8 6

yes but how did he accomplish those things? sure he ended the war but very poorly. recovered the economy after advocating for the policies that ruined it. job growth, that”s funny when you consider the jobs were vacant before because of him. and how did he get people vaccinated? by all but forcing them to if they want to be able to work or just live freely. im not about to praise coercing people into taking an experimental drug. as far as the rest yeah again not really sure hiw thise are exactly wins when you don't like what the spending is for and how you got the bipartisanship. it wasnt like the Rep that went along with it were the nost conservative of the bunch anyway and what wqs the alternative to agreeing to it?

Joehlert11 7 Nov 9
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I love it when they say created six million jobs, recovered the economy. Jobs weren't created, people just went back to work in those jobs they had to leave because of lock downs. Economy isn't recovered as we are in shit ton of inflation.


Internal propaganda for the Cult's next circle-jerk.
These things are always presented as a mic-drop to preclude discussion... not to invite discussion.
Upon even the slightest scrutiny, each one of these claims actually represents a horrible and detrimental failure; except for parts of the infrastructure bill that actually go toward infrastructure... which is only about half of it.
There has long been a broad, bipartisan awareness that we have a lot of work to do in that sphere. The hold-up has simply been opportunist special-interest whores who keep stapling unrelated things to the proposed packages. The "accomplishment" in this case, if they can wake Biden up long enough to sign it, will have been to simply pass it anyway... pork and all.

rway Level 7 Nov 9, 2021

He did nothing positive. He killed 10 million jobs and counting; he returned us to an era of skyrocketing inflation that threatens to push the middle class spending power back to that of the poorest in the nation (especially when the poorest get the minimum wage bribe that will barely cover the cost of necessities (food, shelter, cheap transportation, etc); wiped out all progress we saw over the past administration; made us less safe by opening borders to everybody willing to break our laws, including murderers, rapists, child traffickers, white slavers, drug cartels, diseased people (TB positive, Etc...), and by giving over $85, 000,000,000 worth of weaponry to terrorists and betraying our allies our citizens trapped under the rule of terrorists and emboldening the enemies of the US with his utter incompetence; trampled our constitution; etc...

I guess his puppet masters have accomplished a couple things, including emboldening our enemies, destroying our economy, enriching the criminals willing to kill and maim as many as necessary to maximize their wealth and power, bringing us to the brink of communism and one world governance, (moving us closer to a oligarch run one world government with only 2 classes and only a few in the upper class). But yeah, tax the poor and spend on every pork project under the sun does tend to make the stock market go up rapidly (with wild swings that preclude those without power and wealth to gain from it).


Look. OBiden didn’t end the Afghan war. He deserted our allies there and gave terrorists the entire country to use as a base for new international attacks. That war is not over. He didn’t rescue the economy, he inherited a strong economy and promptly tanked it by paying people not to work and creating wholesale stagflation. He and his friends at the CDC have fostered chaos and confusion over the effectiveness of masks and vaxxing (we need to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated) and imposed illegal mandates that have contributed to the supply chain mess—thus further ruining the economy. So it’s a mystery how he can take any credit for convincing people to get vaxxed. As for the infrastructure bill, the polls show it is not popular, but it is unnecessary and inflationary (see above). In short, the man is a train wreck combining administrative incompetence with a radical authoritarian political agenda.


Joe Biden did none of that. None of what has ocurred in the past nine months is the work of Joe Biden. He is a vacuous puppet of Obama who ensured all his minions would be installed in the Biden administration. Poor Joe has to take all the flack from Obama's "fundamentally transformational" policy failures.

Poor Joe my foot. He's made out like a bandit throughout his political career and now is president thanks to massive fraud. FJB.

@sobieskirocks Don't disagree. Now he is just an addled shell of his former corrupt, duplicitous self and serves his puppet masters well.


this meme is a textbook example of gaslighting

yup. like oh yeah sure those sound like great things just how about next tine don't be the reason you had to build back the economy and jobs, don't enact a military decision that sure we want but in a way that cost the lives of your own people, and don't accomplish your achievements through fascist means of all but forcing people to do as you tell them.


Sloppy Joe massively armed Afghan terrorists for free! What's wrong with these Democrats? Blind partisanship!

sqeptiq Level 10 Nov 9, 2021

I like when they try to spin it like, “well he just had to follow what Trump set in place before him.”. funny how the one time you decide to follow through with something Trump left to handle it’s all his fault because you fucked it up. im sure if it was a success and it had gobe smoothly he’d have no problem taking credit for it but because it didn’t…Trump. i loved all the comments on this saying how Dems need to praise Biden like this more. they can’t because if they did you’d have to acknowledge everything else that comes with it and be praising all of it.

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