7 1

How are you not going to understand this? You want there to be world peace. I'm asking you for how you are going to get it? Does the human race have a plan, do you have a plan? I know that something is tearing you up inside, I'm like how haven't you seen this yet I mean you're here aren't you you're on a group that is about the war of culture, this isn't exactly the right place you would come to hear good ideas about how to make the world a better place, on some level you must all know that just is this place that you all come to because you all think you have something good to say about everything, but that's not what I can see here, this place isn't any different than any other place or rather any other time for that matter, there's always going to be problems in the world, you're making history right now, but you cannot change the world's history that is meant for the fate of the world, especially with anything that you are complaining about here, why are you even here right now, I'm just asking you guys because apparently whatever you are doing here is working and it looks like you have just everything sorted out, I'm not making fun of you because you suck at being real people that you claim to be I'm making fun of the dact that you must still be aware that your world is the width of a hair away from global war at any one time, are you serious right now, I'm not stupid, you have no excuse, you sure do are on the very brink of war and believe it you as useless as a rusty doornail and you don't even know it, you have zero faith in your planet in your society, the truth is that you are not even in control of anything that happens, that's why you are here, why else would it be I mean according to you all the world is just a land of daisies to you, because apparently you say that you don't know of a reason of why you want to be complaining right now, seriously, you're not even bullet proof, you like to think that what you are is someone smart, you are a complete failure, even the reason for why you think you have something to complain about doesn't make any sense, you're not smart you are a walking contradiction that likes to think that you are really a part of the human race, seriously I mean you don't find there being a problem with the world actually not being perfect paradise that you hoped for, but you have a problem with how I'm calling you useless right now because you can't even comprehend what I have to say, you can't figure out how to solve your problem so you're making a joke about me that's what you are doing, like I said I'm not stupid and I know exactly what you are doing, because you do this every God forsaken time and you still don't know why, you can't fool me, it's not even like it's a real mystery why you were lead here and why you don't even know why you think a reason to complain, this is humans history, if you're so much smarter than me then I want you to tell me why you think you can laugh at what I say like it doesn't mean anything but you still think that you have a reason to complain when I say that what you say about what I have to say is full of shit, don't get me wrong I believe you're as dumb as the next camel but on some level you must understand that what you are doing is wrong or you wouldn't be complaining, do you even know how many times that people like you tell me that what you can't do is understand me, how many times that you disregard ever listening to what I'm ever saying because you think I'm making fun of you, you come with this excuse for what you don't understand is because of me, that just sounds like you, you place your problems on other people or you blame them when you all have the same exact thing to say about how your world is and yet nothing has changed and you can't even figure out why, maybe the world just doesn't like you have you ever thought about that, because you sure as hell not going to keep doing what you are doing now and not just even ever listening to me while you keep telling yourself that you have all the answers right now just because you are human, you're a fool that's what and not even a custom make fool you just keep doing the same thing always expecting things to be different and look at where it got you, just like everyone else!..

caseyxsharp 7 June 22
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Seek psychological help now.


Here’s a suggestion for world peace:

Use proper grammar.


Rant number ???????
sorry if it's not but all the rest have been and aimed at someone... but who?
So I have not read more than the first few words yet again.


Do you feel better? Did you work out your "Daemons".... Satan? Another fun rant. The present is a gift that's why it's called a present 😁

lol That is one helluva text wall isn't it?

"Build that wall!"


This site is a place to share news, info and humour, to debate topics and exchange ideas. It's a place for gaining and sharing knowledge.
It is not a think-tank, shaping policy.
What do you exactly expect from here? For the members to organise an armed rebellion on this site? Whilst you're accusing everyone of being useless and doing nothing but complaining - tell us what you have done differently. What exactly have you achieved or at least attempted to?

Tom81 Level 8 June 22, 2021

Never a good policy to feed the trolls dude. This is a howl for attention. If you give it, he'll keep howling. Then it will be...
"Take your partner by the hand and... Dolce doe!" all over again for another round.

@Hamulus or you can give them enough rope...

@Tom81 rofl I think there is such a thing as too much rope.

@Hamulus just make more knots 😅

@Tom81 lol The other way to think about it is if the rope is too long (and the drop is high enough), the sudden stop at the bottom is still gonna be effective.

You just did that again, stop assuming you know how I think, like what is this believing that I would want you people to join in any mission of mine, I'm not accusing anyone as they are useless, but you are being like that, you can talk about me how I talk all you want but you should know that talking about me like that isn't going to change that you think that I want something from you because you don't know how to actually listen.

You just talk about me and not what I'm saying. If you have had a problem with what I say then you should talk about it, you don't do anything no one here does, you don't do any of that you have nothing worth speaking for, don't call that a problem with me just because I'm pointing that out to you, I know smarter people like talk crap everything about what people say and you know what they actually talk crap about what people say not just about the people, you are the trolls that contribute nothing but hatred not me, you make this stupid excuse that it's how I am that it makes you talk about me like you do, but you're not funny.

It is, a good, thing, that this place isn't for about forming change, because you are all useless at it, I'm sorry that no one ever told you this before, but none of you could come together to do anything about the consequences of the problems that you are having, you have nothing worth adding to the world, you just like whatever you want to like and don't like whatever you don't want to like, like right now, you think you have a problem with how I talk about how useless you are, but, that's not a problem with me, maybe the reason you think you would have a problem with what I say is because you never listen to me, or anyone else, this place is the place you call the culture war and guess what you can't always be right in war you morons. This is exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm not asking you to change because of what I want you to know. I just would like the idea that since none of you are kind enough to actually add to the conversation that you should be considering to be interested enough to actually try. You talk about people that you say have a problem who are actually trying to talk about something that really is a problem, but if that's so much of a super problem for you then, maybe you should actually do something besides only ever talking about the crap you either do or don't like and blaming what you don't like on other people.

..people have real problems and real problems with people are real, you can't just talk about people and the problems that they have like they are nothing, I know that you can figure that out for yourself, you don't get to just choose whether or not you like or dislike other people's problems, you don't blame what you don't like on other people's problems, you aren't the one that has those problems so you have no room to talk, all you ever do is talk crap about things that you don't like, you want to talk about me, but you don't have anything to say and guess what that's your problem right now because you're just sick because you are the one with problems.

@caseyxsharp you have smoked yourself retarded! Lay off the weed (not making assumptions, your profile states that was one of your interests) for a while, till you can clear your mind a bit and learn how to come to a point. Your posts are just rambling that contribute nothing and don't bring any real discussion - it's you that has nothing to say.
Whatever your problems are (other than spelling and grammar), incoherent and vague page long rants aren't going to fix anything.


Somehow, I thought Lucifer would be a tad more.. literate?
God loves you, Casey.

No Sympathy for him here.


Was that a Stones reference? Nice!

@WorldSigh That it was.


You're welcome.

  Cencerely, from Satan the Devil himself. 

Look I brought gifts for all of the little boys and girls. You ungrateful waste of complaint forms. God I love being right!!!..

About what?

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