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Rebel News: Work from home Alberta Health Services worker facing forced vaccination

Alberta Health Services is attempting to force an IT employee, who works from home, to get a COVID vaccine.

warminster100 9 Sep 15
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Joy Reid attacked Miki Minaj, Reid played the race card against Minaj.

Minaj played the race card back.

That's how poker works. If you raise, you could get raised back, and you could go down quadruple. Democrats are oblivious to this. Democrats recklessly raise and assume they can always squirm out of going down quadruple. Don't let them squirm.

Democrat arguments are easy to rebutt. Just hold up the hypocrisy mirror. It's easy.

Minaj threw the gauntlet on the ground. It's a gauntlet that's too hot for leftists to pick up.

Minaj channeled the spirit of Galileo. She sees the Inquisition. Minaj said:

This is what happens that you're so thirsty to down another black woman by the request of the white man that you didn't bother to read all of my tweets.

I'm in Twitter jail y'all. They didn't like what I what I was saying over there on that block. Asking questions is okay. I like being bucking dumb. Then boom. Can't tweet.

People will turn their back on you, not agreeing.

People will isolate you if you simply speak and ask a question.

Y'all don't see what the buck is happening?

I'm seeing black women on twitter acting like this is funny.

Black women, are y'all forgetting there was a time not too long ago where you couldn't even make eye contact with people?

And you're okay with what's happening?

Whe're no longer even allowed to voice our opinions, to ask questions.

Here's what's interesting,

So many of your favorite artists feel this way and they're afraid to speak up.

Twitter banned Minaj. Twitter then issued a public statement stating that they didn't ban Minaj. Twitter lied. Everyone knows they lied. Democrats know Twitter lied and they don't care. Democrats are idiots.

Loki: Bow! Is this not simpler? Humanity was made to be ruled.

Democrats: We like simple. What are your commands?


New York City requires a vaccine passport to enter a restaurant or bar, and the penalty is $5000.
This has caused bouncers to act like Nazis.


The U. Cincinnati Claremont basketball team canceled their season, because they are protesting the vaccine requirement.


Minaj tweeted against the vaccine, and then Twitter banned Minaj.


I'd save money cooking my own food. No problem. You wouldn't really want to patronize Woke-run establishments, would you?

@eschatologyguy Absolutely! They seem to think that we need sports and access to bars. When we boycott them, they will quickly call their masters requesting relief!

@eschatologyguy @warminster100 @eschatologyguy

Yes, let's make home cooking great again!

Make home schooling great again!


It's all about control to these dictators.

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