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If some people don't want guns to be prevalent in society then they must curb the demand not curb guns. The demand will decrease in proportion to how safe the public feels.

They do not feel safe when crime is rampant.
They do not feel safe when politicians are calling to defund the police.
They do not feel safe when prisons are being emptied out.
They do not feel safe when police arrest a criminal and the court system lets them out the back door.
They do not feel safe when Mental health institutions are emptied into their neighborhoods.
They do not feel safe when their politicians are lying to them.
They do not feel safe when government is not transparent.
They do not feel safe when they can be threatened by their government.
They do not feel safe when they are left defenseless in high crime areas.
They do not feel safe when government wants to infringe on their natural rights.
They do not feel safe when politicians appear to be above the law.
They do not feel safe when looting and pillaging are called peaceful protests or equated with a "summer of love".
They do not feel safe when their government is sicking the IRS on them.
They do not feel safe when they are unfairly overtaxed.
They do not feel safe when government is spending them into oblivion.
They do not feel safe when their borders are left open.
They do not feel safe when their government is encouraging human trafficking across their borders.
They do not feel safe when their cities are filled with homeless tent cities.
They do not feel safe when drug addicts are filling the streets.
They do not feel safe when they are told there will be food shortages.
They do not feel safe when their national sovereignty is sold to foreign interests that are not their elected representatives.
They do not feel safe when crises are used for political advantage.
They do not feel safe when they find they are being illegally surveilled by their government.
They do not feel safe when social media is compiling profiles on their everyday life, invading their privacy and using them as commodities.
They do not feel safe when their military is being "feminized" and at the same time politicians are sabre-rattling with foreign nations.
They do not feel safe when their election integrity is held in suspicion.
They do not feel safe when the President is feeble and appears to be a front run by proxy.
They do not feel safe when there is an apparency that a major political party is vilified and persecuted while the other is held sacrosanct.
They don't feel safe when communism/socialism is pounding on their door.
They don't feel safe when politicians spend millions protecting themselves and very little on protecting children in schools.
They don't feel safe when politicians mandate their behavior but don't follow their own mandates - unless there is an opportunistic photo-op.
They don't feel safe when special interest groups or corporations are granted privilege above that of the individual.
They don't feel safe when they can't peaceably assemble.
They don't feel safe when freedom of speech is at risk.

Anyone can add many more things to the list I'm sure.

People who think the government will protect them from other people are already too cowed to realize where the real threat is coming from. The sky is falling and they are running to the fox's den.

It is true the country is divided and there is increasing violence. It may look like "other people" are the problem but it is mostly because government is enacting policies that encourage it - purposely failing in their mandate of securing the individual's freedom in their pursuit of happiness in order to aggrandize themselves and centralize their power and control. The more paranoid politicians get over their concern of disagreement in the populace the more tyrannical they are allowed to become.

FrankZeleniuk 8 May 30
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Living in and of itself is a treacherous unceasing endeavor

Human nature such as it is

iThink Level 9 May 31, 2022

So curb the MIC's demand?

That too!


It is technology that has made me feel unsafe, and I don't mean the phone. Government can find us in the wildest wilderness or the asphalt jungle. The advances of the past century have negated all revolutions against tyrants and the blessing of being able to walk away and disappear into obscurity. All of the other fears were nothing by comparison. The predators of the stone age could be conquered.


All of those breakdowns have been intentionally set up by the Left with the intention of discrediting capitalism and Constitutional Republicanism by destabilizing society.

The people have mostly been fat, happy and asleep since WWII, and a majority have not made that connection, believing it to be conspiracy theory. Understandable as they fatigued of conflict, and hoped for rainbows and unicorns thereafter.

The ignorant and uniformed have no idea how murderous is socialism, even though anyone can read the history of socialism and that it has claimed more than 100 million innocent lives and caused the suffering of an half billion more.

But as they slept, the concepts that were to be written in Alinsky's Rules For Radicals were employed since 1937 to intentionally wreak havoc, by every Left leaning opportunist who felt their power rightly limited by the Constitution, even before FDR threatened 9 justices with removal if they failed to abandon the Commerce Clause.

A quote from Alinsky's pamphlet: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins— or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer"

When SCOTUS caved in 1942, a vast Federal bureaucracy was born that would have been the envy of Soviet Central Planners. There is no easier thing to do than make a cowardly attack on civilized society. It is exactly like shooting an unarmed man in the back. And it is done by those too weak in character to resist. Hitler did that to the World in 1939. You can compile the list above nicely with Alinsky's pamphlet.

We are 90% subdued by the Left, and only in America waking from her great sleep right now is there any hope of saving our Constitutional Republic.

If Americans DO awaken in time, there is no more powerful force on Earth, except God. Those unprincipled and weak of character, willing to take away your rights in the dead of night, will run like rats from a burning ship. Remember every single one of them, when they protest their patriotism.

If we survive, we will be justified in amending the Constitution to reduce the chance of such sneaky insurrection again. Free speech must be guaranteed, but we also must be willing to convict and deport anyone reasonably evident of intending to overthrow our Constitution, such as individuals in Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Green Party, and probably most Democrat reps. Many are convictable today of various treasonous statements, and have not been prosecuted. And if no nation is willing to accept them, we should re-institute things like Devil's Island just for them. Tell your reps.

I totally agree, but I think WE have allowed the "Indoctrination" (Education) system to subdue at least three generations!!!! Hopefully I am wrong!!!! If I am not wrong, it is good to be old!!!

@Serg97 I fear it is at least 3 generations. My parents were among them, so probably 4 or more.

@Serg97 OK, you have lost the thread. It is never good to be old. You are talking like it is time to give up.

'Tis late. Hug a bottle of your best booze, have a nap. You will feel horrible in the mornin', but not like giving up.

Chive on.

@bobbo666 Oh, trust me, I am not giving up, but I do recognize my limitations!!!
I'll be the last one on the line, only because I, physically, can't run any more!!!

@Serg97 Limitations are not necessarily negative. Think of them as things that will focus you. E.g., if your eyesight is not so good and you must hunt, get a shotgun. Or, get real sneaky and get closer to the target.

@bobbo666 Now that is my kind of thinking!!!

you are talking as if the usa is the only country in the world. no there are hundreds more and millions of people who are quite happy to live in their own country. for America it is time to shut the gate.


The time for Democrats to push gun control was before they went soft on crime.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 30, 2022
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