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Hey do you want to hear some real controversy? But I'm just going to say one thing first, there's a reason why I a speaking to you kind of person I am not is because you happen to think that crazy people to you have anything to say, well I am crazy then if that's what you want me to be because what I'm crazy about that I know I would be saying about is the fact that no one here knows how to listen to shit, so I'm just going to talk anyway and you can just listen.

Do you believe in that the world can be controlled by some real religion or are you one of those people that want to believe that a purely scientific explanation of everything is what controls everything? This isn't a talk about conspiracy it's just a simple question, because you're not crazy just for asking that question, this question has been circulating through our society for thousands of years, and you would like to know the answer and what it would mean to you no matter what it is.

I'm just only speaking about that right now for a reason, because now I'm aware of the fact that in conjunction with some people here like to associate me with being a crazy person just because of what I talk about because when I say you people don't know how to listen to other people you simply just say oh I'm the one that doesn't know how to listen to normal sane people like you, you're a psychopath that's why you don't even know what real bad things would even be to you for real and you like to think that you would be able to determine what that is for others too, but that's okay because whether you believe it right now or not I'm going to prove it to you right now.

You humans have been living in a world of your own delusions since the dawn of time, and that's hardly anything new to be appreciated as a matter of fact, you came up with this idea called science like it's supposed to be 100 percent right all of the time, it's like because you were afraid of the unknown and you wanted to understand but in the process of trying to understand you made it a special condition for what is to be good or right is having to always be good and right to you because that's what you believe now is that things that you call science has to be just to be right and good to you with your logic. I'm just trying to say right now that, and you assume to think that your logic holds any value whatsoever in the real world, because just for starters not to mention science, you people don't even know what kind of crap that society has conditioned for you to believe about what you call science, for exactly the same explanation that I've just given, you're not the one in your best mind to only be listening to your logic right now. It doesn't matter what you believe, whether you believe in the contemporary being a religious or scientific world, what you know right now is wrong and you wouldn't be the one to know it right now whichever you thought to be true about the world you thought you knew or not.

But that's what I'm going to tell you right now is that, you're not living in a world like you thought you knew this is not just a scientific world this is a spiritual experience, and maybe what you are really afraid of is not what that means but the idea that something really exists that has so much power over everything in the world that scares you, at least that's what I'm being lead to believe by looking at the regurgitated crap that you all so easily swallow on a daily basis without even the slightest compression of what it is and yet you still like to think that you know what you're talking about telling others that what they would know would be is wrong, I'm going to make this as easy for you as I can make it right now for you to understand this that I'm talking about instead, you can be afraid and there's nothing wrong with that, you don't have to simply only believe that there's a real conscious being that would control everything even no matter if that's what you thought so or not right now, that's not the problem with you and not to mention the whole entire rest of the world right now, I'll tell you what the problem is right now it's that you don't even like to at least know that there would be one right now that has way more power over what you call right even better than you are at knowing it right now, you don't have to even listen to me speaking about how crappy your world is for how it is while spinning some long yawn about how hey there's a celestial being up in the clouds right now that is rooting for the human race to finally pull itself together to the realization of it, no, that's not what I'm doing here right now, I don't have to make you believe that's what I believe that I am telling you right now, because this is the part that you're not understanding right now, is that what else could it be right now, you believe in stupid shit as the human beings that you are regardless of what anyone else thinks and you know what none of that shit is even real to you anyways.

That, according to you is actually why that you would have liked to imagine me as just some crazy person for simply just asking for someone else to just at least listen to me, you don't know what you're talking about. I don't care if even what you believe right now is that something like it's just the illuminati or something that is doing everything in the world and you happened to also believe that there's beings made of light like looking down at you just for you to figure out something ain't right here, hellz yeah that's right something ain't right here, because that's what you believe, when you don't even know anything else better to believe, it doesn't matter if it's really good or bad just the point is that you believe in something, because I can tell you for one thing right now this shit that you humans already believe about the world right now it's all the same bullshit that you like to believe at the end of the day anyway, don't let me right now be the one to correct you right now, it's not like it's that impossible for anyone to realize that what your whole people have ever believed about anything has been totally crap all along, and maybe, if you unclogged and opened your ears to what is actually here right now maybe you'd be the one capable of figuring that shit out for yourself instead of hoping for something else to come along to correct you because this is what you always do, it's not about religion or science, what you believe right now is totally bullshit and you're not the one to know it right now, that's exactly what I'm saying.

caseyxsharp 7 July 3
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When the aliens come... they will bring new science.

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