5 2

An unconventional life and a romantic female relationship. The women kept it to themselves - rightly - it was very personal. And people respected them and let them be.
Be it a heterosexual or LGBT relationship. Sexuality is personal. It's no one's business, right?


Naomi 8 May 20
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If it's nobody else's business, why have 'pride' marches?

Tom81 Level 8 May 20, 2021

If no one's business why do incidents like this also keep happening?
I'm aware of the other side of the coin, and on this occasion, I don't like either side.

@Naomi exactly like you said initially - nobody elses business. So the article you posted is a good example of the flipside of the pride stuff. You can either see it as people expressing themselves (obviously not talking about the physical violence - no excuse for that... unless you're beating down a rapist/pedo), or you can see that both are obnoxious and irrelevant.

@Tom81 Don't forget that there are conservative LGBTQs. Douglas Murray and Peter Thiel for example. They never take part in rainbow marches. It's the stupid assumptions like all LGBTQs are progressive, all conservatives are far-right, etc. that irritate me.

@Naomi Agreed - there are extremes in every group and they're usually the minority but the most vocal and the most seen (and do not represent the majority). The people in the centre look similar (no matter what side), and the people on the edges/extremes look similar to their counterparts. 🤷


Speaking as a Catholic, the Church teaches to hate the sin and love the sinner.

Me? I say that there is little enough love in the world as it is, that to deny love's validity by citing Old Testament rules - from well over two thousand years ago - is just being petty. After all, you don't stone your children to death for being disrespectful to you, eschew tattoos or piercings, or avoid wearing clothes containing mixed fibers, so don't act like the Old Testament is Gospel.

If that makes me a bad Catholic, I'm sure God will let me know when He sees me.

But having said that, just because I'm believer in love doesn't mean I'm going to somehow feel guilty for being straight. Or apologize for being straight. Or bow to your rules about what you think being straight really means. (1) Or agree to your cancel culture for anyone who doesn't bow to your agenda. (2) Or be cowed into approving gay pride parades that intentionally try to provoke people by being outrageous. (3) Okay? You do your thing and let me do mine.

(1) For example, I am not a misogynist or homophobe if I choose to not date a transwoman with a penis. And if you really believed that shit, why don't you say the same thing to gay couples? That is, shouldn't lesbians date women with penises? Shouldn't gay men date men with vaginas? Yet, it's only straight men you preach that to. That tells me all I need to know about what your agenda really is.

(2) My brother, who is gay, is still pissed at me for eating at Chick-Fil-A, because he says that my eating there means I don't care about homophobia. One, neither Chick-Fil-A, nor its founder, are homophobic. That's the LGBTQ+ community's interpretation because the founder had the temerity to say he believes in traditional marriage and made donations to charities that ultimate donated to other Christian charities. Enough of the, "if you aren't with me, then that means you must hate me," bullshit. As I told my brother, if you want to be tolerated, then you have to be willing to tolerate. It's not a one-way road where you and only you get to demand things like what people are allowed to think.

(3) You want to win support as gay person? Mow your lawn. Pay your taxes. Be a good neighbor and a co-worker people like to be around. You want to irritate people? Go make a leather harness with dozens of rubber dildos attached to it like spikes, and then walk around in it with nothing other than form-fitting leather bikini briefs, like you're some kind of sexual barbarian from a fantasy porno. You want to do that, do it in your bedroom. Or your kitchen...I don't judge. But using your sexuality as justification to do whatever the fuck pleases you, is bullshit, you know it's bullshit, and you're only doing it because you know you can get away with it. Like I said earlier to the people citing the Old Testament, don't be a petty asshole just because you can.

I don't care about other people's sexuality.


I care about it only insofar as people using it as a weapon against me. If consenting adults just did their thing in the privacy of their own home, hotel room, RV, etc. there'd be literally nothing to ever be concerned about.

@Alysandir I guess having a gay brother with particular attitude, as you describe, makes it a little difficult not to have concerns.
When I watch or read about incidents like homophobic evangelicals deliberately setting up a platform with a loudspeaker in an area where LGBTQ people live and delivering hate speech against them, I have to wonder why they need to do that. Is that because they believe that their god doesn't allow homosexuality, so gay people must be cured or eliminated or something? I read somewhere though that the Bible says nothing about homosexuality because sexual orientation was not understood in biblical times.
I also don't understand why some LGBTQ people feel the need to come on so strong that they impose their sexual orientation, let alone LGBTQ rights (what are they exactly?), on others? They're probably in the (loud) minority, both hate speech evangelicals and rainbow LGBTQ, but why get each other's throats over sexuality? I don't get it.


I guess having a gay brother with particular attitude, as you describe, makes it a little difficult not to have concerns.

I'm really not sure what it is you're trying to say here, so let me be very clear: I don't care who sleeps with who, so long as minors and animals aren't involved. I don't have any concerns about who is gay or who is straight or who is bi and who is ase or whatever other shades have come into being since the last time I seriously studied the subject. As I tried to explain, I want there to be MORE love in this world, not less. That maybe if more people had love in their lives, we wouldn't be such assholes to each other and maybe we'd want to make the world a better place instead of constantly to tear it down.

As to your questions, which are basically, "why do anti-gay people act so horribly?" and "why do gay activists feel equally justified in acting so horribly?" I would say your concerns mirror my own. I am beyond tired of people using sexuality as a social weapon to push an agenda that is anything but tolerance.

Why do people do it? I would imagine it's because they think it gives them power and purpose. Or maybe it's that weird human behavior we all have encountered where someone thinks they know better than you how to live your life, yet can't even get their own house in order. Whatever it is, the world would be a happier place if it just stopped.

@Alysandir I thought you were referring your brother to (2). Anyway, everything is politicised, and I don't go along with it. I'm also tired of people who repeat, like parrots, narratives that generated by propagandists.


Sexuality is personal. And I wish it was still so.

I'm pretty sure that the majority don't introduce themselves "Hi, my name is so and so, and I'm heterosexual/homosexuals." Lol

@Naomi the individuals aren't the problem. The problems are state run schools and organisations interfering with childrens sexuality, and at times also tries to define adults sexuality. Sexuality is a private thing. If an individual (straight or gay) involves me in something I don't want to be involved in, I can easily let them know. State messing with me; not so much.


Of course it’s no one’s business. Now please tell that to the LGBTQ community bent on thrusting (yes, thrusting) their sexuality into the heterosexual community’s face and insulting straight people with terms like cis and binary.

Many years ago I lived in San Francisco. I recall that the homosexuals were mostly respectful of the heterosexuals and vice versa. That balance has most emphatically disappeared, and not as the result of anything the heterosexual community has done.

Hello there. "I recall that the homosexuals were mostly respectful of the heterosexuals and vice versa." If you say so - maybe before my time. I believe that it was illegal to be homosexual in England. Anyway, I've also come across enough heterosexuals who are also guilty of making contemptuous comments about LGBT+. Why get at each other's throats over sexuality? What's gone wrong then?


The best-dressed ladies in the closet!

sqeptiq Level 10 May 20, 2021
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