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2peros 8 May 1
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More like an architect.


I miss the “Question Authority” generation…

2peros Level 8 May 1, 2022

LOL, we're still here.

@toronto_Georgia yes but the 60s & 70s seemed so much better…

That would be us - the baby boomer generation. The "question authority" thing was the hippies, the SDS, the Weather Underground, and other leftist groups doing everything they could to drive Nixon from office whose administration was the targeted authority that they wanted to "challenge".

@iThink as I recall, it was a lot more than just the hippies! The counter culture had many facets, from many walks of life. Now questioning authority is met with a cacophony of slurs like racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, old white guy, should I go on??

@2peros I know - I just didn't want to write a thousand word essay on it. LOL. BTW I am a Baby Boomer myself but I never took part in the "counter culture" in any way.
"Questioning authority" today is a bit of a role reversal generally speaking. That is because the socialist movement has successfully imposed itself in the very seat of government - here in USA and abroad. Furthermore I believe Jordan Peterson would say (or has already stated) that authoritarian gov't by any political ideology is just as oppressive and evil - and destructive.

@iThink I’m from SoCal, pretty hard to avoid it here…

@iThink @2peros I clearly remember Nixon's silent majority. I remember marching against the Vietnam War but my thoughts at the time was anger that our vets were fighting with one hand tied behind their banks, utterly a waste of our good men most of whom where not socially advantaged (to say the least).

I've read somewhere and often that we, humans, start out lefties to one degree or another when young but usually end up conservative as we age and get more experience at living. For me that is true.

I've always worked for powerful men who provided legal services to even more powerful men and so was made aware of what was really going on.

@2peros you have my sympathy


I've read somewhere and often that we, humans, start out lefties to one degree or another when young but usually end up conservative as we age and get more experience at living. For me that is true.

I think that's from Churchill, paraphrased.

@toronto_Georgia at the time I didn't know what to think of Vietnam - so rather than running off to Canada I joined the US Air Force Reserve - less than a week after I joined I got my draft notice in the US mail! Whew! that was close. LOL
I was 18 when I joined - got my 19th B-day while in Basic Training. In fact I remember pulling KP duty that day. I was assigned to wash pots and pans!

@eschatologyguy Thank you. I believe you are right. For a lush that man certainly left a mark in so many ways and much of his speech is still quoted and applicable today.

@eschatologyguy, @iThink Interesting. I was 19, at Uni and protesting probably about the same time.

@toronto_Georgia cool

@toronto_Georgia, @eschatologyguy The first time I heard that thought expressed verbally was on a Saturday or Sunday political show - might have been on PBS.
It was Bill Krystols father - Irving Krystol who said:

"if you are young and you are not a liberal you have no heart and if you are old and you are not conservative you have no brain"

I know Irving Krystol did not originate that thought but he did not give attribute when he said it in the course of the panel discussion. Good to know Churchill might well have been the man who originated that observation.

@iThink Goodness, there are a massive number of quotes for Churchill, most are simple but remarkable as well.


@toronto_Georgia One of the greatest orators of the 20th century certainly. I often wondered if men like him are also gifted with the talent to compose those thoughts and turn them into sentences strung together in such a manner as to fortify the will and the courage of a nation...or does some little literary genius in the background somewhere put those things on paper and hand them to the orator and together they move the listening population to keep faith and courage.
We - people who think and believe as you and many others here on IDW community and in all corners of Western Civilization - desperately need a man or a woman like that to rise up and lead us back away from the looming abys of destruction, oppression and death that we face here and now known as Global Socialism.
Is there such a person?


This comment reminded me of the expression

"Brevity is the soul of wit"

This is am apt observation particularly as applied to political figures speaking to "the people"

Did you ever notice how Communist, Socialist dictatorial heads of State are notorious for droning on hours at a time to the masses who are unable to walk away for fear of being singled out and punished?
Is it because those Dictatorial leaders have no soul or is it wit that they lack. Certainly they lack compassion and conscience - that much is given.

Conversely men like Churchill, John F Kennedy, even FDR, Mark Antony (according to the keepers of ancient history) were able to rouse the emotions of the people and win their admiration and loyalty with relatively few words.

@iThink Sadly I am not aware of any right now. Trump, as much as he was good for 1/2 the nation and The Republic, or what's left of it, was and is difficult to listen to. Astoundingly limited vocabulary.

@dd54 Yes I know about him - but for all his personal experience with enduring life under communist dictatorship he undeservedly remained obscure if not anonymous - few people ever heard of the man and so his voice until very recently was a sound in the wind.
Example - Even now I admit that although I recognize his image here his name escapes me. More importantly even if he were widely known too many people in USA - The West - would pay little mind to his warnings.

@dd54 Thank you!

@toronto_Georgia Trump also lacks charisma - he has always relied on dazzling people with his business acumen and wealth in order to win them over. IMHO of course. My armchair psych observation of Trump is that he is basically a very insecure person. He is astute enough to know what things to say in order to win the support of a nation that is desperate for a live preserver else perish in the sea of this Marxist political regimes mal-intent. Trump is clever that way. It is sad ne' tragic that he turns out to be the right man for this place in time. Objectively Trump is a sign of how far we have fallen as a people. IMHO but that is a whole other subject.

@dd54 as we all should be


That's why it's important to develop and practice first principles thinking, and for good measure review the reasons why we believe what we believe.

Amen to that!


It's coming to fruition with Twitter and Facebook anesthetizing people.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 1, 2022

It doesn't help, the speed at which crap is happening.


Good post - and he said that as if it were a good or desirable way for things to be for the West - America in particular.

BTW did you all know that his daughter is Mika Brezenski - the woman who sits on the panel with Joe Scarborough on the MSNBC morning program "Morning Joe"?

She is the woman who made that insane remark about how it is "Our job to control what the people think" - in reference to socio-political information and events.

iThink Level 9 May 1, 2022

I did not know that. Her comment is essential to her reason d'etre at MSNBC. I'm sure she'd be deeply shocked if that were questioned.

@toronto_Georgia it was maybe several years ago she made that remark. No doubt Mika Z is well aware of the viral negative reaction to her comment about mind effing "the people".
But like a typical socialist she happily goes about her business oblivious to her own fascistic ways. ...its all for the greater good don'cha know. We the people are the great unwashed - ignorant and unable to comprehend such complex things as personal autonomy and liberty. Like a child playing with a gun we would only hurt ourselves if left unattended by people like Mika Zebrenski and Joe Scarborough.

He was President Carters National Security Advisor I believe. It was a long time ago and I am not clear about who all did what in those days of American Politics. Anyhow here is the link to the Wikipedia bio on Zebrenski:

@iThink I wonder if Mika is an evangelist of WEF.

As to Joe Scarborough, obnoxious twat, you'd never know he was a Congressman from 1995 to 2001 as a Republican for Florida's 1st district. RHINO of course.

WOW!! Brzezinski was the primary organizer of The Trilateral Commission, a precursor of WEF and the fuckers trying to kill all of us. I am carefully reading his wikipedia profile. After all these years following "big players" he, for some reason, ran under the radar. Thank you for enlightening me.

@toronto_Georgia Very happy to contribute!

After all these years I had forgotten that detail about the Trilateral Commission in Zebrenskis career.
I think the one thing we can take from this is the knowledge that US Gov't s close association and interactions with European socialists / Communists is NOT NEW. It has been going on IMHO ever since the beginning of the LB Johnson administration.
The expression comes to mind: "Politics makes for strange bedfellows"

Personally, for many years I have been telling people around me about the CPUSA and how influential they have been in US Governance as far back as the Wilson administration. BTW - Joe McCarthy was Right!
For further reading I think you'll find David Horowitz very interesting. Might just be easier to look for his few videoed lectures or talks and interviews - where you can find them. I found them years ago on You tube - not sure if Horowitzs' stuff is still available there.

@iThink I'll make sure to do that. Just did a quick search and came up with quite a number of vids, as well as his writings and books.

@toronto_Georgia Oh BTW - speaking of that insufferable twat Joe Scarborough;
did you know he was investigated for the murder (by hanging in order to make it look like suicide I believe) of his personal secretary?

I think her body was found hanging in Scarboroughs office? Anyhow the whole thing got very little media exposure and they never were able to find sufficient evidence to indict him.

The very few times Scarborough has been asked about that scandal he became very agitated and ranted something about "exoneration" or some such. He was never exonerated - He was never formally indicted.
He as indeed a RINO of the highest order. Maybe worse than Mitt Romney in that regard!

@toronto_Georgia BTW I first discovered David Horowitz long before I had a personal computer. I think it must have been an interview on WF Buckleys program "Firing Line". Not sure. again too far back for me speak with any certainty. 🙂

@toronto_Georgia oh! look what just landed in my you tube recommended videos page?

@iThink Media is terrified because they're getting their asses handed to them by alternative media and independent podcasts. No one is interested in their control. Check the ratings LMAO.

@toronto_Georgia so this is the 2nd time Mika commented "that's our job to tell the people what to think"
Vid is just over a minute. I forgot to say that when I put it up here in this thread. First time she said it was at least a year ago - I'm sure of it.

@toronto_Georgia where do you go to see ratings like that

@toronto_Georgia oh wow - I just noticed I have been elevated (LOL) to level 9! When did that happen?

@iThink The ratings have been a subject in some videos lately, Tim Poole, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and a few others. Guys like these, particularly Joe Rogan are wiping the networks asses, CNN is bottoming right out but all the other MSM's are ranking much lower as well. Fox is doing well, the best actually but even they can't touch the podcasts.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ON 9. Way to go. I'm only half way there but its not a real motivator to me. I still think its great when anyone does get there though. Part of the backbone of this site 🙂

@toronto_Georgia Thanks - I'm not at all motivated by those rankings either...but I sat at 8.5 for a long time. It's kinda fun though 🙂

I know Tucker et al; talk about those ratings. I always wondered where there is a site that keeps an actively and running scale of viewership ratings. Maybe there is and its only available to the people and programs within the Industry. It would be very interesting to watch it fluctuate in real time though! Sort of fun like "watching cars" when I was a young kid. ha!

@iThink I'm thinking one of those discussion videos might actually state "according to ___". You might also try seeing what comes up by searching "network ratings". A ton of crap will show up but I'm thinking real ratings sites will too.

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