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LINK Elite all-girls school in Nashville now admits anyone who identifies as female

Harpeth Hall, an elite girls school in Nashville, Tennessee, has implemented a new policy to allow applications from anyone who identifies as female, not just those who are biologically female.

Harpeth Hall dates its history to 1865, and is an elite college-prep school for girls grades 5-12. Notable alumni of the school include actress Reese Witherspoon and singer Amy Grant.

sqeptiq 10 Aug 12
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Not so elite anymore, is it?

lol 😂

Hanno Level 8 Aug 12, 2022

@sqeptiq @Hanno @Weltansicht

Democrats prefer elitism over objective merit. As an example of objective merit, Leo Szilard invented the nuclear bomb. How did the teenage Szilard get introduced to the German physics elite? He was the Hungarian high school mathematics national champion. That's like being the Texas high school football star quarterback.

Education is a bigass kerfuffle, and the crux of education is STEM, and the crux of high school STEM is the high school Science Olympiad. The cosmic academic elitism war is being fought on the hill of the Science Olympiad. I encourage people to get onto the Discord Science Olympiad channel.

Democrats want to destroy objective academic competitions, and they want to forbit Calculus to high school students. Democrats are the Khmer Rouge.


The next superpower women's swim team. Boys will flock to the school, and it will force a confrontation. Parents will pull their girls out of the school and establish their own school across the street, and the new school will explicitly forbid anyone who is not born a girl. That's the only way this can end.

The original school will show up for the conference women's swim championships and their team will consist of boys. The other teams in the conference will disband the conference and form a new conference, and the school full of boys won't be invited.

actually I was more thinking of the 'thing' that was sentenced in the womens' prison and got some pregnant or the ones assaulted/attacked ~ in a dark facetious flippant humor was what my Quigley Down Under (double pun too) was about..... then you have the locker room shower set up, is it stalls or is it traditional gym large open area with many faucets

I think when they were promoting the one biological anomaly who won NCAA for Pennsylvania, those ladies should not have even jumped off the board, just let 'it' go swim by itself, it won anyway; BUT there's a lot more at play here than just that, pressure & coercion or you lose your status in school, grades, future employment, just endless possibilities of very real corporeal punishment & retaliation


Good idea. The women could stage a hilarious publicity stunt, and then walk out of the stadium and go to another swim stadium, and hold a private race, with only biological females who qualified for the national championship invited.
History books will record that the selfish pig won the official national championship, and no one will care. The private race will be recognized as the de-facto national championships.


bet there are lots of guys jumping ship now or wishing they identified as female; and to hell with you guys back home you're all gay !! ~ literally

@sqeptiq @Weltansicht

We need to reincarnate the Founding Fathers. We are about to re-enact the Revolutionary War, with Democrats taking the role of the British.

In the 20th century, America owned nuclear physics. America then refused to build new nuclear reactors, and nuclear physicists departed the field. We need to reincarnate the 20th century American nuclear physicists. We need Doctor Strangelove. We need Doctor Teller. We need mad scientists. They invent good weapons. Mad scientists win wars.

Make America Great Again!

@jaymaron Dr. Strangelove hmmmm I guess we could get @sqeptiq to ride again ~ he hasn't been the same since some uppitty whacked him with a shovel 🤣👹🥸💩

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