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Brighteon: Situation Update, July 12, 2022 - China bank collapse under way; Saudi Arabia distances from the petro dollar


warminster100 9 July 13
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The immediate future is becoming easy to predict, IMHO, the next 10 year are going to make the 1930's look like a picnic!!!!!!!! Just saying!!!!! Are you ready??????

Serg97 Level 8 July 14, 2022

Sloppy Joe Biden is doing his best to harm the dollar.

sqeptiq Level 10 July 13, 2022

The Indian Rupee might be the dark horse here. The Ruble not so much as Russia allies itself with Iran, and the Arabs don't like that.


China's manufacturing is up this month and they seem confident that they can reduce the money supply without damaging the economy. They seem in better shape than most countries. Will just have to wait and see.

The petro dollar situation is really worrisome. Weak corrupt men like Joe Bidden bring hard times.

wolfhnd Level 8 July 13, 2022

Chinese citizens have two options to invest money Real-estate and banks....


Yes China is a pretty horrible place for most of the population. I'm not sure India is that much better. I would have to travel to these places to see for myself but that is the impression I get.

You can't really understand people, Mexico has a pretty high happiness index despite it's problems. In the US people seem unhappy even when things are going reasonably well. Just think how miserable people were just because they disliked Trump and how many won't admit Biden was a poor choice.

@wolfhnd Mental Illness rates among the American left is quite high. Which explains a lot.


"What Your Politics Say About Your Mental Health
Democrats are more likely than Republicans to be depressed"


"Cognitive conflicts were more prevalent in depressive patients and were associated with clinical severity"


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