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Smoke a Dubby and watch John Lennon looking guy talking to you about corporate censorship.

RemiDallaire 9 May 5
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That's Tarl, aka Styxhexenhammer666 -- he's a good dude with lots of interesting opinions. I listen to his channel all the time. Tosses a lot of 'F-bombs around though, just a quick warning about that if it's a problem for ya. I think his "corporate censorship" position is kind of a recent conversion. IMO anyway. My recollection of his past position is that he was more of a "their house, their rules" kinda guy. This newly-developed position may be along the lines of "No athiests in foxholes". But in any case, I think he's right and I've been saying so for years now.

The more people who see the light and get onboard the sooner we'll be able to get something done. These companies are BREAKING the Federal "Common Carrier" laws-- flagrantly. To say nothing of trampling all over US citizens constitutional rights to free speech and free association. They have both billed themselves previously and have become the modern digital equivalents to the "Public Street", and now they need to face the reality of what that means. No censorship. Treat all communication equally unless it's actually illegal. These are the same rules that the Telcos and other "Common Carriers" have to follow, and for the EXACT SAME REASONS. Seems that POWER CORRUPTS, who knew?

And that's only the tip of the iceberg. The big tech companies and social media platforms have it coming to them in spades. And it's about to get served up with a fire hose. I personally can't wait to watch it happen.

"Treat all communication equally unless it's actually illegal" - this is the tricky part isn't it. Those who have the money and the political power can and do arbitrarily decide what language is or will be "legal" and that which will be "illegal" - and the why of it is, again, arbitrary. Sure we all know about the proverbial shouting fire in a crowded theater bit but those who hold the power control the narrative. They decide for the rest of us what is "hate speech" and what constitutes speech that is or should be "illegal".

@iThink No, the LAW determines what is actually illegal. Pretty cut and dried. Kiddy Porn is the big one. There is no such thing as "Hate Speech" legally. IT DOES NOT EXIST. Shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater is illegal because it induces people to react on the spot and there is a direct and immediate threat to public safety. AND because the courts have considered it and declared it so-- thus it is not an issue of whether one company thinks it is and another one thinks it isn't-- it is ILLEGAL in all cases.

Yes the LAW is supposed to be system by which we discern between that which is legal and that which is not - but the reality is that we common citizens are more or less controlled by "regulations" and not so much by law. Furthermore the regulations and laws are written by the very people I speak of in my comment above. The rich and the politically powerful. In theory there is no such thing as "hate speech". Every day we see and hear stories about this person or that being punished for perceived transgressions against the "imaginary" hate speech codes. @jwhitten

@iThink There is no such thing as "HATE SPEECH" as a distinction of law-- which was what I originally wrote. The people being punished for perceived transgressions are being done so socially-- through socially-applied pressure (or indirectly through socially-applied pressure against advertisers) and by the tech companies / social platforms themselves-- which is probably NOT legal but the legality of which is still just a "smidge" up in the air and thus they are getting away with it a LOT more than they probably should be. Interpret that as nearly 99-99/100ths% ILLEGAL but "powerful people" and all of that getting away with the tiny fraction of 1/100ths% unknown / to-be-determined aspect. It is really a pernicious issue, IMO and one that I hope the tech execs get RESOUNDINGLY PUNISHED OVER-- with REAL, ACTUAL stints in fk-you-up-the-a$$ prison. They've known all along what they have been doing. There is no "ignorance of the law" happening here.

I hear you man but I'm saying you shouldn't hold your breath waiting for a law or court decision favorable to people like you and me.@jwhitten

@iThink It won't be favorable to you and me-- it will be favorable to the President of the United States and the Republican party. The rest of us who are tired of having our conservative / moderate voices censored will benefit as well.

I wish Georges Carlin was still alive and speading that f word like if there was no tomorrow.. So ....Nahhhhh have no problem with the f bomb. Actually the more colorful you make it and if you can make you argument even more clever with it.... The more it is worthy of a climax.. You know Quebecer use Catholic sacred words as curse ? Pretty much using gods names in vain... ? When they are using a chain of such words in anger it look like Ricky Ricardo being pissed at Lucy... LOL

@RemiDallaire Yeah, I don't mind. But it makes it harder to watch with my kids in the room. If it was just once in awhile they wouldn't care-- but my oldest turned to me the other day and said "Daddy, does he have to say that word all the time!!" -- LOL.

@jwhitten LOL Head phone....It's a name of the game... you can excuse it by saying that the older you get the more you have a right to say it. I dunno... I'm sure you can handle that situation better than me anyway LOL

@RemiDallaire Yeah, I listen mostly with headphones, or after they go to bed. They don't mind some cursing, but Tarl is one F-bomb after another and even I wish he would dial it back a bit at times-- and I can curse like a f'king sailor on shore leave! But, it doesn't matter that much to me. I generally enjoy listening to him and can overlook it, no worries.

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