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This low-life, scumbag Jeremi Carswell MD from Boston Children Hospital is telling parents that if their daughters urinate while standing, it means they are Transgnder, and hence they should get Hysterectomy.

What kind of animal would advocate for mutilation of a healthy child?

Lt-JW 8 Aug 12
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I looked her up and IT"S A MAN BABY!! (sorry Austin Powers) he/she-it has 4.3 star rating now by Boston Healthgrades and he/she-it is a diabetes specialist and also works with dsylipidemia like in obesity cholesterol and too many lipid fat cells in the blood. Seen a quote on he/she-it about giving hormones during puberty. Has a short youtube video about what it means to be transgender....

A real sick puppy and too bad it was not one of the puppies in Doktor Fauci's laboratory


I can remember that when I was a schoolkid there was this saying that if you were able to kiss your own elbow you would change sex.
Maybe Jeremi Carswell is behind that as well?

Aeofrik Level 7 Aug 12, 2022

Reminds me of an old horror movie, can't remember the name off top of my head, but the killer villain's mom use to make him sit on the toilet when he peed, and was what caused him to snap on and kill the guests at the hotel that they managed. If i remember the plot lines correctly, and not interceding several movies into one.....

So called transgenderism is nothing but a mental health issue


That's really too bad. She looks pleasant, too.

sqeptiq Level 10 Aug 12, 2022

Don't be tempted by seemingly nice ladies, these days you're likely to find that "big dangling surprise" when least expected 😉

@Lt-JW Don't worry! I realize a pleasant appearance can be deceiving. It's my negative judgments that are always right. 😸

@Lt-JW reminded me of 'surprise surprise surprise' 🤣👹🥸💩

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