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Many years ago I worked for a major airline. Number 1 Rule. Bite your tongue… The customer is always right! I guess there has been a change to that rule. OMG!!!

FEWI 8 Aug 14
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After watching the video: I know there may be context missing and the point at which the video starts can give the wrong context, but it appears the woman should be brought up on charges of assault and battery. The first thing I was able to see was that both were in each other’s faces (bad enough, but a lack of self control and an inflated sense of self-importance/self-centeredness has become common place). It was hard to detect who started the problem and who responded poorly to the situation. Then, when the woman had a man stepping between them, she seemed to feel free to assault the man and run. She may have grown up with the false sense of security thinking that “a woman can physically assault a man but a man should never return the favor, because women are the weaker sex”. This foolishness should be dealt with through legal means. That is assault and battery. And the woman should be arrested and charged. However, since the man chose to lose control and chase her down in order to retaliate himself, he certainly deserved to be fired and a charge of assault and battery should be brought against him as well. (Chances are that a good police officer would take the reports and talk them both into dropping the charges and the only thing that would happen is that the man would have lost a job he didn’t deserve to keep. Who knows, maybe the potential for going to jail because of an assault charge would have done the woman (and the man) some good… or maybe not.

We could all stand to learn a little more self-control and forgiveness and concern for others that will require us to refuse to see ourselves as victims all the time and deserving of much more than we’re getting. That being said, it is the service industry employee’s job to take care of the customer. IMO

Civility is rare.


Customer: I want to strangle your pilot.

Airline employee: bites tongue and repeats the mantra in his head "the customer is always right."

In those days, people had common sense and would have never thought of strangling the pilot. Now, the position as a PSA, if a customer was angry because he was going to miss his connecting flight because it was zero visibility and the pilot couldn't see to land it was my fault.

@FEWI that stupid "the customer is always right" mantra must've come from sales people just bent on better sales results without thinking the implications through. I'd word it to "always try to treat customers charitably."

I can certainly see this happening in the US, but I would be very surprised to see it happening with Filipinos/Filipinas. We used to have good customer service in the US most of the time and I taught my restaurant employees (service industries) to treat customers with the utmost respect and to call for management/security if the customer couldn’t be appeased by respectful handling and treating them as you would like to be treated, but aside from Chic-fil-A, that type customer service is seldom ever seen in the US. HOWEVER, because a lot of Filipino and Filipina service industries are coming to the US for internships, I haven’t occasionally see what I expect. When I see one of these interns working in a hotel or other service industry, I feel confident we will be treated well. I always make a point of talking to their managers and c congratulating them on having employed such an exemplary employee. At the same time, I will occasionally explain how one of the non-Filipino harmed their reputation only to be fixed by the Filipino employee ( I use names not nationalities.

Please don’t lose your Filipino qualities.


I remember when the airlines GAVE you complimentary cigarettes and served full course meals. Always thought their should have been a sheriff/bouncer/cooler for the unruly lol with a taser and give them a parachute and jettison out the garbage chute lol oops! that was someone's packback not the parachute lol

I don’t remember complimentary cigarettes, but I do remember the meals but more in line to a TV dinner. Lol!!

@FEWI I still have packages from the Ozark airlines from when they flew in & out of Chanute Air Force Base for the troops.

LOL the meals were more like TV dinners maybe more Swanson than Banquet lol

@FEWI TV dinners conjure pictures of Americans eating television sets in my mind 😁

Seriously, naming a meal that way was subliminal coaching for people to watch more television.

@eschatologyguy That's funny. Originally they were used to eat with TV trays in the living room sitting on the couch so you could watch television and Mom didn't have to worry about cooking or cleaning up afterwards. They were very bland and not very tasty. It was the American way!

@FEWI I remember ads of that on Life magazine and Reader's Digest, usually with the endorsement of Julia Child. We just had sweet potato fries over here 😊

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