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White cop shoots black girl, to save the life of a black girl!!!
White cop is a RACIST!!!!! WHY??????
Because he is WHITE!!!!

Serg97 8 Apr 22
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Sounds right to me....


Proving they are stupid, unable to think or reason and they prove why 'whites' did better, dominated. Those 'blacks', or dark skinned who know better need to SAY something. Say it TOGETHER in a group. Only they can bring their own into line.

But, THEIR leaders are taking them the wrong way!!! Have you listen to the MSM re: this shooting????

@Serg97 No, far too many things to hear, all negative. I feel sorry for men like yourself, honest, caring who enter police or medicine. They'd LIKE to do a good job. But that's not what it's about now, is it.

@2FollowHim You really need to listen to the other side, so that you understand what we are up against!!!!

@Serg97 reread my comment PLEASE? You'd see I'm ON YOUR SIDE 100%!
You're assuming, going too fast, read again ALL to ensure context.

In your time, it was possible to go into law enforcement or medicine to HELP, do the job.

But it isn't about the job anymore. Wise people just do menial jobs, try to stay clear of a corrupt system. My spouse knew that, didn't go into the system and he can read, study the Bible seeing truth there, able to detect, reject doctrines of men.
Obviously power groups are using skin color.
Biblically, the colored people are enacting rage for their ancestral lining Africa. The cruelty done there can't be properly discussed.
The Bible calls it reaping.
I bring up the Bible because it explains most clearly.
Not whether someone follows it.
Just the corrupt family connections with power.

Personally, I'll want to be extra kind to them, whenever possible.

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