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Why black people seem unable to write books on any subject other than that of being black

Anybody reading a non-fiction book by a black author cannot help but notice that the subject is unlikely to be medicine, chemistry, physics or anything in fact other than the trials and tribulations of black people. This is odd, because other ethnic groups do not seem to be afflicted by such tunnel vision.


The same could be said about queers. They are the most self-obsessed and, at the same time, least self-aware retards ever. 

Krunoslav 9 May 29
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Its in the Western countries slow death by the Parasites in our system.Take all give nothing useful.


The American Revolution is fine literature.


Not only do Democrats hate white literature, they want to stop it from being taught in schools. They want to intimidate you into removing white literature from your own bookshelf.

Literature has been weaponized.


If a black person writes something that has universal appeal, he's called a white supremacist.


Thomas Sowell and Tony Evans come to mind as exceptions....but, it's an interesting observation.

dmatic Level 8 May 29, 2022

Allen West, John McWhorter, Clarence Thomas as well.

@GaryWitt Indeed! Thanks!


The Nobel literature prize tends to go to highly ethnic works, not to works that are of general interest.


Ever wondered why high profile blacks specify giving to "black" or "POC"charities, but never just the "poor" as the whites do.The poor comes in all colors.

FEWI Level 8 May 29, 2022

That might be true about any self centered group: they aren't aware.
But they sure do get attention.


Neil deGrasse Tyson being the exception methinks!

angelo Level 8 May 29, 2022

Good point. Thomas Sowell is probably another exception. Although weather they like it or not, they are dragged into the race stories by others. Even when they don't want to.

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