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This need to happen

RemiDallaire 9 May 28
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So you are advocating for government interference in a privately owned company? Because that is what this is plain and simple." I don't like what that company is doing so I am going to use my power as a governmental employee to shut them down." That is not ok. That is not American. There is no difference between a bakery not making a cake for a same sex couple's marriage because of their values and Twitter managing their content according to their values. If you don't like it don't go to that bakery and don't use Twitter.

This is a new realm and I feel like the courts will be arguing this for quite a while. Two things to add. Trump's justice Department disagreed with the decision, so they are taking the stance that the President should be able to block people's free speech in a public forum. That is troubling.
Also the court upheld that Twitter can block private users. So they can shut down anyone they want as long as, according to the courts, they are not a publicly elected official.

Here is a little more from Judge Parker.

Judge Barrington Parker, a George W. Bush appointee, wrote in affirmation of the district court's ruling. And secondly this is a decision about a Publicly Elected official. Twitter can still block private accounts and they have the right to do so.

"Because we agree that in blocking the Individual Plaintiffs the President engaged in prohibited viewpoint discrimination, we affirm," Parker wrote.Parker explained that the court did not take a stance on banning users from a private account or whether the First Amendment governed speech on social media platforms.

"We do conclude, however, that the First Amendment does not permit a public official who utilizes a social media account for all manner of official purposes to exclude persons from an otherwise‐open online dialogue because they expressed views with which the official disagrees," Parker wrote.

"The public presentation of the Account and the webpage associated with it bear all the trappings of an official, state‐run account," Parker explained, meaning that the First Amendment governed the conduct of the account.

FOTD13 Level 7 May 28, 2020

When companies are getting bigger than the governement and are a danger to the liberty of expression yes...
Let split them... it's been done before and it worked.

Hello RemiDallaire. "It's been done before and it worked." Which case are you referring it to? Did it happen in Canada?


Yes if twitter can't be UNBIASED it must be closed down!

bastion Level 7 May 28, 2020


So we should shut down Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado for refusing to sell a cake to a same sex couple?

In a free market economy let the market decide. If people do not agree with Twitter then vote with your wallets. Don't use Twitter. Close your account.

You right wing snowflakes slay me. Hypocritical sheeple.

bastion why so much interest in American politics? Should't you be worried about Little Pakistan, former ly called London.

Not the same thing....We are not talking about the same numbers. I know you libtard want to keep your litle advantages and priviledges but if men whites men and the entire judeo christian civilization will loose a foot whole on this planet you libtards will have topay for it too...You wanna know why.....???? Because...NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is free in this universe.

@FOTD13, @RemiDallaire He doesn't get it atall Remi!

@bastion, @RemiDallaire

You bring up the difference in numbers."We are not talking about the same numbers." So what is the cut off number? If I have a social media site of 250,000 should my site be controlled by the government? How about 25,000? 2500? 250? 25? What is the magic number and who gets to choose that number?

@FOTD13 If your company get so powerful that it has a serious impact on a political and cultural level yes you must be splited. ThaT's is that's all. Power over the people should never come close to a tyranny nor a monarchy. The less possible. a certain status quo must be kept... I live in Canada. Mainly libtards here. I tolerate it because it was the vote and the will of the people. But if the globalists and Neo markist are gaining too much power in ANY WAY shape of form...It need to be leveled.. Or you end up under a MAOIST regime with reeducation camp and fun things of the sort. Go read Ovide on the just center of a line... And think


I could not find this Ovide you referenced.

I understand the greivance. This is new territory and an executive order is not going to change the issue of free speech from a private company vs. free speech from an elected official. This will ultimately be settled by the supreme court.

By your definition of "so powerful" we should be limiting or doing away with lobbyists for powerful companies. The more powerful and wealthy the greater ability to sway political and cultural opinions through lobbying, ad campaigns, and politicians.Also we should never bail out powerful companies like banks and automakers. When a government uses the people's money to bailout banks because the government deems them "too big to fail", without asking the people who supplied the money, we have a tyrannical government.

I find it telling that bigger issues of powerful companies weilding their influence over politics and culture go by without a peep from republicans or democrats. But when the president, using a social media app, designed for teenage girls, gets angry that he can't block people with dissenting opinions, this becomes the leading issue on private companies abusing thier power.

@FOTD13 Yeah... Well Twitter got bigger han just teenage girl (admit it) . Ovide...Poete Roman. A voice from the past.. Ovide was complaining that he could not make poems about anything he wanted. he did not have freespeech. Because the emperor had power of life and death on anyone and subject forpoetry were limited and controled.

You could get killed or get bannished very similar to today I would say... If you would touch a subject that is Taboo for the emperor.

This civilization has been successful because it has walked he razor edge between Tyranny and communism.. That is why the status quo has to be kept at all cost.

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