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I'm really tired of the middle class.

So on out walking my dog today and I stop and chat with a couple of older black men and and older hispanic guy.  We do not agree on much but the conversation is friendly and interesting.  Then I move into the wealthier part of my neighborhood and talk to the upper middle class.  The conversation is tedious and uncomfortable.  Their is a sense of smugness, superficial intellectualism and hints of class esthetics.   These are the people with IQs between 130 and 140.  The people just bright enough to know and conform to all the social norms but not really bright enough to have many original ideas.  The class that finds Trump gauche.  The class with all the right sentiments but little self awareness outside of the superficial.  

You could make an argument that the middle class is highly K selected.  Investing heavily in their children instead of sex.  That they avoid immediate gratification in favor of long term goals.  Those characteristics certainly are reflected in their financial success but it is thin veneer.   In a complex civilization what is important is group selection not the kind of individual or even kin selection that makes the middle class successful.  The kind of socialism or welfare state they prefer has more to do with keeping the rabble at bay than building an integrated and highly functional society.  Racism, sexism, and cultural chauvinism are estheticly unpleasant to their acquired social conformity but their low expectations for the rest of society betray more primitive instincts.

By profession and association I'm middle class.  I admit to despising the habits of "white trash".  White trash that has the same sense of entitlement the middle class has.  The difference really is more about education and ability to dress up in sophistication, to avoid stupid mistakes, and understand long term investments than real depth of perception.  They are intelligent enough to learn science and apply it but not intelligent enough to be truly autonomous thinkers.  What you get from them is incremental improvements not real innovative thinking. 

​​​​​​​For the most part 🙂. Generalization are always inaccurate at the individual level.

wolfhnd 8 May 20
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"Generalizations are always inaccurate at the individual level."

exactly what I was thinking as I read your post. I was also taken by the smugness of it."

Older Black and Hispanic people are easy to talk to - you're out walking your dog and you encounter these older minority men and then you encounter "upper middle class" people in the same neighborhood? Seems weird - the Blacks and Hispanics and presumably yourself are NOT upper middle class but you live in a neighborhood that is not only racially blended but also
a mixture of upper middle class and what - I guess lower or lower middle class or maybe "working class" people? Weird.

It would also seem as though you already held your opinions about "the upper middle class" and the "blacks and Hispanics" before you went on your walk.

How much time did you spend talking with these various and diverse people in your neighborhood on this dog walking venture?

K selected? Really? So the Blacks and the Hispanic people tend to have lots of children in your neighborhood but the presumably White upper middle class do not?

This is a very strange story. Why don't you get to the point - say whatever it is that is on your mind.

I'll take an educated guess: you are of the opinion that White upper middle class people (the bourgeoise?) are the scourge of the earth and that the dark skinned lower classes (the proletariat?) are the salt of the earth - good and righteous folks?

So I guess you really are a Marxist at heart then?

iThink Level 9 May 20, 2020

Marx did not understand Darwin if he had he would have understood group selection.

For those that have been paying attention such as Victor Davis Hanson and Charles Murray the growing class divide is evident. There are those that benefit from globalism and those that don't. This kind of asymmetry doesn't just lead to income disparity but acceptance of despotism. What I didn't tell you is that everyone I talked to planned on voting for Joe Biden. It is essential a vote for the kind of despotism we see in China. The problem is that neither the upper middle class nor the lower working class have a clue what happens when you abandon group selection. But at least the lower working class minorities have no pretensions 🙂

@wolfhnd I think the "lower working class" people are just as prone to pretentiousness as any other group.
What makes you think that "class divide" is an unnatural and necessarily a bad thing - or even a "new thing" for that matter.

Globalism is not good for anybody except perhaps for those who preside over the collective.


Thanks for taking the time to reply. I don't think we are communicating, I apologize. I just assumed people had read my other posts. Civilization is impossible without competency hierarchies as I have covered in other posts.


Hello. It's kinda shame that you have to be so conscious of classes.

Naomi Level 8 May 20, 2020

I'm not really but I have an academic interest.

Have you read Charles Murray 's "Coming Apart: The State of White America, ". He gets a lot of bad press, often called a racist and pseudo scientist but that is the state of American academic discourse 🙂

Charles Murray 's "Coming Apart: The State of White America. Sounds familiar, but no, I haven't read it. Identity politics is played by all sides. That's the problem, I think. 😟

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