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Assassination attempt of the representative of the highest court of the law of the land is a blatant maneuver from Sun Tzu: Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

Weltansicht 8 June 13
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The timing of the Roe vs Wade case is inconvenient to say the least. Republicans struggle to get female votes largely because they lack wit and charm but also because they are "mean".

One of the greatest tragedies of our constitution was the 18th Amendment. The temperance movement was arguably led by women. [] Although I consume considerable amounts of alcohol I'm sympathetic to the case women made against alcohol. In the 1800s women had little opportunity for employment and were forced to rely on husbands for financial support. Almost every male in the US was a drunk or alcoholic. Excessive alcohol consumption was the norm and it often led to spousal physical and mental abuse. It also was a common factor in failure to adequately support dependents. By the turn of the 20th century alcohol abuse was primed to be a major political issue and prohibition was the cumulation of over a hundred years of activists. What the activist failed to appreciate was the corruption of law enforcement, courts, elected officials and to some extent average citizens that the 18th Amendment produced. Excessive alcohol consumption is clearly immoral but the attempt to legislate morality by banning alcohol was not only ineffective it was destructive to institutions. Prohibition is an example of human rights being turned on their head. The right to be free of drunken abusive men by the means of outlawing a chemical is arguably restricting the control of one group over their bodies by another group interested in civic reform.

So why are women obsessed with "control over their bodies"? The common sense and rather obvious first cause is physical weakness. Remember when you were a child how you begrudgingly "respected" the physical strength of adults? Now imagine how toxic that feeling can be in a relationship with males. Another reason is simply the will to power. Women learn from an early age the power that sexual access gives them. Often control over their bodies determines who they mate, with and by extension their social status. Beyond mating look around and see how many truly ugly women are in positions of power, especially in adolescence. As it relates to abortion no women should willingly give up the power to decide to bear a child. Although there are means to control pregnancy other than abortion many interfere with the will to power. Abortion is simply an issue that many men simply will not care about.

The tragedy of the 18th Amendment illustrates how good intentions can go wrong. Other examples are the Welfare state and useless spending on education. While the welfare state has eliminated absolute poverty it has also destroyed families and communities. Useless programs such as head start, magnet schools and easy access to college loans have bankrupted cities and produced little improvement in education as well as arguably ruined higher education. Throwing money at problems generally causes more corruption than results. The money wasted could have been used for economic opportunity and community development. Problems that require social development can only be handled by personal relationships not money. Especially when democracy allows people to vote to spend other peoples resources. That the Republicans typically are the ones standing in the way of social programs women often see them as mean.

So what does mean mean? For the purposes of this discussion it means preferring policies that favor economic expansion in the private sector over government help in the domestic realm including childhood education, gun control, health care access and support for the poor among many other regulatory government interventions in the environment and work place. Women have been subtly indoctrinated to support feel good projects. A century ago womens intuition was a concept designed to raise emotions to an intellectual plane to give instincts some legitimacy in the political sphere. Ironically the modern equivalent is emotional intelligence. In a democracy this is social engineering at it's worse.

I wish the Supreme Court had quietly postponed Hearing the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health case until after the mid terms. If they throw out Roe vs Wade some women will blame Republicans, if they let it stand women in the Christian right may be disheartened. For Republicans the timing is bad.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 14, 2022

I would go along with you on that first paragraph, but you are ignoring key demographics or not aware of it. Women are the largest first time gun buyers/owners and they are coming back and buying seconds after learning the truth and the mystique propaganda has worn off.

Seems to me, I read/recall that onanism was a prevelent problem and the claim everyone was doing it in the 1800s. Very early guilt tripping and collective shaming. The same could be said about everyone was a drunk except for Carrie Nation and her social justice women followers and their henpecked men who just wanted mercy sex so they could quit beating off.

As for the Temperance Movement & the 18th Amendment, you need to look at the overall picture. WW1 ended, it was "The War to end ALL Wars" and that was a very popular catchphrase.

There was a spiritual movement and an enlightenment phase or aura permeating everything. That started in the 1800s based upon the foundation of technology and its liberations from tedious menial work allegedly. Gave rise to mind stuff like Neitzsche and psychology of Freud ect.

The Jehovah's Witnesses also started, as an example. They believe like 1918 or something that the Kingdom of Heaven started it 1,000 year reign. Others picked up on that same 1,000 year reign as well. The Spanish Flu at the end of WW1 was also considered a divine retribution upon mankind. Maybe it was just simply germ warfare, after chemical warfare and new machines of war creations.

All these women terms where you used them, how you used, there not politically correct either, by current definition projection standards, are they? Makes it very difficult to have any dialogue with any of those birthing meatbags or what ever it is they identify as. On that aspect, your So why are women obsessed with "control over their bodies"? The common sense and rather obvious first cause is physical weakness. is in direct contrast to the power of Women learn from an early age the power that sexual access gives them. Often control over their bodies determines who they mate, with and by extension their social status. Complete amazonian matriarchy control. (Also reminds me of Al Bundy)

Women have been subtly indoctrinated to support feel good projects. & In a democracy this is social engineering at it's worse. Really good statements, in my opinion. 👍


We will see how suburban women vote. I do expect significant numbers to stop canceling their husband's votes. My personal contacts are still unrepentant over voting for Biden. Not sure that is a representative sampling.

@wolfhnd Not sure that is a representative sampling. 🤣 🤪 👹 💩 Right on (pun intended) & 35 seconds of video might change your mind.


I really don't understand how they couldn't have anticipated incompetence 🙂. Every business they interact with has gone downhill with diversity hiring. Willfully blind?


who is the "they" she is talking about - specifically.

iThink Level 9 June 13, 2022

Lori Lightfoot mayor of gun free gun control Chicago with the highest murder rates of gun violence with just about every weekend having more deaths and mayhem than just the one incident that they are exploiting for gun grabs ~ said in a tweet a call to arms against the Supreme Court

perps like Mad Maxine ~ if you see those people in a dept. store at a gas station at a restaurant you gather a crowd make a scene tell they their not welcomed or don't know the bible God is on our side

there's others, like Beto, Schiff, Nadler and more

Scalise got shot in 2017 at a Republican congressional baseball game


Ok so basically Judge Piro is referring to the leftist / communist mob. Especially the politically powerful - the leadership of the CPUSA.

I was concerned the "They" referred to the general population of USA. I know who Judge Jeannie is and I know she is conservative and a Fox news contributor.

I have always disliked it whenever a person talks about a serious matter such as an attempted assassination of a Supreme Court Justice using vague terminology. In the English Language that is known as "speaking in the passive voice"

When addressing an extremely serious matter such as the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh it calls for language in what is known as "Active Voice." It is not only appropriate but the context - the seriousness of the matter demands it.

There is a time for approaching a problem using a soft touch - this isn't it. It is well past the time for those of us who believe in rule of law and demand active enforcement of "The Law" to stop being acquiescent - that only serves to enable those who flagrantly break the law to continue doing so.

This like a parent with a bratty child. The child has learned that its mothers threats to punish never really happen - and so the bad behavior not only continues but grows more egregious and the child becomes more and more disrespectful of the parent as time goes on. Soft admonitions and failure to punish as we all know - only make matters worse

We must start calling out the crime and the criminal as well as calling out those who facilitate the bad behavior.
BY NAME we must call them out and if they object to being named - all the better. Its time to put them on the defensive side of things.
Let them try to explain why they hold contempt for good, productive, law abiding people yet their failure to condemn deadly and massively destructive rioting and looting is in their minds the right thing to do. Let the communists explain the contradictions and hypocrisies between the things they say and the things they do.

@iThink No argument from me on any of that there what you said. Its like they want and are going to pass laws assuming the law abiding will abide by their enslavement proclamations. They just assume everyone will do as told or they will be ostracized from society. It is really arrogant & condescending. Much like old Joe & his freudian slip talking about Stacey Abrahms 'and she is smarter than you'. The comms are not going to explain anything, just gaslight , just like the new WH press secretary does, or AOC can't answer the simple yes or even no, on the question in mind.

I figure it will be something so stupid, asinine, and/or ridiculous that when it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, that it will just be shocking to most everyone, especially the left socialist democratic marxists, when Americans will finally say ENOUGH

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