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So, I have 4 kids in jr. High and high school, and in grade 10 they have a questionnaire in a class called “wellness”. What does wellness mean?
Anyway, this questionnaire is given during class time and because it requires so much teacher supervision, it’s done in a class and collected at the end. I don’t think many parents know it’s even given out. Question 2 gives our kids the indication that it’s all right to be biased against certain people, based on their group, not their character. Then question 5 tells them to challenge bias.
Here’s the page with the social justice questions. Can anyone here explain how this is not indoctrination?
My daughter was being home schooled for 1 year and the teaching assistant didn’t have time to wait for my daughter to finish the questionnaire so I had time to look at it and take some pics before it was picked up.
Do other parents know what’s going on in our schools?

Craig 3 May 2
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It’s indoctrination. My son spent two class sessions listening to a video about male toxicity and how violent, aggressive, criminal and horrible men are.


Wellness is new term brought into the social service philosophy based on the idea mental health and health is a spectrum and that by promoting mental wellbeing is a preventative method to stop mental health problems developing.

Its based on the idea there are triggers to mental health problems so if you promote wellness holistically across environment then people are able to operate better and stop them developing conditions.

It works outside mental problems like the best way to prevent physical health problem is to lead a healthy lifestyle instead of reacting to it after. So being fat causes heart disease so stopping fatness will reduce heart disease. Its a proactive model over a reactive one.

I understand "prevention is better than cure" when it comes to health (lose weight to prevent heart disease). I don't understand how that applies to mental health and trigger warnings. For instance, let's say I'm a whiney SJW who gets triggered when I hear someone say "he or she" rather than "ze". What can I do to prevent a mental breakdown? Nothing. It's not the same thing as taking responsibility for your own physical health.

@CRBG not "trigger warning", I know they sound the same but its a terminology used in social services not related to campus culture. Triggers are like environmental factors that make people more predisposed to develop mental conditions like isolation, abuse in childhood or alcoholism. So if you take a preventative model to stop these environmental triggers then you stop mental health developing. This is where it become more spurious and social justice ideology really starts kicking in because they have all kinds of triggers like inequality, not doing well at school or not being included.


I'd like to see the rest of the form - reusable shopping bags with related to 'wellness'? With questions like this, I'm sure it's done during class time and collected at the end so some parents won't complain or have knowledge of it.
I try to keep up with my kids at school. Everything is online now, assignments, books - everything. I do the best I can.


I doubt anyone can explain how it's not indoctrination, because it is indoctrination. And, the fact this is spun as 'wellness'? They're making wellness=right thinking. That's NOT wellness. If this is an instrument produced by the mental healthcare profession--which wouldn't surprise me--it's more evidence they've diverted in the wrong direction. Suckish shit--pathological--dangerous--myopic to the point of lacking any formal sense of self-awareness.

@DrN1, agree--mostly. And, it does seem likely there is a way to do these things without indoctrinating based on one ideology, and that's to open up the discussion. We're just not doing that, and this survey isn't doing that. It's 'TEACHING' children 'right thinking', and it's coming from authority--there's a lot wrong with this.

@DrN1, actually the more I think about this the more it makes sense that mental healthcare lacks self-awareness.

@DrN1, hahahahaha, nice!

wellness is philosophy seeped in social justice ideology. The basic idea is a proactive model to stop mental and physical health. It's all about how being marginalised and inclusivity create mental health problems and it minorities aren't able to actualise themself in a "white supremacist" society then they have mental health problems without any concept these people live the life they chose or that they are integrated into their own communities .

I could conceivably based on this model blame all my problems on the fact I cannot become the chief of the Maasai tribe in Kenyan.

@chuckpo Yes, but there's a reason for that-- I'll leave it to you to work it out why.

@chuckpo, @DrN1 You said it brilliantly. Probably better than I would have.

@jwhitten, a reason for what? Which comment were you responding to?

@chuckpo >> "the more I think about this the more it makes sense that mental healthcare lacks self-awareness."

@jwhitten oh yeah, for all of the same reasons we've been talking about. Mental healthcare is under the umbrella of leftist elitists.

@chuckpo Got it in one.

@DrN1, just reading over this, and I wanted to clarify that it is pedagogy, but it's pedagogy from the psychology field. I thought I'd put that into my response, but didn't. If you're talking about 'wellness' and it's not about biology, that is pretty much going to be a topic in psychology.

@DrN1, yep we have educational psychology. I have a master's in that along the way. I studied research and statistics, though my interest was more in the philosophy of research, statistics, science as a whole, so I guided my education in that direction to the degree that I could. I also have education in the theory side of psychology on both the clinical side and practical side, though again I guided my practical-side in that manner from within a clinically oriented program. I'm not big on the medical model side of psychology, though I find value in some of the neurobiological research. I was initially drawn to CBT, because I can be brainy in my solutions to problems. I'm learning--trying to learn--to be more emotional and communicate with a more emotional language--to recapture some of the human elements I sacrificed in academic pursuits. I'm quite experiential now in my own orientation--far from that CBT/clinical lens.

I've never actually seen education on pedagogy. Maybe that's a European thing. I'd have to look for it here. Conversations often include the pedagogical lens, though rarely is it intentional. How could you avoid it if you even want to? We're having fairly complex epistemological conversations. So, in the case that pedagogy is central to who we are as human beings, it's much older and wider than psychology, for whatever that acknowledgement gains us. Actually, psychology is likewise inseparable from any conversation--embedded into every conversation as we assess, judge, categorize, intuit, interrelate/communicate, etc. It was a field of study long before it was a formal field of study just like people taught and thought about teaching long before formally adopting a pedagogical lens.

Man, there's a lot outside of clinical psychology now. The field is really evolving--or continuing to evolve. Tons of stuff there to talk about better than CBT, if you're interested. I find the medical model to be much too restrictive. I'm not completely, but fairly significantly anti-psychotropic. I think there are cases where drugs are justified, but I think we WAY over-prescribe--especially because we want small boys to sit in their seats and behave. But, not just that either. I think we over-prescribe anxiety and depression, and we lose contact with the benefit in our struggles. What it means to be human is that we have good stuff and bad stuff--often learning the most from the bad situations we're in--by chance or by our own making. Anyway, I started rambling...


Yeah, question #2 is an ideology test. If you don't believe that certain "groups" have privileges (and, by extension, that society is bigotted because it privileges some racial, gender-based groups over others, then your point of view makes you a racist, sexist bigot. The questionnaire doesn't even give you a chance to explain your stance.

I'd be complaining to the school, if I were the parent, not that it would make a difference given the kind of environment we're living in.

CRBG Level 7 May 2, 2019

what's more worrying is that this is best practice across the social services, school system and health sectors. In the UK this was instituted by the Health Foundation in about 1995, it seems it is the same in America and worse.

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