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Sounds ominous! Thoughts?

FrankZeleniuk 8 Dec 13
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the path to hell is paved with good intentions

RobD1 Level 7 Dec 13, 2021

Or bad intentions masquerading as good intentions.


Not a big fan of his solution of voting from home and automatic voter registration.

He's basically saying take your country back by sharing power with those who want to destroy it. And Michael Douglas's identifying of what's wrong with the system is way off the mark.

@eschatologyguy the free $100 to everyone is another red flag to me. Voting should require personal effort to look into each candidate I could get behind making voting day a holiday, but I’m in favor of less exceptions to voting in person, and cleaning the voter roles every few years. Cheating should be made very difficult.


The Left has become experts at deception, at misleading bill titles, at inserting destructive provisions in seemingly innocuous laws.

Another thing is, Josh Graham Lynn is being lauded by the hard institutional Left like HuffPost, and partners with Big Tech. He's a walking political booby trap, if you ask me.


Big glitch: Vote from home. Red flag to me.

The red light for me was highlighting the single transferable vote system.

@FrankZeleniuk I don't really understand that "single transferable vote system". What exactly does that mean?

@toronto_Georgia Very convoluted. Proponents declare the system more "equitable" as it "makes everyone's vote count"... sometimes for someone you would never vote for. A lot of European countries have adopted it and now can't get past forming a majority rule government that isn't a coalition of political parties. Takes months for a government to be formed....Hmmm... may be a plus point.

The complaint about first past the post (FPTP) is that people don't bother voting because they feel their vote doesn't count and that if only 50% of the people vote then the winning party can form a government based upon winning just 26% of actual voters votes.

The real problem is that voters are kept ignorant as to the purpose of government and succumb to the pandering that politicians offer them. They are also kept ignorant of basic economics where the "science" of economics has been a tool of bankers to grant themselves privilege and never allow the rank and file to understand what they are doing especially to hide the crimes they are perpetually committing.

@FrankZeleniuk FPTP is high impact for sure. The pandering is so blatantly obvious to many of us it always shocks me when people fall for it and fall they do, all the time. Dumbing down hasn't helped, nor has a propagandized press. Bankers hold themselves up as pillars of society all the while robbing the public individually and as a whole. I've been aware of the dangers bankers represent for decades but still have been dumbfounded by Catherine Austin Fitts revelations. On the simplest level far too few even understand the derivatives market and that that whole issue in different asset categories has risen again to deep six everyone. Their next heist will vaporize the retirement savings/investments of entire generations off the map and we are so close to that little number you can feel its breath at your throat. Finally the whole "green issue" designed to penalize every soul in Western nations to 'fix" the imaginary problems corporations alone were responsible for. A citizen these days might as well be renamed "rube". All the inequities they rant about were actually and have always been the creation of the banks, corporations and government tinkering... yet each pretends to virtue signal their grand support all the while further bankrupting all of us. Without an understanding of how all these entities and processes work, the average young person falls into their pits of despair while the boardrooms are filled with uproarious laughter. Ignorance these days has led to outright carnage. The non-stop efforts of politicians to further distort the election process is just icing on the cake.

Sorry for the long rant, however this FPTP conspires to further rape the citizenry all presented in a way to hypnotize its innocent victims. As soon as I saw who was doing the presentation I knew we were in for a classic Indian snake charmer performance.

@toronto_Georgia Enjoyed the rant. Agreed with just about all of it except FPTP is the best voting system. The error in it is in making it a universal voting system where everyone gets a vote. Perhaps everyone should have the right to earn a vote but there have to be certain qualifications met and you can lose your right to vote as well. Only citizens should vote, for instance. Good idea? Yes? Criminals should lose the right to vote. First gen immigrants should not have the right to vote. Those not supporting the Constitutional system of government outlined by the founding principles of the nation should not get a vote - that would be like communists, socialists and would be dictators. Dead people. It might be that only about 25% of the people will vote if the population takes no interest in their governance or as much as 90% will vote if they meet the qualifications.

@FrankZeleniuk My concern with FPTP as you had explained, or I had understood, was one vote which could include a rep you had not supported, i.e. pure party line vote across the board. I must have misunderstood.

Only citizens = Yes
Criminals = No
First gen immigrants, having obtained citizenship legally = Yes
Those not supporting the Constitutional system of government = Yes (if you are a citizen) No caveats
Dead people = No

@toronto_Georgia I'm no expert on voting systems. I understand one person one vote but what I see in places where the STV has been adopted is that minority parties usually wind up having to support other parties to form government. The minority party is usually a fringe special interest group and they hold the larger party to ransom so they can negotiate policies that will include some of their demands serving their interests. So you get special interests being granted privilege that should not have any privilege above other people and accommodations have to made to appease them. Like pronouns need to be announced or people whose parents didn't have a cottage by the lake must be recompensed.


It's gonna take imprisoning and deporting a lot of miscreants.

sqeptiq Level 10 Dec 13, 2021
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