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If you want to watch gay soft porn... Go for it.....Go watch gay soft porn... You don't have to spread it in every other genre..... And why oh why do you have to make every movie the headquarter of the united nation ?? Will Superman (for example) be able to have his forterest of solitude in the north pole only if there is a black guy and asian guy (no white because... we hate them) an Indian A latino An arabian (one of each male female an 68 other non fluid gender) are represented around ????...In the fucking north pole... Oh and let's dress them all in assless leather pants.... Except Brie Larson...Cuz she doesn't have an ass.....She is and ass.

RemiDallaire 9 June 7
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LOL! I also am put off by the diversiveness (actually the word diversity is no longer used. the correct word is inclusivity) extending to the comics genre. I stopped buying comics when they started introducing aberrant sexuality. I like my hero's hetero, simply because I'm an old white guy and I think the male/female interplay, and yes, sexual tension added to the characterization. Don't hate me 'cause I'm a straight, male (unconfused about my gender and which bathroom to use), white, Christian, conservative.


I just don't watch that shit any more. They aren't getting any of my money. I hope they aren't depending upon me to eat.

Same here... But I still watch what's coming up....hoping Tarantino might have made a good one in his latest.... the SJW are after him

@RemiDallaire Hmmm... you could be on to something there....

Cringy Pimply Dude: OOOOHHH Wh-wh-wh-what are you g-g-g-g-onna do, Mister

Mr. Blue: Shaddup punk!

Cringy Pimply Dude: B-b-b-b...

Mr. Blue: Stop yer whining kid and shut yer yap or I'll shut it for ya. You ANTIFA types are all the same. You're tough when you've got a mask but you're not so tough now, are ya punk?

Cringy Pimply Dude: B-b-b-but...

Mr. Blue: Shaddup! Shaddup before you get me upset.

Mr. Blue: Mr. White, please hand me those scissors. (Receives scissors) Thank you.

Cringy Pimply Dude: What are you gonna do Mister?

Mr. Blue: Never you mind about that. You just sit there, eyes front and try not to make a puddle on the floor.

Cringy Pimply Dude: (Meekly) Yes sir.

Mr. Blue: Mr. Green, are you about through with that?

Mr. Green: (Ripping sounds) Almost. A few more minutes.

Mr. Blue: Relax, you've got a few more minutes kid. (Snips scissors and laughs)

(Sounds of electrical machinery, steam sounds, a chain rattling)

Mr. Green: There, that just about does it. (Laughs) That kid's never gonna know what hit him.

(Mssrs Blue, Green and White all laugh)

Mr. Blue: Mr. White-- here (holds out scissors) would you like to do the honors?

Mr. White: Yeah, sure. Why not. Mr. Green, get over here and hold him while I do this...

(Mr. Green walks over)

Mr. White: (Snips scissors at Cringy Pimply Dude)

Cringy Pimply Dude: Noooo!!! Get away from me with those scissors!

(Sounds of clothes ripping)


(Sound of scissors)

Cringy Pimply Dude: AAAAAIIIIIEEEEE Please NOOO!!!

(More snipping sounds)

Mr. White: (Laughs) Your own Mother ain't gonna know you when I'm done!

Cringy Pimply Dude: (Begging) Please no. I'll do whatever you want--

Mr. Blue: You're damned right you will. (To Mr. White) Do it again. Go ahead, I'll hold him this time.

Mr. White: Hold still or somebody's gonna get hurt real bad...

(More sounds of scissors and ripping cloth)

Cringy Pimply Dude: Nooooooooo!!!

Mr. Blue: Mr. Green, you can bring that thing over here now.

Mr. Green: (Walks over with belt) Hey punk, ready for this?

Cringy Pimply Dude: AAAAIIIIIEEEEE

Mr. Green: Hold still you moron.

Cringy Pimply Dude: Please... No more.

Mr. Blue: You ANTIFA punks are all alike (holds up mirror) See? Whaddaya think of that? Like I told ya-- your own Mother won't recognize ya.

Mr. Green: Relax it won't hurt for long and then it will all be over. (Laughs)

Mr. Blue: Okay kid, your suit fits fine. Mr. Green did a great job with the inseam, don't you think?

Mr. White: (Still with scissors) Sit still while I trim your bangs, I don't want to cut your ear off.

Mr. Blue: (to Cringy Pimply Dude) He's done that before you know.

Mr. Green: Okay, now the belt.

Mr. White: (Spits, glares) ANTIFA punk. Not so tough now are ya.

Mr. Blue: Okay kid. We know how to deal with you ANTIFA scum. Take this application over there to Mr. Red. He's got a real JOB for you. You'll be too busy WORKING all day to bother the good folks at night. Now geddouttahere before I change my mind.

@jwhitten What ? No mister pink ? chuckle

When Tarantino goes PC, I'm done with him. Robert Rodriguez, in the other hand is in no immediate danger of switching to a soft violence genre.


Read between the lines, more lesbian scenes in mainstream movies.

A softening for the harder stiff/ oops stuff? LoL that was a typo but went with it

Naaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I'm sure the point is to reach the whole Brokeback mountain level eventually

@RemiDallaire I think the question then is which will sell better. Selling mainstream movies with lesbian sex scenes to men, or selling movies with gay sex scenes to women.

@criminey359 What ever it is.... I don't wanna see it. chuckle I'll rewatch the good the bad and the ugly if I have to

Here's a question that may be unpopular...
Why don't lesbians in real life look like the ones in movies?

@AlladinSane The answer is why don't people look as good as the ones in movies.


Enjoyed your commentary immensely. Am not anti gay, but it does seem like considering how small a percentage of the population LGBT+ etc.....there is a virtual tsunami of media pushing the cause, movies, t.v. shows, news media; for instance journalists, sheperd, lemon and many others. It isn't something I would think about, but its as if its being deliberately shoved in the face, so I ask myself what is the end goal here....even attempted rewriting of language terminology, cyst-male, cyst-female....labeled like some disease, while gender-fluid is made to sound normal. Am not surprised that Marvel's been hijacked, sad. But it does make some sense, where better to potray mutants, can't wait to see what the first openly gay male super hero looks like? Bare assed chaps behind the cape no doubt. Anyway just supporting your rant with my own ...hands off our super heroes, you perverts!

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