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Watch Virginia this week!

WorldSigh 9 Jan 19
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"Do you remember the Charlottesville thing?" Yeah, actually I do. A bunch of Nazis and Klansmen went to Charlottesville and marched with torches and killed someone.

Trump said "Fine people on both sides." (Just like he said he did not know David Duke and declined to criticize the Klan earlier).

This isn't hard, people. Klan bad. Nazis bad. We all know how Trump sounds when he doesn't like something - like a low-flow toilet. Wow - Trump can go off on toilets and light bulbs like nobody's business. But the Klan? Never goes off on them. He just doesn't care about that. Hates the Mexicans, fine with the Nazis.

This woman needs to face facts.

damo9f Level 5 Jan 19, 2020

I’m not American, and I’m fairly neutral on Trump. He has good and bad characteristics.

Years of disillusioned observation of multiple parties in various nations has led me to the inescapable conclusion that most political organizations, left, right, and centre are psychopathic entities intent on their private agendas with zero interest in their domestic populations!

Party differences are window dressing; in most countries over time, they gravitate in the same slimy direction. The Republican and Democrat parties both seem to generally circle the drain leading to the same postmodern, apocalyptic, sewer.

Your comments make me think you consume mainly mainstream media? I highly recommend looking into some of the more neutral alternative media sources. Tim Pool on YouTube and BitChute is a fairly decent unbiased observer.

Ahhhhhh, yes. Finish that quote buddy! "There were good people on both sides...." notice those little dots at the end??? That means there was more to the quote! Like the part about white supremacy being bad, and should be condemned! As far as the Virginia governor goes, I have a "conspiracy theory" to propose.
After Northam admits he can't remember whether he was the guy in the hood or.thenguy wearing blackface, the DNC tells him they'll sweep it under the rug if he'll work with them to be the 2nd amendment test state. So, here we are, watching a Democrat controlled state attempt to run roughshod over the Constitution.

@WorldSigh I concur, however, tim pool is far from unbiased.

@3percent The full quote is:

" Excuse me, they didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

That's his lukewarm comment about hundreds of Nazis (not being dramatic here "Jews will not replace us!" chanting Nazis) in Charlottesville.

Here he is going off on Toilets. He does this every rally. They had to practically beg him to denounce the Klan, but toilets? He's all over that crap (hah):

"We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on -- and in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it, and you don't get any water... You turn on the faucet and you don't get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out. Just dripping out, very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once."

We know his priorities. Claiming he once denounced the Klan after days of pressure does not cut it.


@rodneyblue He has admitted to bias several times. A completely unbiased source is pretty much impossible. I do believe that Tim tries his best to be unbiased. Not many news sources can honestly say that these days.

@WorldSigh agreed hard to find unbiased reporting, some better than others, but tim...he comes across like a collaborator, he'll quickly switch comments and ideologies ad hoc, all for the sake of clicks and donations. I've lost faith in his reporting willingness a while back. although i have to say some of the reporting he does is somewhat unique.

@rodneyblue As annoying as it is, I enjoy his constant flipping from side to side on issues. I gain perspective that might not otherwise occur to me. Of course, there is no source that I trust 100%.
The best strategy seems to be to compare and contrast multiple sources. And be certain the entire truth is still an unknown.


This gal makes a lotta sense.

No sir she doesn't, as with all liberals she only gave a small part of that quote and only the part that supported her left slant. Liberals can't win with truth.

@Dmwils She doesn't come across to me as being liberal.

@Obiwannosi sorry I should have said I was talking about damo9f.

@Dmwils See above. He does not denounce the Klan unless he absolutely has to. Mexicans, Toilets, Media? He HATES them all. Constant railing against them. Klan, Nazis? Maybe a reluctant quote every six months. But first he says "fine people" or "I don't know them." Then maybe a few days later he makes one statement saying he denounces them. That's why the Klan and David Duke love him. They know what's up.

@damo9f Isn’t the KKK a child of the Democrats?

@WorldSigh []

@WorldSigh I don't know if the KKK is the child of the Dems, but it is most certainly the mistress of Donald Trump.

More seriously, we all know the parties have flipped. Dems were pro-slavery from the 1800s, through the civil war, until 1968 when Nixon split off the racist vote using the "Southern Strategy."


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