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Jon Stewart Accuses JK Rowling of Anti-Semitism

Krunoslav 9 Jan 5
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Also, Jon has refuted these claims. So maybe listen to him before listening to talking heads commenting on a nothingburger.


Stewart seems determined to confirm the stereotype of the needlessly fearful Jew.

sqeptiq Level 10 Jan 5, 2022

Yeah. I don't know what is more annoying people who see Jew conspiracy in everything or so called Jews who think its all about them.

@Krunoslav probably the people who think there is some Radical Marxist Feminist Trans cabal trying to destroy the world, and it's straight white Christian people who are the most persecuted.

@JacksonNought A substantial number of Jews still think the cossacks are coming for them. It really is amazing.

@sqeptiq a substantial number of Conservatives still think Jews run a shadow government and are responsible for every bad thing to ever happen.

@JacksonNought Thoughts cause you no harm. Find something substantive to worry about.

@sqeptiq same to you. Same to you.

@JacksonNought My advice to Philadelphians is worry more about violent criminals than thought criminals. 😸

@sqeptiq I'm more worried about the Trumpers!

@JacksonNought Of course you are, because as a dogmatic lefty you feel obliged to conform to lefty dogma, which says you have to worry more about a Trumper making a rude tweet than about a negro from North Philly shooting you or throwing you in front of a train. 😸

@sqeptiq always about the Tweets with you, ain't it? Nah, I'm more worried about self-professed Trumpers who have literally threatened me with violence and murder because of who I am (whether that is a Jew, a Satanist, a Liberal, whathaveyou). You know, the people much like you just creaming their pants over their new civil war fantasies.

I've never experienced any violence in Philadelphia my whole life, and have been treated with nothing but kindness from the African American communities there.

No wait, I take that back, I have experience violence in Philly. It was from the roving gang of Proud Boys with their bats.

@JacksonNought Now I know you're BSing. Blax, particularly in Philly, don't treat white strangers with consistent kindness. And they have an extra dollop of dislike for Jews. In the best case they give you surly looks and leave you alone. The contradiction between no violence ever and experiencing violence at the hands of Proud Boys also indicates that you're inventing stuff to serve your ideology.

@sqeptiq says the one who has probably never been to Philly, and is too cowardly to say Black People - gotta say "blax".

@JacksonNought I've spent a lot of time in Philly. It is not a friendly city. Saying any race there treats you with "nothing but kindness" is ludicrous. You may as well try to convince people that NYC is a "Howdy, neighbor!" sort of place.

@sqeptiq you are trying to paint black people as more violent than white people, here specifically talking about Philly. And I am refuting your claim.

@JacksonNought You can't refute anything by telling obvious lies, as you already have.

@sqeptiq "na na na boo boo you lie". Yeah, great rebuttal.

@JacksonNought Your claim to have encountered "nothing but kindness" from Philly blax is a whopper. When someone says ludicrous things, it's fair to deduce that he's either insane or lying. And you don't give signs of insanity. Why not be frank? This is the Internet, and you have an anonymous account. You wouldn't risk your job or social standing by speaking candidly.

@sqeptiq or perhaps I am telling the truth? Ever think of that? But no, that doesn't fit into your narrative and ideology, so you have to cry and claim that the "blax" in Philly are constantly committing violence and if I were to so much as walk past any single one in Philly I will get shot. Nah, you are the liar here with your insanity and blatant racism.

@JacksonNought You can't be telling the truth that blax in Philly treat you with "nothing but kindness" since no race in Philly treats anyone with "nothing but kindness." So, does your "nothing but kindness" claim (your exact words) result from lying or insanity?

@sqeptiq watch some videos of the violence perpetrated by the roving gangs of Proud Boys with bats in Philly in 2020. That's all I have left to say.

I hope every further venture outside of your home has you surrounded by groups of "blax".

@JacksonNought Why do you keep trying to change the subject away from your false "nothing but kindness" statement?

@sqeptiq because why does it matter, you will never believe anything that conflicts with your racist worldview. I said what I said, you called me a liar. What more is to be done?

@JacksonNought Why did you make your not only false, but ludicrously false "nothing but kindness" claim? Insanity or lying? All the races of Philly (Asian, black, and white) are heavily allergic to treating strangers with kindness, so tell me why you made that false claim.

@sqeptiq I said what I said because that is what I experienced. You don't want to believe it and want to slander me, that's your choice. Nothing I can do about it. Why waste any more energy? At least I got you commenting more than glorified "firsts" on random posts.

@JacksonNought You can't experience absurdities like Philadelphians treating strangers with "nothing but kindness." That's on a level with going to Mississippi, coming back, and reporting that everyone's skinny there.

@sqeptiq #last

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