11 4

Vaccines; McConnell got it, Trump got it, Doocy got it, Hannity got it, Carlson got it, Gutfield got it, Ingraham got it, 97% of Medical Doctors got it.

Hospitals are filling up with the unvaccinated.

I think this is a problem of government ineptitude and social media misinformation. Not to mention the mainstream media trying to sensationalize a crisis.

I have yet to hear a valid science backed argument against getting the vaccine.

Please help me to understand the vehement opposition to the Covid vaccine?

FOTD13 7 Aug 16
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Yes, the vaccine is only 90% effective. If 100% of people were vaccinated, then only vaccinated people would get COVID. It's not the figures that lie, it's the liars that figure.


Well, primarily... because it's not a vaccine in the first place.
It's a gene therapy experiment that they've been trying to find an excuse to conduct on humans for a decade or two now...
There is no onus for the reluctant participant to provide a "science backed argument against submitting to the experimental treatment for a disease that they don't even have..."
That's simply a red-herring. Provide a science-backed argument for submitting to the experiment, and then I will decide if I agree; which I don't.

Tell me... what has either the Government, or the Pharmaceutical Industry, EVER done to gain your blind trust?

rway Level 7 Aug 16, 2021

My physician has earned my trust due to his extensive medical background and decades of practice. The surgeons who saved my life have earned my trust due to well, saving my life. They have forgotten more about medicine than everyone posting here. So, I will let them help me make the decision.

I wonder where non vaxxers go if they get Covid? Hospital? Then what? As your lungs are filling with fluid and you are drowning from within do you ask to see the ingredients in the medicines they use to put you in a coma? Do you demand to know where the ventilator was manufactured?

@FOTD13 Your questions sound like demagoguery laced with scare tactics. I am happy for you to have earned trust because my trust has been violated repeatedly that they have earned my mistrust and distrust. I seem to remember many times, many people going to the hospital and the doctor & staff saying 'sorry there's nothing we can do, it's a virus going around.'

If you are not asking questions about the ingredients in your vaxx, while you are healthy, well that's your problem. Very interesting statement of 'The surgeons who saved my life have earned my trust due to well, saving my life.' I am sure the people who trusted the extensive medical background and decades of practice of their health care providers were sure glad for the opioid addicition prescriptions. You will let them help you make the decision? I thought you had already trusted them because and for saving your life.

They have forgotten more about medicine is very disturbing statement about physicians/surgeons you trust. I haven't forgotten anything but then again I am not everybody, socialistically speaking. Maybe they put you in a coma with ingredients of medicines that they forgot what they are and forgot how to revive you. You sound like a paid shill troll.

However, I only originally came back to this post to share a link with you about FDA issuing 'black box warnings' on jabs and serious heart issues 'explode' in number ~ no pun intended.


@FOTD13 hey while you at it, if you haven't blocked me or giving me the narcissist silent treatment

you should look into this doctor, whom I survived, when I was in emergency room care and he was the attending physician doctor on duty



I help you understand, if you can do math outside the Common Core variety.

How many deaths from Covid worldwide? Lets round up to 5 million.
How many people in the world? Let's round down to 7.5 billion although much closer to 8 billion in reality.

Do the math. 7,500,000,000 divided by 5,000,000 is what? 1 in 1500. And that percentage is what?

Next, look at the cast of characters involved. Pfizer, a convicted known criminal organization. Eugenicists, like Bill Gates, who advocate population control repeatedly. Then there's doctors & scientists who are censored and silenced, raises concern and red flags. MSM that perpetually lies, obfuscates, virtual signals & gaslights.

You 'have yet to hear a valid science backed argument against getting the vaccine' is because of draconian censorship. Where's your proof of the hospitals are filled up with the unvaccinated? Because if that was true they would be screaming that full volume bloody murderers. I've seen plenty of news that the hospitals are filling up with covid cases of fully vaccinated people.

A government that has a record of experimenting on its citizens, and corruption of getting alleged treatments in use. Look up Thalidomide and then tell me like the other advocates who use demagoguery to say, 'what about the people with suppressed immune systems?' Do you think any of these victims of pharmaceutical companies are getting the inoculation of Covid? Its not a vaccination.

You may think its government ineptitude naively. Social media MISinformation? Hardly. Its DISinformation, maybe even DYSinformation.

Mainstream media trying to sensationalize...what a laugh. Blackrock & Vanguard are principal shareholders of Pfizer AND the mainstream media. Its a controlled illusion.

Then if you don't go along with the narrative, you are accused of being an anti-vaxxer. More virtue signaling and vitriolics usually ensue as a danger to others not vaccinated. I am a ProChoice vaxxer. What goes on behind the closed doors is between you and your health care provider. It Is none of my business or anyone else's for that matter but that is subliminal reinforcing compliance by shaming and neighbor surveillance of neighbor for totalitarianism. If you want the shot, then get it, you are protected now, right?

I don't give out medical advice except on horses. Nor do I listen to bureaucrats or their minions on medical libations. If you don't agree with the treatment protocols, you are always free to get a 2nd opinion unless you are controlling that and attempting to take that away too.

If the masks worked, then why did they release dangerous criminals from prison? If the masks and shots worked, then why did they put covid sick people in nursing homes with a demographic that they claimed to be most vulnerable?Do they or did they test the flood of illegals coming across the border, who brought with them variants from other lands & shores, that were not here until they came? Use to be immigrants were kept in quarantine until deemed safe by the doctor in charge.

I got plenty more; for conservation that you are not ready for. Like known lying politicians having to demonstrate their getting jabbed, and the reverse psychological implications of that vs. just taking them on their word that they got a shot, if it was my business to know and 'believe' them. Or the suicide statistics before lockdown compared to now. Or more people died from malpractice at the hands of doctors. Or not to mention a whole slough of other aliments, quite common, quite deadly, worldwide with far greater casualties a year.

guess I flooded the system with overload lol

here we go again 😉

  • Fauci: A mask is not necessary and will not protect you from the virus.
  • Fauci: Everyone should wear a mask.
  • Fauci: Two masks is even better.
  • Fauci: If you are vaccinated you don't need to wear a mask.
  • Fauci: You should wear a mask even if you are vaccinated.
  • Fauci: We just need to lockdown for 2 weeks to flatten the curve.
  • Fauci: If you are ignoring me, you are ignoring science.

Does this sound like science or the ravings of a mad scientist? How can you make decisions based on that contradictory, hubristic nonsense.

Health remedies that are objective or observable problems are the domain of allopathic medicine as there is generally a single remedy, with perhaps some modifications, for all individuals. This is what allopathic medicine is all about. Applying the same or almost the same treatment for every individual.

Remedies that involve drugs, antibiotics, vaccines, are hit and miss and their efficacy is plotted on a bell curve. Some of the remedies may kill some of the recipients, some will be helped with mild side-effects. Most will be helped with no side-effects and a regular dose. Some may need extra doses. A few will perhaps not need any intervention at all and survive.

When it comes to pill-popping all the risks must be weighed for every individual. This is why we have never had a mandate or needed a mandate for any health concern previous to this vaccine. There was no vaccine hesitancy to polio, smallpox, typhoid, malaria or like disease because if you got the disease it was almost an assured death or disability. The risks of adverse effects from the treatment were less. We have child vaccines that are standardly given, like MMR, and are almost considered compulsory. We get a lot of vaccines in our younger years and there is some indication that the amount may be excessive and compromising to our immune systems.

The wild anti-vaxxer movement is waving a red flag on vaccines altogether but once again decisions for the individual should always be moderated by the risk/benefit factor. If you're doctor is not a mad-scientist consultation with him is best to make an informed decision always. Some people may not have their phobia of vaccines alleviated at all.

The way western allopathic medicine is being provided is becoming questionable as we move toward collective/socialized medicine. The spectre of eugenics and euthanasia are raising their ugly heads. Overwhelming costs that are limiting the delivery of healthcare or restricting it to the exclusion of more efficacious but perhaps more expensive treatments is becoming a concern.

In the end it is the individual that should be making final life and death decisions regarding his healthcare. Not Doctors, Not the system, not insurance companies. Anyone that is not mentally competent to make their own decisions should have a proxy appointed to make the decisions for him.


97% of doctors have NOT received the jab. In fact, it is the medical community and the doctors especially pushing back personally, and NOT getting the jab. It is estimated based on Texas figures that less than 50% of doctors will take the coof jab

Your post is clearly misinformation


Here's my street-level view, based entirely on personal experience and observations of/from dozens of friends and family.

  1. Covid is nasty
  2. I've had the delta's really nasty
  3. Pfizer and Moderna side effects are next to nothing
  4. J&J vaccine...3 people sick afterward
  5. Pfizer efficacy - meh...several vaxxed friends got covid anyway
  6. Don't know any Moderna vaxxed people who got covid
  7. All vaxxed friends have easier time getting over the virus. None hospitalized.
  8. About 8 unvaxxed friends really struggled getting over the virus. 3 hospitalized
  9. About the same number of unvaxxed had a relatively easy time, but those were all alpha variant.
  10. Thankfully, no one I know directly has died from covid
  11. If you do get covid, ask for monoclonal antibiotic infusion. Amazing stuff.

If it sounds like I'm making a case in favor of the vaccine, that would be wrong. I'm a staunch believer that this is something each individual needs to decide. All I know from firsthand experience and observation is the vaccines help, but they are far from being a silver bullet. My distrust of the government runs far too deep for me to even begin thinking vaccines should be mandatory. If at some point down the road they were to develop a vaccine as effective as the ones for smallpox, measles, and polio, perhaps I'd reconsider my position. But I don't see that ever happening because this virus is probably going to keep morphing, and I think before too long it will be classified as an epidemic and cast into the same category as the flu.


A total waste of time even countering this level and quantity of false information.

Absolutely right. Those who propagate such foolishness have no desire for truth or they would seek it out and not propagate such lies. Even though the truth has been censored with vigor, it is still available to those who seek it.

@Daveclark5 The TRUTH is all over this site, has been for months as it unfolded. Shit brain here is stirring the pot for shits and giggles.

@toronto_Georgia I usually enjoy your posts. Too bad you fell back on name calling and a general lack of an argument and calling me a liar. I am a lot fo things but a liar is not one of them. I am not trying to stir the pot. I am trying to have a discussion and understand an issue. I thought that is what this site was about. I have learned so much from this site with open and honest dialogue amongst members.

@Daveclark5 "Even though the truth has been censored with vigor, it is still available to those who seek it." Pleas enlighten me with facts from medical professionals.

You two are as intolerant and unwiling to have a discussion as the left you so fiercely condemn.

@FOTD13 I generally detest name calling as you well know if you follow my posts and comments. The amount of MSM misinformation in your original posting on this thread suggests that you are mostly listening to the brainwash TV for the masses. There is a group on this site called COVID19 Vaccines. In that group you will find a huge number of postings with direct links to the information you say you seek. Additionally, checking all of my own postings you will find numerous clearly labeled postings also with that information from renowned doctors, virologists and scientists. With all the information I just specifically referenced you are quite capable of getting up to scratch on the subject without people here needing to feed you. I am sorry if my current mood is short with you, I suspect with the Afghanistan disaster, the boarder disaster, the Department of Homeland Security and the DOJ targeted attacks on Medical professionals and conservatives have all been keeping me more than a little busy. For all of those reasons I find my patience is in short supply.

It is unreasonable to show up with a small bowl of stale scraps and expect a good discussion with people who have done real research and show up with a feast.

@toronto_Georgia Well said. I’m not one for always being nice, you did that very well!

@Rick-A Thank you.
I suffer from terminal nice, Canadian/Christian eh!! LMAO

@toronto_Georgia I’m Canadian/US so I am as you might say, in both camps.
I can be nice, but it’s not a forgone conclusion/condition.

@Rick-A LOL. you could say I am both as well, lived in US for 10 years now. Figured when I crossed the border that I was entering the Fall of Rome. So sad to see it come true.

What I never expected though was to see Canada fall too.


This is not reasons to not get the vaccine it is an explanation of vaccine hesitancy.

"Hospitals are filling up with the unvaccinated. "
Hospitals are filling up the the vaccinated. Israel is smacked hard wtih 95% of the hospitalized vaccinated. The vaccine is less efficacious than advertised while propaganda for the vaccine is heavy.

We have NEVER pushed vaccines on people who have already had the disease, especially with the safety hazards. Why the push for vaccines rather than herd immunity through vaccine and natural immunity?

Most of the vaccines focus on spike proteins as a marker, the wild variants of the virus also use other methods and get missed by the vaccine. The missed virus are mutations that now survive.

There are reasons to get the vaccine, it is a risk/benefit analysis. What is hurting the vaccine push cause is hiding data, broad immunity to manufacturers, unconstitutional push on doctors to not give medical waivers, fake research to crush possible non-vaccine treatments, overblown benefits.

The media and administration are working to remove the choice of a risk/benefit analysis, remove ANY talk of possible risks and puff up the benefits. The risk/benefit choice is being beaten with a hammer. WE DO NOT TRUST PEOPLE THAT ACT LIKE SCAMMERS.

Notice the administration has put out no paid advertisements for the vaccines. There are laws surrounding the advertisement and the vaccines do not qualify.

I seen the Israel ones, they all had the Pfizer.

Seen a YouTube news, that the Strait of Gibraltar, the British hospital was filling up. They have 100% fully vaccinated there, so any and all cases are vaccinated ones.


You missed something. People on cruise ships that were all vaccinated who got sick.
How many died. That number was never disclosed!
The stats out of Israel have not been fully released or audited.
Obama’s spreader party stats are a mystery.
It’s all in the “manipulated numbers”.

It’s not about who got it, it’s about facts!

The facts that are being managed and hidden.
You can’t trust VAERS, you can’t trust the political view point and so how can you make an informed decision?
With censored free speech, and FB bans where do you get the “straight facts”?

The managed agenda has been putting out statements that get modified and changed every other day essentially because the narrative can’t be effectively debated.
Drs are being silenced.
It’s about having an educated discussion at the highest level.
That’s not happening right now!

Rick-A Level 8 Aug 16, 2021

How could you possibly trust this…

2peros Level 8 Aug 16, 2021

I believe that it is a complete lack of trust in the government causing vaccine mistrust. However to refuse a saving vaccine is akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The covid vax isn't a life-saving measure in the vein of smallpox, rubella, or polio vaccines. But you're right... the resistance to the covid vaccination, in my opinion, is entirely due to lack of trust in our govt. And that lack of trust has been well earned.

@coalburned they could all be the next Tuskegee Syphilis Study... []

@Weltansicht That's why I can't fault anyone for saying no. We don't know what we don't know.

@coalburned With you there. Same time, if someone feels the need ( and were not coerced or intimidated) to get the shot, then go for it. That is their business, not mine.

To say to me that I might infect someone, then don't get near me, or stay home, whatever. Reverse psychological guilt tripping is not going to work, just piss me off to start my own rant and diatribes about the safety protocols of businesses and yada yada yada....

We don't know what we don't know. That is priceless gold there. Goes back to the masks effectiveness and plain simple logic.

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