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JOE promised to pick a Black Female for the Supreme Court!!!!
Isn't that Racist???? Isnt that Sexist?????
Didn't he just limit his possible choices to less than 2% of the population????
I was under the impression that we picked the BEST person for the job!!!!
Apparently that is just another old fashioned American idea!!!!!
Again, Damn it is good to be old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serg97 8 Jan 26
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And then they turn right around and cry about not "politicizing" the Court.
...with a straight face, even. God, their voters are stupid.
I know Democrat voters can't all be just plain stupid. I guess many of them are just politically shallow... distracted by other things that they actually care about.
But... then they just get so adamant and condescending about their poorly-thought-out "convictions", and cling to them against all reason and objective observation... because those ignorant, self-adoring pedestals of "virtue" they climb up on, are often their only consistent pretensions to any claim of being a "good person".
No matter how wrong they are in the end... it's all they got.

When you're fundamentally a racist, a Herd for which the Democratic Party has been home since its inception (along with all the other identity group-ists, like "sexists"...), then it's a natural and indispensable rationalization for you to pretend that your particular racism is the "good" racism.
Up until the mid-'60s, Democrats believed that Blacks were inferior, so Whites (specifically: racist Whites, who shared their racist "vision" ) should rule over them.
Their looming problem was... the significant black voting bloc, and the projected non-White demographic-shift in the coming decades.
All of whom: Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Haitians, Gypsies, Tongans, Pakistanis, etc., etc., etc., Democrats see and pander to through the same racist lens: as nothing more than a single homogeneous "clump" of humanity. That clump is defined by the "Progressives" that steer the Democratic Party, in terms of the only characteristic that matters to them... that is: they are not White.
Hence the term: People of Color (POC). Or, the latest adaptation: BIPOC.
They've simply invented a new racist term to capture their low-resolution vision of a humanity divided into two groups: the superior Whites, and "Everybody Else".

So, thanks to Racist-in-Chief LB Johnson, since the mid-'60s their new "belief" is that: since Blacks and generally all minorities are inferior, but represent lots and lots of votes, they just need to pose as allies; reaching down to their inferiors as magnanimous and self-sacrificing "saviors", to protect them from all the evil White people who are less righteous and compassionate than they (meaning, specifically: from the non-racist White people who refuse to play along with this corrosive charade; who Democrats consequently, and ironically, disparage as the real racists... because of course they do.)
That's the plan, and it's certainly working among their own Herd. They couldn't be more pleased or impressed with themselves for their "inclusivity"; spite of the obvious, objective, observable damage that they've done to pretty-much every measure of stability, prosperity, and assimilation into the American "Melting Pot" for those very minority communities that they pretend to be "looking out for".
About that: they simply, demonstrably... adamantly even; just don't give a shit.

rway Level 7 Jan 27, 2022

JOE has managed to prove three things with one statement!!!!
He is a Racist, Sexist, and Stupid!!!!
But these are thigs anyone with a little Common Sense already knew, he just proved us right!!!


The American Dream has been 'liberalized' and became a nightmare that has been socialist politically corrected morphized to night much for the eloquent "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Also includes transgender trans-men to she-men, thereby setting back ALL womens' rights to nihilistic nullification and futility.


It’s the textbook definition of racist.

Andyman Level 8 Jan 26, 2022

Powderkeg. Justice Breyer retiring. Biden will nominate an extremist that will be unacceptable to Republicans, and the Senate will kill the filibuster to install the extremist.

Democrats whine that Republicans didn't confirm Garland. Turns out Garland is an extremist and unfit to be on the court. Garland weaponized the FBI against Republicans and parents. Republicans were justified in rejecting Garland. Shame Democrats for nominating an extremist.

Democrats feel wronged because they feel Kavanaugh is a sexual predator. Democrats will never let go of this belief, and it will encourage them to attack Republicans.

Whenever Democrats hire by tribal identity, they chose a poor specimen of the tribe. The cool people from the tribe should object to being passed over for incompetents.

Trump campaigned with a list of 20 judges that were vetted by the Republican party, and he chose from the list.


It's possible some people might find it offensive to be told their primary professional attribute is their race.

on the other hand, many of them have been riding that wave for their entire careers.


He should pick AOC. That'll surely trigger the cons.

That would make for some truly interesting debate!!!!!!!

Would be funny as hell if some Republican senator said, "I'd hit it; that doesn't mean I'd vote for it."

And that’s really what motivates leftists like good old JacksonNought in a nutshell. Not what’s best for the country, just ticking off his conservative enemies.

@farmerguy56 don't like, don't read it, you will be more content!!!!

@Andyman just playing by the Conservative playbook. Everything Republicans do these days is to "own the libs". Why no fight fire with fire?

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