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Both christians and communists love to paint themselves as morally superior.

Communists use words like integrity and transparency and try to paint themselves as morally superior.

Jesus wasnt impressed with the pharisees proclamations of being law abiding citizens. We don't work on the sabbath day, jesus, we follow the law. How absurd these proclamations are in modern day civilization. If you want to work on Saturday, you can work on fucking Saturday. Jesus healed someone on sabbath day. But but but, why did you work on sabbath day? Thats against the law!

Jesus replied, ye pharisees, you hypocrites!

He knows they break the law in secret while proclaiming to be men of integrity, which is all a lie, which Communists do today. They have no problem using violence and even making violence legal under the law, as hitler did.

Yet, they will be the first in line to judge you, as the pharisses did to Jesus for healing someone on sabbath day. You pharisees, you hypocrites!

Christianity is not about pointing your fingers at your brethren and saying, you sinner, you broke the law! Christianity is about pointing a finger at yourself and saying, i am a sinner, i broke the law.

Christianity is not about flouting moral superiority, i am better than thou. Christianity is about acknowledging that we are all sinners, we all broke the law, and we all need to be saved from sin.

How can we believe in an ideal that we have not followed? Not a single person alive hasnt broken the law by speeding on the highway, unless they never drove a car. Why so we have speed limits when nobody follows the speed limit? Its for the safety, they say. If these laws are never followed anyway, then what safety do they provide, except for imaginary safety?

The police don't believe in traffic law because they don't follow traffic law. This is what Jesus exposed, the hypocrisy of the law.

Frthough 6 Oct 3
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Under communism, a man's conscience is sculpted by an authority so men will do right for the sake of the State. Under religion, a man's conscience is sculpted by an authority so men will do right for the sake of all. The individual has the freedom to choose the nature of his conscience. He ignores it at his peril for his conscience guides his behavior. The man who has no conscience has no guide.

Under communism, the fear of God is replaced by the fear of the State. Choose your guide well.


Christianity itself is NOT about adopting a superior stance. But Christians like non-Christians will use moral sounding arguments to manipulate others. Christianity absolutely teaches humility.
Communism is about taking the most expedient path toward domination and absolute rule over the population.

iThink Level 9 Oct 3, 2022

A person of Integrity needs no rules, because a person of integrity will behave better than the rules intended as minimum requirements for people with no self regulation, no strength of character, and probably no interest in the well-being of others.

As can be found in Scripture, none of us are "without sin," in other words, almost none of us succeed in operating with the kind of integrity required to operate better than the rules, and surely none of us are able to measure up to the perfection demonstrated by Jesus Christ. Most importantly of all, absolutely none of us may enter heaven on our own merits.

We must trust in Christ absolutely.

John 14:6 “Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.””


You make some valid points and even exemplify a judgmental spirit and personal superiority starting from your first sentence.

You tell the truth when you point out that we have all transgressed. I don’t believe everybody has broken a specific law or regulation (like speeding), but there isn’t a person alive who doesn’t at one point in their life do something wrong. Laws and regulations are different in various cultures, so it is even possible to transgress without knowing you’ve done so. However, those who transgress their own standards the most are those with the highest expectations of perfection. Does that mean we should lower our expectations of ourselves? I would say the answer is a resounding “No”. Instead we should seek to hold ourselves to a high standard while remembering Grace and forgiveness (for ourselves and for others).

As a military leader, I sought to uphold and exemplify the highest standards. I failed occasionally, admitted my failure sought to make it right and continued on. I also understood that my failures were a reminder to give more Grace and forgiveness to those I led when they failed to exemplify those same standards. (Leaders should should lead by example, not push.) There were times when Justice demanded punishment (for me as well as for those I led). However, whenever possible the preferred COA would involve seeking rehabilitation and reconciliation through the least harsh of methods (including verbal corrections and encouragement or grace).

I point out my military example, because we in the military used to have very high standards and hold ourselves to those standards more so than almost any other culture. That maintenance of high standards led to a good and productive lifestyle enjoyed by the vast majority of those within the culture, but it also led, for others, to hard feelings and a sense that the culture was judgmental and too demanding. The culture was not for everybody and we couldn’t expect everybody to adapt. If they didn’t want to adapt to the stated requirements, there were ways of leaving that culture. Those outside the military profession were never expected to live by the standards within the culture. We didn’t judge them as being less worthy or sub-military, especially when they were living within their own stated cultural standards.

In short, perfection as the goal isn’t the problem. We should all seek our highest. However, it is important to understand we will never fully achieve that goal as long as we live and remain imperfect human beings. (Only one man has ever walked this earth without transgressing.) That’s why Grace and forgiveness are so important.

They should always be available to those who try to meet the standards, but failed and were honest enough to admit their failure and humble enough to seek grace and forgiveness along with Justice. Additionally, the standards are only for those who want to be a pert of the culture with those stated standards. If anybody doesn’t want to seek to live by those standards to the best of their ability, they should be allowed to leave and go where those standards are not a part of the culture, realizing the inherent problems that come about due to lower standards (like those in California under the current slackened legal standards).


@Frthough sounds like you’ve suffered injustice. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m not quite sure what you mean is BS, whether it is Justice or Christianity or higher standards or law, but we certainly do live in a broken world that is hurtling out of control. Much of the pain is because of the lack of higher personal standards and equal application of standards, in my opinion. (rules for thee and not for me). I believe most of us are suffering in this broken world. The Bible to which you referred also states that all creation (the whole earth) groans … in Romans 8. This is talking about the injustice that causes pain and suffering for all because of the origins transgression of the standards God set.

The only cure is true justice, which will not take place until the final Judgement. In the mean time the only way to relieve some of the suffering is for us who can to live by a standard that is attempts to please the Creator. We will suffer injustice, but our suffering for others may make this broken world a little more bearable for others.

May God relieve some of your suffering so that you can feel His grace and mercy.


I agree that people should do their best and follow the law and be law abiding citizens. However, I also believe the law is all made up bullshit.

@Frthough As Solzhenytsin said, we're all just one step away from becoming the people we hate.


Christians have a big problem in following the example of Jesus, Who let His enemies crucify Him rather than fight back.

sqeptiq Level 10 Oct 3, 2022

True! However, although all Christians are called to seek to follow the example of Jesus in the way He lived, they weren’t all called to die on the cross in order to bear the sins of the whole world so that all might have the opportunity to be saved.

You will no doubt remember that although most of the apostles were martyred, they didn’t just become doormats. They, like Christ, called out injustice. Remember that when Paul was taken by the Roman “cops”, and was about to be whipped, he said, “is it lawful for you to whip a Roman citizen”? This stopped the scourging because it reminded the centurion that he was in danger of receiving harsh punishment himself. Christ himself, when the religious government leader told one of the “cops” to hit Jesus in the mouth, said, “who do you think you are calling for somebody to strike me?” Jesus went to the cross willingly to fulfill His purpose for becoming like one of His created people, but He wasn’t weak. He was always in control.

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