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Rebel News: Why not just comply? | Canadian Nurses protest against hospital vaccine mandate

Most hospital employees with whom I spoke said that they have now been placed on an unpaid leave for refusing to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19. If they continue with their refusal to provide proof of vaccination, their employment with the hospital will be terminated.
This defiance on the part of frontline healthcare professionals— and their willingness to sacrifice their careers over this— prompted some crucial questions. First and foremost: Why take this stand? Why not just comply?
FULL REPORT from Dakota Christensen
: []

warminster100 9 Oct 16
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Same thing in Australiastan. Currently on unpaid leave awaiting termination from the public health service.

Tom81 Level 8 Oct 16, 2021

To me? I start to think all that TRAINING, work, study to bother becoming something may be a waste of our life. Maybe work is just money to pay bills, under these conditions?
Maybe unvaxed have to band with other unvaxed?

I hate that you have been put into this situation, I hope you get a positive outcome. One of my employers finally said we don’t have to go on unpaid leave if we test twice a week for Covid.

@Garsco supreme court of nsw ruled that vaccine mandates are legal, so NSW Health can legally fire me. My job (and income security) is gone but I won't be shedding tears. I've noticed that over the past 5 years at least, the education has shifted from 'question everything and speak up for you're patients needs' to don't question the system and make sure the patients don't either'. They're training compliant robots afraid to think for themselves. And the system is increasingly beurocratic every year. More pointless paperwork and tick boxes so it looks better on paper, less ability to discern therapies and less time for actual quality care. The system is actively weeding out those who care and those with skills, in favour of those who will follow orders no matter what. No surprise that the system is stacked with narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths in all positions of power (just like the police force).
At least I've managed to learn skills and knowledge, and build up supplies along the way.

@2FollowHim not a waste if you manage to gain skills, knowledge and experience along the way, no matter what the job/training.


Side effects cataloged? No recourse? Why don't they pay you if you suffer because of their shot? They're right to refuse.


Will they send enforcement agents to private homes. Vaccine by force. Will they imprison those who will not submit. The mandates are evil and those enforcing them are partaking of evil acts.

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