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DISCLAIMER: This post is an attempt to support the views expressed by Tim Pool and linked to by our @Krunoslav. The importance of @Krunoslav’s posting should not go unnoticed by anyone. “Stakeholder Capitalism” is an obvious subversion of ‘Free Market Capitalism.’ I would submit that this experiment in self-rule was initially intended to embrace a laissez-faire form of capitalism.

“Stakeholder Capitalism” sounds innocent enough doesn’t it? But what’s being said is in no way innocent – not in the least. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s almost identical to Chinese Communism. And no doubt, once accustomed to “Stakeholder Capitalism” the door can be slammed shut on individual liberty and free market capitalism at the whim of the ruling party -- in their case the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) no doubt, in our case is it to be the Socialist Democrats?

Perhaps these irrational COOF shutdowns were simply preparatory for “Stakeholder” shutdowns?

In free-market capitalism you put your money up or you shuts up. Only a socialists thinks they’re “stakeholders” in an airline bus line or railroad they haven’t invested their money in. And a ticket is to ride not own – it doesn’t make you a “stakeholder” by any stretch of imagination. I suspect that @Krunoslov is more sensitive in recognizing socialism being from Easter Europe? At any rate somebody needs to call attention to the machinations of these socialists among us.

Feminism is nothing more than socialism wearing a dress. And what’s ironic is that socialism is self-sacrificing servitude to others – the ruling class intelligent enough to have not drank the socialist Kool-Aid. Women exclaim that they don’t want to be slaves to husbands, but they opt to be slaves to government instead. How’s that for ignorance?

PS. In no way is socialism Christian. Being a slave to GOD is not anywhere near the same as being a slave to the socialist state. Feminism advocates that women exchange their husbands for the socialist state; Socialists advocate exchanging GO for the socialist state. Does that sound in the least bit reasonable?

PS. MGTOW is not some sorta he-man woman haters club. And Ayn Rand is one of the very very few females considered by most to be a god among MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way).

Posted by: Lex Clips ~ 1 year ago ~167K views
“Why is Ayn Rand disliked by so many people | Michael Malice and Yaron Brook and Lex Fridman”

Please do correct for me any errors that you discern – thanks in advance?

#LETSGOBRANDON ~ A Male-Feminist.
#MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) an individualist philosophy of life.


sophistry (noun) · sophistries (plural noun)

the use of fallacious arguments, especially with the intention of deceiving:

"trying to argue that I had benefited in any way from the disaster was pure sophistry"

SIMILAR: trickery, deviousness, deceit, deception, dishonesty, cheating, duplicity, guile, cunning, artfulness, wiliness, craft, craftiness, evasion, slyness, chicanery, intrigue, subterfuge, strategy, bluff, pretense, fraud, fraudulence, sharp practice.

  • a fallacious argument.

SIMILAR: specious reasoning, the use of fallacious arguments, sophism, casuistry, quibbling, equivocation, fallaciousness, fallacious argument, fallacy, quibble, paralogism.

Data from Oxford Languages



laissez-faire (noun)

a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering:

"a laissez-faire attitude to life"

    abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market:

"laissez-faire capitalism"

SIMILAR: free enterprise, private enterprise, free trade, individualism, nonintervention, free-market capitalism, private ownership, market forces, deregulation, noninterference, noninvolvement, indifference.

Data from Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Jan 11
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