or white pride I don't understand straight pride either (as I see it, it's the default ... like being proud to have two legs and ten toes), but I can understand cishets becoming defensive when they're told they're bad people if they don't want to date transfolk. From that perspective, it makes sense, I just wouldn't call it "straight pride". I'd call it "my personal choice, so fuck off if you don't like it".

#WhitePride makes sense to me because #WhitePeople are fucking awesome and everything we do is amazing. However, the only time "White Pride" ever matters to me is when someone suggests I should feel bad for being White or for things White people have done. I don't go around giving other Whites high-fives and congratulating them for being White, but when someone pushes a #WhiteGuilt or #AntiWhite narrative, I get VERY high-fivey and congratulation-y about being White. As I see it, #ItsOkayToBeWhite, but that's it. If the only thing someone has to be proud about is their race, that's pretty pathetic. However, if someone disparages Whites, I get defensive and OVERTLY pro-White.

  1. Agreed on snowflakes. The Left and the Right each seem to have their fair share.

"The people who legitimately think they are entitled to sex / a relationship despite their identity are extremely rare. They are outliers."

As identity has now been prioritised over biology they are not outliers, they are the standard. They may not have the numbers, Bolsheviks didn't either. Its not well correlated with power.


Check this article out: What Being Transgender Feels Like A transman (woman) explains some idiosyncrasies about his experience being trans. The most startling one I found (and one of the reasons I've soured on the LGBT movement in general) is this jewel:

  1. I love having sex ‘vaginally’.
    I just don’t like using the V word in reference to me when I can avoid it. But seriously, while I used to have hang-ups about my body, I eventually made peace with the fact that there’s nothing wrong with the extra hole I have. It’s just outsiders who keep trying to tell me it’s somehow female.

OK, so that "extra hole" is a vagina and it's very much a female thing. Now, I don't fault 'him' for continuing to enjoy vaginal sex, or even his rejection of the fact his extra hole is a vagina and it's female. He can call it whatever he wants. But that doesn't mean I have to recognize 'him' as a man. He's not. He's a woman. I'll be polite, I'll use whatever pronoun he wants, but at the end of the day, he's still got a vagina and enjoys men penetrating it with their penises. All of that says "woman" to me; the only thing making him a "man" is just him saying he is. 🤷♂️



Agree, To me its not a case of its a hole, a vagina or an extra mouth its why is my worldview subordinate to this persons. I can get why its polite if speaking him but when talking to third parties? Like you here? /Right or wrong I do not have to subordinate my world view to someone who arguably has mental health and perception problems.

The difference between the T and the LGB is that the latter make very few demands of third parties, the Ts want to mess with everything. Or their political advocates do


I can get why its polite if speaking him but when talking to third parties?

It's no skin off my nose if I use their preferred pronouns when speaking with third parties and it gives Leftists one less thing to bitch about. If they're going to call out my opinions on the subject, they'll have to address the substance of my beliefs, not get wrapped around the axle because I didn't use the "right" pronouns.

The difference between the T and the LGB is that the latter make very few demands of third parties

There's certainly more of that in the T-section, I the whole LGBTQ+ has become anti-White. It pisses me off bc I used to be an "ally". Yes, I'm partly to blame for this shit gaining acceptance. It seemed like a basic human rights issue at the time. They said they wanted equal treatment and I was cool with that. Now they'll sue you if you don't bake a cake for them. That falls under "special rights" which they said they never wanted. If a gay baker doesn't want to bake my cake, I'm SOL, but they can force you to bake it.

I got played. Lesson learned. I helped them gain an inch and then they demanded a mile from me. That's OK tho. That pendulum swings both ways. What has been granted can be taken away.


Fair enough.

Naomi Level 8 Mar 10, 2021

The Stanford Linear Collider (SLAC) is referred to the world's straightest object.

@jaymaron Most hetero object? 🤔

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