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So Republicans think that Jan 6 was Antifa, but they don't want an investigation?

JacksonNought 8 May 27
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Maybe after 4 years of investigations and impeachment trials "We The People" are tired of wasting our tax dollars into investigations over partisan bullshit. I am one of those essential employees that hasn't missed a day of work in 4 years, I have had to work everyday while watching people quit their jobs so they could get that extra 600 a week. How about stop the partisan bullshit so I can keep some of my paycheck so I can afford to improve my life, that is why I work.

So you are only tired now that the Dems are the majority? Were you not tired of all the investigations when Reps were in charge?

Also, you don't collect unemployment if you quit, so your "observation" is wrong.


So after the Dems bungling of the two pointless, impotent impeachment’s, and four years worth of Russia conspiracy theories how can anyone in their right mind think anything worthwhile can come of a few years of naval gazing on the Capitol Hill riot?

Like the New York investigation, this is pure political theatre, motivated by revenge and vindictiveness.

And as noted by @RobBlair it will conveniently distract from the border crisis, economic crisis, mideast crisis, crime crisis.

GeeMac Level 8 May 27, 2021

Do you acknowledge the Bill Clinton impeachment was purely political theater then? And the Obama birth certificate nonsense (perpetuated by Trump)? And Benghazi? And Hillary's emails?

@JacksonNought Washington is political theatre on all sides. Delighted to discuss that, but I thought you were posting on the Capitol Hill riot.


Granted, I'm not a Republican, but I absolutely endorse the idea of investigating all of it.

I also don't endorse the idea that Trump is President, while simultaneously holding the belief that there were a number of obvious election anomalies that led to reasonable questions, for which we have not received answers more adequate than, "We looked at it. It's fine. Trust us. Stop asking about it, unless you want your comments censored and accounts banned."

No, sorry, that's simply not good enough. The Left thought there was Russian collusion & interference in the 2016 election and spent years and multiple attempts to uncover evidence to back up that belief. The Right is told to stop asking questions, because doing so is divisive to our country and undemocratic. That's not an equivalent standard by any measure.


The FBI has, and still is, investigating it thoroughly with hundreds in jail. Just need to ask them for the details - If you can trust them to not be partisan.

I trust them to be more partisan than a group of "cyber ninjas" looking for bamboo fibers in ballots.


Govols beat me to it!

They have arrested hundreds and will have, at some point, trials. The FBI is pursuing many investigations. The obvious question is "How can congress contribute to what the FBI is already doing?" Further, given the open lies presented during impeachment v.2.0 (the biggest being that Trump incited an insurrection), which, at this point, has had no repercussions, what assurances are there that any information obtained from a congressional investigation is worth being considered?

My biggest concern though, is that this goose chase will be used to distract from the border crisis, economic crisis, mideast crisis, crime crisis, upcoming "Summer of Love returns with a vengeance" crisis, and other crises being caused currently.

As for the IPSOS poll, 16% and 24% of Democrats and Independents believe the Jan 6th violence was led by far left radicals trying to make Trump look bad.


Don't want an investigation by groups that alter exculpatory evidence to prove guilt.

So you are against Cyber Ninjas then.

@JacksonNought Swish! Swirl! Evade! You are truly a master of the subject change.

I have not seen evidence of Cyber Ninjas altering evidence.

@JacksonNought A subject change implies you acknowledge my point is valid and wish to move on.

@Penrodster I have not seen evidence of Democrats altering evidence of the insurrection either?

@JacksonNought I didn't say democrats. FBI and DOJ altered emails from CIA to go after Carter Page. FBI and DOJ would be running these investigations of the January 6th, gun toting, car burning, police murdering insurrectionists.

@Penrodster The deep state is essentially controlled by leftist commies so manufactured guilt is a deep rooted leftist agenda.
Let’s get the truth on all fronts.

Or stuff election boxes!

@Rick-A really? You post InfoWars as your non-biased source?

@JacksonNought You quote people off Twitter! I’m just making sure you understand the quality of your comments deserves the same type of response.
PolitiFact is your equivalent?
Clearly your message is the media.
Lastly, are you still listening and worshiping your non-biased CNN?

@Rick-A I've quite literally heard Republicans in Congress claim Jan 6th was Antifa and Left-Wing agitators, and then turn around and vote against an investigation. Twitter has nothing to do with it. CNN has nothing to do with it.

@farmerguy56 Satan doesn't exist. Do you think he does? Do you hear voices? Is that why you have an obsession with exclamation marks?

@JacksonNought Satan is alive and well. It’s the Democratic (Leftist) party that terminate the unborn. It people who display the signs, a Nazi displays a Swastika, the KKK are the Clan emblem. It’s your party!
The party of Abortionist.
You hypocrite: you have words Atheist & Satanist in your bio!

@Rick-A ummm... the current Nazis and KKK are Republicans and Right-Wingers. Also you should see just how many GOP members get abortions.

I am an Atheist and Satanist. What is your point?

@JacksonNought Try reading your own stuff, it bizarre in the extreme.
You are truly in an alternate universe. Your party is the party of racists, KKK, fascist, fraud, and the murders of unborn children.


An investigation into an event of no significance is a waste of time and money.

wolfhnd Level 8 May 27, 2021



You have no concept of incompetence do you?

The events of January 6 were the direct consequence of incompetent security at the Capital. The events at Benghazi were a direct result of Clinton's incompetence. The decline of California is the direct result of Democrats incompetence. Cuomo's incompetence resulted in thousands of excess deaths. The subprime fiasco was the direct result of Democrat legislative incompetence.

There are lots of things worth investigating but a minor riot at the capital is not one of them. It's just political theater by the incompetent Democratic Party and their lap dogs in the media.

@wolfhnd Benghazi required six different investigations?

Jan 6 was not a minor riot, it was an attempted coup.



@JacksonNought People died in Benghazi.


Simple answer is polls are garbage and no one expects truth from an investigation from this admin into their opposition.

Tom81 Level 8 May 27, 2021



"Wow this is the dictionary definition of strawman."

@JacksonNought comparing Republicans to nazis and jihadists, when your own side behaves more like both😂. Look up irony.

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