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Dr. Paul Alexander: EBOLA Reston, 1989 (movie The Hot Zone); this was real; you did not know that something took place in Reston, Virginia that could have destroyed the entire world; EBOLA aerosolized killed all monkeys

In 1989, humanity dodged a bullet! humanity came close to being wiped out; we knew (I studied this as part of my epidemiology training) had it become aerosolized to humans, the game was over!

warminster100 9 July 27
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Ebola is one of the weird diseases -- dumb. Kinda proof that critters that small can't plan (like a liberal).
Ebola is almost always deadly, like the respiratory version of the black plague. Too deadly. I think/remember it has a short .......... time from infection to symptoms. So short that you (even if a liberal) remember when you might have been infected. (i.e., not like some diseases that infect and then sit there for so long so that when you start feeling poorly you have no bloody idea where you might have picked it up).
Then, you die. Horribly.
So, it has little time in which to infect others. Which, from a bug's perspective, is dumb.

Unless someone distributes it all over, it has little chance of killing a lot of people -- totally unlike the commie trash in charge.

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