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warminster100 9 Feb 4
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This nurse put this out in other places


What are we dealing with, this team of 'jokers', they KNOW, had to know.
One rule for them, different for the rest of Canadians znd really GO AFTER any who DARED to do as they did.

They both had to know.


That is the worst 'technique' I've ever seen in my life. Even the students I've trained would know better.
The retractable needle thing seems weird too (and yes, that is definitely one used in that clip). Retractables are more expensive and generally mainly used in mental health in Australia (with the exception of enoxaprin/Clexane - anticoagulant, who produce their own preloaded syringe), due to the fact that you're in an environment where the risk of needlestick injury is higher (combative patients and a needle could be used as a weapon). I've never seen a single immunization use retractables.
Things might be be different in Canada though.
Who knows 🤷, maybe he got it or maybe he didn't but it's definitely very odd and looks very staged (even beyond the usual staged press events for all politicians).

Tom81 Level 8 Feb 5, 2022

which is what I have been saying all along - gov't officials everywhere got fake vaccines.

iThink Level 9 Feb 5, 2022

She must try which does not have censorship.

So, the wife is part of it? It could easily be saline. And then, it could ALL be made up.

Like Obama, both nominal muslim, lying is perfectly acceptable for THEM, just them.


The first victim of COVID was the truth.

Amen to that

The instant politics insinuated itself into the COVID problem all science went right out the window - never to be seen nor heard from again.


Another reason to run Trudy out of town.

sqeptiq Level 10 Feb 4, 2022
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