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I’ve heard people repeatedly try to quantify what a ‘cult’ is as opposed to a ‘religion’ to no little or no avail. Usually it turns out to be whatever they personally don’t agree with being labeled a ‘cult?’

Now I have zero knowledge of this Church of Scientology thing – let that be clear on the outset.

Too many times I hear this crap about how the so called victim (in their words) had no ‘agency’ to reject religious beliefs – which if true would indeed make them victims of cultism, no doubt.

For all I know this Church of Scientology may be a ‘cult’ – but they’re not until proven otherwise in this dialectical western civilization of ours? That means that ‘due process’ is not simply a subjective abstraction, but a qualitative material consideration to always be considered?

On the other hand, everywhere I look today I see ‘Due Process’ being denied? Due Process isn’t some right-wing abstract idea to be dispensed with whim of socialist left-wing machination?
Any adherence to this socialist notion of ‘racial equity’ is the immediate destruction of this American experiment in self rule?

The whole purpose of The Constitution of these United States is to protect the rights of individual citizens – not to ‘force’ some racist ‘racial equity’ upon the populous or individual? Americanism was/is not intended to devolve into a ‘cult’ of degeneracy regardless the wishes of its populous – as it appears to be rapidly doing?

I started this post in contemplation of something they’re calling ‘Scientology’ and found myself thinking about how wrong this new Justice Jacksons presents herself. As said before, I see ‘due process’ violation everywhere I look today? Due Process is much much more than some abstract legal concept only of interest to attorneys and judges – it applies to virtually everything in life? Force and Due Process are no way synonymous otherwise all is already lost to the jungle?

PS. Didn’t he have agency & where’s the defense?

Posted by: NewsNation ~ Oct 6, 2022 (yesterday) ~ 15,360 views
“Scientology secrets: Former executive flees church after abuse | Banfield”

Please do correct for me any errors that you discern – thanks in advance?

#LETSGOBRANDON ~ A Male-Feminist.
#MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) an individualist philosophy of life.



  1. the action or process of imposing something or of being imposed:
    "the imposition of martial law"

Similar: tax, levy, duty, charge, tariff, toll, excise, tithe, fee, impost, exaction, payment.

rare: mulct.

  1. a thing that is imposed, in particular an unfair or unwelcome demand or burden:
    "I'd like to see you, if that wouldn't be too much of an imposition"

Similar: burden, load, onus, encumbrance, strain, demand, pressure, charge, bother, worry.

Informal: hassle.

▪ a tax or duty.

Similar: tax, levy, duty, charge, tariff, toll, excise, tithe, fee, impost, exaction, payment.

rare: mulct.

▪ the laying-on of hands, as in blessing or ordination.

  1. the imposing of pages of type.

▪ a particular arrangement of imposed pages:
"some samples of 16-page impositions"

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Latin impositio(n-), from the verb imponere (see impose).

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Oct 7
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"I’ve heard people repeatedly try to quantify what a ‘cult’ is as opposed to a ‘religion’ to no little or no avail. Usually it turns out to be whatever they personally don’t agree with being labeled a ‘cult?’ "

Religion comes from the Latin religare ("to bind together" ), and that provides a clue to its function. Religion's primary function is to bind society together through shared beliefs and values, rules and rituals, ceremonies, and worship practices, and to provide stability. It often features a hierarchical structure.

In the more primitive versions, it can be seen in the form of folk religion and comprises various forms and expressions of religion that are distinct from the official doctrines and practices of organized religion. Typically, it involves ancestor worship, belief in spirits, curses, and good and bad luck, and often involves rituals that can be private or public.

By contrast, the term organized religion, also known as institutional religion, is a more developed and sophisticated form of religion in which belief systems and rituals are systematically arranged and formally established. Organized religion is typically characterized by an official doctrine (dogma), a hierarchical or bureaucratic leadership structure, and a codification of rules and practices. Temples and other religious monuments are built. Places of worship are built. It often features theologians, dealing with metaphysical questions. Questions regarding what the world is made of, what happens after we die, who created the universe, origin myths, etc.

There are also forms of religion that feature exclusive esoteric religious knowledge, confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle. These are sometimes called cults. Today, the word cult has negative connotations, but in ancient Rome, there were many cults that were seen as normal and were permitted.

Religion in ancient Rome consisted of varying imperial and provincial religious practices, which were followed both by the people of Rome as well as those who were brought under its rule.

The Romans thought of themselves as highly religious, and attributed their success as a world power to their collective piety (pietas) in maintaining good relations with the gods. Their polytheistic religion is known for having honored many deities.

The presence of Greeks on the Italian peninsula from the beginning of the historical period influenced Roman culture, introducing some religious practices that became fundamental, such as the cultus of Apollo.

Cult is the care (Latin cultus) owed to deities and temples, shrines, or churches. Cult is embodied in ritual and ceremony. Its present or former presence is made concrete in temples, shrines and churches, and cult images, including cult images and votive offerings at votive sites.

In other words, cult is short for cultivation of the favors of the Gods, by performing ritual worship, prayer, sacrifice. Each cult was about a particular God or Godess.

When Christianity first appeared in Roman cities, it was considered another cult. But because every cult worshiper also had to pay homage to the Emperor and Roman Emperor Christians found themselves in a dilemma.

The first three of the ten commandments are:

I am the Lord thy God
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

And so early Christians were persecuted for insisting only to worship one God and not also the Emperor and Rome State.

By the time Christianity becomes official religion in the Roman Empire, it started persecuting some of the pagan worshipers as heresy against one true faith, and this was also true for some of the sects in Christianity.

Sect is a subdivision of a larger religious group. Like for example Arianism - the principal heresy denying the divinity of Christ, named after its originator, the Alexandrian priest Arius (c.250–c.336). Arianism maintained that the son of God was created by the Father from nothing and was therefore not coeternal with the Father, nor of the same substance. The heresy was condemned by the Council of Nicaea in 325 and again at Constantinople in 381, but though driven from the Roman Empire it retained a foothold among Germanic peoples until the conversion of the Franks to Catholicism (496).

Or Gnosticism a heretical movement prominent in the Christian Church in the 2nd century, in part at least of pre-Christian origin and with ideas drawn from Greek philosophy and other pagan sources. Gnostics emphasised the power of gnosis, the supposed revealed knowledge of God, to redeem the spiritual element in humankind; they contrasted the supreme remote divine being with the demiurge or creator god, who controlled the world and was antagonistic to all that was purely spiritual. Christ came as an emissary from the supreme god, bringing gnosis. Gnostic teaching for long was known only from anti-heretical writers, such as St. Irenaeus (c.130–c.200) and Tertullian (c.160–c.240), until in 1945–46 a collection of Gnostic texts was found in Egypt.

Other pagan beliefs were proclaimed as heresy as well. And so, former cults became heresy, and associated with something negative. Although Roman Catholics unlike Greek Orthodox and later Protestants did compromise with the pagans and likeness of pagan gods became part of Roman Catholic prolific art scene, while many saints took the role of previous pegan gods.

The term cult remained associated with something negative to this day. And some truly are. Especially so called cult of personality. When it reaches epic proportions we see cult of personality in form of Hitler, Stalin, or Mao.


Scientology, Church of, philosophical religion founded by L(afayette) Ron(ald) Hubbard, 1911–86, b. Tilden, Nebr. Hubbard's book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950) first set forth the basis of his philosophy, offering an alternative path to overcoming physical and mental stress. The church believes that a person's spirit can be cleared of past painful experiences through a process called "auditing," freeing the person of the burdens that interfere with happiness and self-realization. The first church was established in Los Angeles in 1954. A prolific author, Hubbard wrote many works on Scientology and is also noted for his science-fiction novels and short stories.

Scientology has been regarded with suspicion by many during its history. The American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association questioned the tenets of Scientology during the 1950s, and in the 1960s the governments of England, Australia, and the United States opened investigations into church activities, particularly for suspected practices of tax evasion. The church's status as a religion was, however, ultimately established in those and other countries, but elsewhere it has been regarded as a sect. It has continued to face governmental challenges, perhaps most notably in Germany, where it has been accused of being antidemocratic and unconstitutional and where its members have experienced personal discrimination, and in France, where it has been convicted of fraud. Some, including some former members, view the church as an elaborate cult, a charge the church and some religious scholars deny. In 1996 there were more than 3,000 churches, missions, and groups worldwide, with headquarters in Los Angeles.

See J. Reitman, Inside Scientology (2011); H. B. Urban, The Church of Scientology (2011); L. Wright, Going Clear (2013).

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2022, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.


certainly many practices of the Church of Scientology can be seen as manipulative, cooersive, based on extortion and one might think its as much of a front for criminality as it is weird set of beliefs.


"The whole purpose of The Constitution of these United States is to protect the rights of individual citizens – not to ‘force’ some racist ‘racial equity’ upon the populous or individual? Americanism was/is not intended to devolve into a ‘cult’ of degeneracy regardless the wishes of its populous – as it appears to be rapidly doing? "

I must disagree with this. inherent in the liberal ideology is the current state of affairs. To put it in another way....

The liberal ideology is a contemporary religion. I disagree with the viewpoint of the progressive modern liberals that pursuing religious freedom is a worthwhile objective, because it is a false premise. Liberals impose their own religion upon other religions because they believe it to be the only true faith and the most moral of them all. So much so, they believe that simply self-identifying as a liberal is enough to be morally superior. They outsource the responsibility of personal morality by unloading it onto the liberal ideology itself. This is expanded by the Liberal dogma of the “doctrine of universal human rights.” Those who disagree with it are rarely tolerated; hence, those that are more dogmatic among the liberals, consider even challenging the human rights doctrine to be blasphemous.

“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” ― William F. Buckley

At first the Judeo-Christian set of values, so-called American Civil Religion and limited immigration kept liberalism tearing the comiunisty apart, but as new generations came along, new ideas came and so did immigrants, once the protection of the Christian moral values faded, liberalism could become what it was destined to become.

"As a million debates on libertarian principles have taught us — if you do not clearly define who and what you are in the name of individualism, then a more coherent and collective block will do it for you."

Remember, liberalism insists each man for himself, radical liberalization. No moral, religions or historic ties to the past generations. Fresh start, anti-social, radical liberalization, well there is a problem with that.

“I would rather try to organize politics and political discourse in a way that encouraged engagement on moral and religious questions. …If we attempt to banish moral and religious discourse from politics and debates about law and rights, the danger is we’ll have a kind a vacant public square or a naked public square.

And the yearning for larger meanings in politics will find undesirable expression. Fundamentalists will rush in where liberals fear to tread. They will try to clothe the naked public square with the narrowest and most intolerant moralism.”

*Michael Joseph Sandel is an American political philosopher.


“Liberalism has failed, not because it fell short, but because it was true to itself. It has failed because it has succeeded. As liberalism has become more fully itself, as its inner logic has become more evident and its self contradictions manifest, it has generated pathologies that are at once deformations of its claims, yet realizations of liberal ideology.

A political philosophy that was launched to foster greater equity, defend a pluralist tapestry of different cultures and beliefs, protect human dignity, and of course expand liberty in practice generates titanic inequality, enforces uniformity and homogeneity, fosters material and spiritual degradation, and undermines freedom.”

― Patrick Deneen, Why Liberalism Failed (2018)

Reminds me of what someone said. Liberalism delivered what it promised, but it was the opposite of what most expected.

Liberalism vs. Reality - Feb 29, 2020 Excerpt from James Burnham, Suicide of the West (1964; New York: Encounter Books, 2014), pp. 319-40; 345-9.

Feb 29, 2020 Excerpt from James Burnham, Suicide of the West (1964; New York: Encounter Books, 2014), pp. 319-40; 345-9.

The Guilt of the Liberal - Feb 29, 2020 Excerpt from James Burnham, Suicide of the West (1964; New York: Encounter Books, 2014), pp. 221-8.

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