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Is the US broken beyond repair?

As a Constitutional Republic, the US has a highly effective form of government that has been co-opted by the greedy and self-serving. This was bound to happen when the government continued to grow and subsume ever increasing amounts of power from the people they were supposed to represent. The problem was exacerbated by a growing population too lazy to educate themselves on their rights AND responsibilities. This is required so that the people might reign the government back in when those elected representatives of the government inevitably become drunk on power and start to oppress the people they are sworn to protect and represent (be the powerful a domestic or a foreign entity). Likewise this form of government was designed to protect the individuals from mob rule. 

The preamble to the constitution states the purpose of the constitution (and the government as a whole) quite well. 

The founding fathers of the United States constitution and of our constitutional republic (the government) saw a need to set up a framework to ensure the fledgling nation would not devolve into either a tyranny or mob-ruled democracy. They established and ordained the constitution in order to form a more perfect Union (among the various states in this republic), and to establish Justice and insure domestic tranquility. They saw that in joining together the sum of the states might become more capable than the individuals states alone in their attempts to (1) provide for the common defense, (2) promote general welfare and (3) secure the blessings of Liberty for themselves and their posterity. 

Note that they placed limits in the constitution on the government and those representing the people. Those limits would protect against tyranny if the constitution were followed. It is incombant upon the people to know their constitutional rights AND responsibilities so that they might reign the government back in when those elected representatives of the government inevitably become drunk on power and begin to oppress the people they are sworn to protect and represent (see the 3 responsibilities of those in government and the overall goal of the constitution in the paragraph above). 

We are not a mob ruled “Democracy”; we are a Constitutional Republic that operates upon democratic principles. We have no need to consider a different and lesser form of government. We simply need to get back to our current form of government’s purpose and proper execution of its responsibilities under the constitution. The government has become fat and overgrown and needs to be pruned back to its originally designed healthy state under the constitution. 

Much like Hosea 4:6 says in a different context, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Daveclark5 8 Nov 15
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Much like Hosea 4:6 says in a different context, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Most people don't WANT to know - we call this willful ignorance

iThink Level 9 Nov 15, 2022

Another perfect example of a reply that deserves a “bullseye” emoji

@Daveclark5 thanks!


Who has an interest in securing a nation when a promise of the world can be won?

I believe the US Constitution is the first construction of an adult republic where the populace is not treated as children by their governments. The Democrats today wish to return to the times of Emperors, Kings and tyrants to dictate to their children their behavior. They consider themselves the adults. Surely, they have molded the people into the children they see them as; dependent upon them for their welfare; sniveling and whining for more candy and a deconstruction of the Constitution that wanted them to become adults and not remain as dependent children their entire lives. Of course, politicians want to believe they are the protectors of their children but they must behave themselves.
Even while they themselves act no better than children and throw tantrums to get their way. It used to be the family that instilled proper mores and social etiquette in their children to grow into responsible adults. No longer. The government bureaucracy is built to engineer the child, through education, through behavioral modification, through social engineering, through bullying legislation that offers rewards and punishments to ensure citizens remain as children. Do you think you are adult enough to know how to use money? Did anyone teach you how to use money? Did they even teach you what money was? Do you think money you earned should be your property? It isn't. They ensure they get their pound of flesh from you and pay themselves well these days before they spend the rest on their supporters or frivolous programs that places them on a morally superior pedestal.

Yes, the family used to raise children to become adults but government wishes to to keep you as children.


no I don't think it is beyond repair, just are enough people willing to fix it or enough poor people ready to say enough & no more

"the people" are not yet uncomfortable enough to incite rebellion.

@iThink some are, and some have, and have paid the is just a matter of time of when the straw that breaks the camel's back happens....personally I think it will be something really insignificant in context and it will blow the mind in comprehension of it happening over something redundant but nonetheless it will be the catalyst considering all the atrocities that everyone has endured & witnessed or denied & will blow the minds of the arrogant for sure and why was that the motivating factor/moment....and those of us who have learned from history and had to stand by and watch helplessly while others refused to learn but are committed to their way or the highway (to hell) all the while calling out names and labels and pure projections and obfuscations....going to take us all down the sewer drain with them


Beyond repair? I doubt it, but the cost to effect the needed repairs may be so dear that the fabric of the society we've become accustomed to may be rent. But perhaps it is precisely because of this kind of self-serving society, that we've given over control of our destinies to fools and knaves whose concern is for their own welfare and sustained power only. Huxley, I believe, called them the Power Elite. I'd say let it rip but I'm too old and tired to do much beyond holding onto my little shred of life and sanity.


American voters by WWI had pretty much forgotten Constitutional principles, and why our Constitution is unique in the World. And aided by Leftists who felt the Constitution needlessly limited their power, and didn't give a hoot about individual rights, the Constitution itself was called into question by those trying to assert that it was out of date.

Of course anyone who has actually studied the Great Philosophers, knows that what makes philosophy great is its timeless and universal value to humanity. Leftists are not philosophers almost by definition, or they could not be Democrats, whose surreptitious mission is destruction of the Constitution, for a purely practical reason: power.

With the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and a Democrat Congress, the public was primed to respond with a big yawn, when in 1937 FDR unConstitutionally threatened all nine Justices with removal if they failed to vacate the Commerce Clause in the Constitution. In Wickard v Filburn, the Justices did just that in 1942, ("A stitch in time saved nine." ) knowing that the progressive mood of the public was behind the elites in Washington.

With that, the Federal government was no longer Constitutionally limited from telling farmers what they could and could not grow. Stalin was probably amazed that the US suddenly had Soviet style Central Planning.

The creation of the Department of Agriculture was the first shot across the bow of the creation of the vast, illegal, unaccountable Federal Bureaucracy, that later spawned dozens of others, like the HSS, now controlling the life of every American through unConstitutional Obamacare, the DOE, justification of the expedient-of-the-moment creation of the FBI, the Department of Justice, and countless others.

Broken beyond repair? Yes, as long as the public remains ignorant of Constitutional principles and why they matter to them. With Soviet style propaganda now feeding CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, the New York Times, the LA Times, the Washington Post... almost every American is being led to believe there is nothing wrong with our current loss of rights: freedom of speech, the right to bear arms without infringement (no permits), illegal search and seizure...basically every single Constitutional principle is being destroyed, and the public is totally asleep about it.

If they had any idea at all about what is at stake, they would immediately drop whatever they are doing, forsaking their RVs, Homes & Gardens, TVs, TicToc, Instagram, friends, neighbors and family, to see to it in any way possible that we return to First Constitutional Principles, and vote out every single Democrat, RINO, Socialist, Communist, Green Party, and anti-Constitutionalist with extreme prejudice.

Who is a Constitutionalist like Coolidge and Reagan? Trump, Cruz, DeSantis, Lake, Gabbard, Noem...many more. Look up their record. Its not that difficult.

Goosebumps. I could hear your words building to a crescendo. Thanks for the wise words.

reminds me of a news report about the government gets a percentage of all the crops grown from a war time production act years ago, a raisin farmer and brought to my attention they did the same on a substantial amount of crops

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