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LibertyCoalitionCanada: Former Alberta Nurse: Protocols & Mandates Are Killing Healthcare

Former nurse Julianne Johnson explains why good doctors and nurses are being pressed out of health care by senseless protocols, and gives advise and courage for dealing with vaccination mandates.

warminster100 9 Nov 24
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Those who have acquired natural immunity through prior infection are NOT being tested or acknowledged. People who have recovered from previous infection are being treated as "dirty unvaxxed"



As a third-shot Albertan, I am greatly cheered by increased vaccination levels and tumbling infections and ICU levels. My thrice promised surgery may now go proceed.

I am not being confrontational...just curious. Remember a year ago they said mandated booster shots were a conspiracy theory.

What will you think when your fourth shot no longer qualifies you for your passport because the fifth shot is required to "go back to normal"?

How many more shots are you comfortable taking before you question the efficacy of these jabs?

@Sensrhim4hizvewz Turdeau has ordered enough to inject every man woman and child 10 times.

@Sensrhim4hizvewz I have been taking the flu shot each year for the past 24 years at least. I think the COVID shot will eventually be built in. Kids regularly receive MMR which is a vaccine against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. The higher the population pressures, the greater the spread of organisms. Oh well, the needle is preferable to having all the grandmas in the African village come to greet newborns and spit in their mouths for good luck. Mama's macrophages and immunoglobulins in her milk soon get a workout. Pick your poison.


Let's be clear...the mRNA "vaccines" are under EUA. Clinical trials have not been completed. Data has already been covered up. Adverse effects are being covered up. These are NO WAY like the normal vaccines we all take. I took them...everyone did.

The other difference is that no one is mandating me to get my yearly flu shots. These coof jabs are being forced onto everyone. This new experimental technology and the control they demand over people is DANGEROUS!!!

@Sensrhim4hizvewz Conspiracy theorists abound.


I have a suspicion that this is their goal, the removal of every layer of protection of society. But it's hard to see clearly if you've been brainwashed with ideas that doesn't even really make much sense.

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