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Sexual deviates, unable to reconcile to themselves their own desires and arousal's, seek to justify them anyway they can – including this proselytization campaign asserting that homosexuality is a choice rather than a natural proclivity of the species? That heterosexuality is a socially constructed deviance as a result of human male oppression of women – feminist theory as it were?

Not the least bit of consideration to the procreation of the species by these TERF’s (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) – all raped up in hate as they are?

Feminism represents itself as a movement for the equality of the sexes – but is that really true? This premise of their would be understandable IF male and female humans were indeed the same – but alas they are not? They are equal before the judgment seat of GOD, their creator, and yet women are not satisfied with what’s most important – the equality of spiritual sameness?

I continually hear female protestations about their lot in life – perpetually blaming it and everything else on men? I have to wonder if it’s their humility that’s being tested? I mean, set aside their complaints about glass ceilings and the like along with birthing babies of the species, the most important door for them doesn’t even exist. That being the doorway to adoption by GOD as a sibling of Jesus Christ? That’s what sainthood means after all – being set apart (chosen) by GOD to rule with HIS only begotten son Jesus Christ from heaven?

Posted by: ShoeOnHead ~ 4 years ago ~ 2.6M views
“Being Straight Is A Choice”

Please do correct for me any errors that you discern – thanks in advance?

#LETSGOBRANDON ~ A Male-Feminist.
#MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) an individualist philosophy of life


Genesis 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done?
And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. (kjv)

Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception;
in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband,
and he shall rule over thee. (kjv)



  1. convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another:
    "the program did have a tremendous evangelical effect, proselytizing many"

Similar: evangelize, convert, seek/make converts, bring to God/Christ, bring into the fold, spread the gospel/word (to), propagandize, preach (to), win over, recruit, brainwash.

▪ advocate or promote (a belief or course of action):
"Davis wanted to share his concept and proselytize his ideas"

Similar: promote, present, spread, proclaim, peddle, propound, preach, back, urge, suggest, support, advocate, endorse, champion, sponsor, espouse, advance, further, assist, aid, help, contribute to, foster, boost.

1.proselytization noun
2.proselytizer noun

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1914wizard 8 Dec 15
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They're forever looking for new ways to be perverts!

They sure are! Thanks for the comment, 1914wizard OUT

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