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Vaccine Choice Canada Speaks with Dr, Hoff on Various Aspects of Covid.

Dr. Charles of Lytton, BC Continues to Speak Out on Adverse Reactions, Deaths and Treatments
Here are points you could consider:
0.0 Intro: 1988 Canadian Government exempts Pharmaceutical Companies from all liabilities arising from adverse reactions/deaths from vaccination
7:00 Dr. Charles Hoff describes what happened in Litton BC.
13:20 he describes the failing of the medical profession (repressed / censored)
31:50 questions if there are doctors who know what is right but fear to speak out. Also speaks about D-dimer test to show extent of blood clots and the increase in diseases due to damage to immune system.Plus, blood supply contaminated.
49:20 speaks about mandates and terminations in BC. Masks don’t work, lockdowns to keep us safe.
52:53 D-Dimer tests, symptoms not appearing for several months. Destruction of Litton (man-made?) Blood clotting permanent.
59:30 Where does his support come from? Who is going to lose their jobs?
1:01:00 Spiritual war – not vaccines but killer shots for de-population of the world. How to take down the evil players.
1:08:00 Haap system direct energy used to destroy Litton? Temperatures reached 49 degrees Celsius before fire destroyed Litton. Blood donation service accepting / identifying blood from vaccinated & Informed consent, vaccine mandates for children.
1:22:20 Expected punishment/ restrictions for unvaccinated. Division in families. Spiritual warfare. Shedding.
1:44:28 Virus has never been isolated or purified. How do you create a vaccine for something that does :not exist:
1:47:40 What is graphene oxide doing in injections?
1:52:25 PCR Tests. Flu disappeared in 2020.
1:57:25 Treatments of covid Ivermectin, HCQ, Vitamins D3 and zinc. Deaths of newborns with vaccinated mothers. Reporting adverse events.
2:04:00 Lack of control groups in future. Safety trials abandoned.
2:07:00 What age groups are adversely affected? Blood clotting removed.
2:32:28 Testing swabs, Quick testing. Treatments.
2:40:00 Stay away from hospitals.
2:42:43 Vaccine shedding. Outpatient treatment. Masks do not work.
2:56:10 Ivermectin doses.

warminster100 9 Nov 19
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Trudy is determined to be awful in every way he can be.

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