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Maybe it was intentional, maybe it wasnt. perhaps it’s just ignorance (im sure those who think everything in media is leftist propaganda will say it’s on purpose)but ive gone back and rewatched some shows i grew up loving that dealt with a lot of action and when it comes to guns i noticed they bring up semi-auto a lot as if that isn’t basically EVERY gun. like semi-auto isnt rwally anything special. like they’ll be like “they are armed with semi-autos!! “. now at the time when i first watched these shows i and 1. wouldnt have even thought about it and 2.. didnt know anything about guns. do you think the writers did this on purpose or are they just ignorant in guns? i mean if it wete a current show id definitely suspect it was on purpose given the gun control climate but back when the show aired it just makes me realize no wonder people are unaware when shows that deal with guns misinform them like this and treat semi-auto as the worst kind of gun.

Joehlert11 7 Aug 17
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Ignorance is a good start. Plenty of disclaimer productions by unbiased people out there too, like the TV show Mythbusters. Some portrayals are just dramatic effect of impossible happenings, maybe not ignorance in intent, where most people just do not know the reality of the workings/mechanism of that particular gun. Plays on fear and ignorance & that's where it becomes manipulation, whether for the show or social engineering, and that's where the deliberate leftist propaganda comes in, banking and betting on sheer ignorance and fostering demagoguery for manipulation effects of a hidden agenda and making subliminal suggestions, a la

Senator Feinstein is a prime example of how NOT to handle a gun, and shows/demonstrates she knows almost nothing about guns. Then I am supposed to take her talking points seriously? I don't need to be lectured on anything by an ultracrepidarian especially a liberal democrat one from California.


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