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Good explanation for this culture war we find ourselves in..

DesireNoDesires 7 June 26
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I've had a theory that the philosophers disappeared for a time--or at least went underground. Maybe, they just weren't particularly interesting or provocative. They weren't compelling. I sure am glad they made it back. I finally feel like the philosophers are asking questions again about where we're going as a society, and is it a good thing? We literally can't afford to be without the philosophers. We've seen what happens when the only thing driving society is a cold, insentient social force.

chuckpo Level 8 June 26, 2019

I feel they disappeared into a sea of cliches, along with the original meaning behind many things of importance. Their "why's" and "what if's" were drowned out by the comotion of "desire". Similar to how a sighting of an Unidentified flying object, has been drowned out by desires of discovering something being operated by a life alien to our planet.

They (philosophers) seem to gain the attention of those who are equipped with the stability it takes to slow down enough to listen.

Some blindly latch on to their family's chosen religion, only vaguely understanding its teachings.

Some ignorantly attempt to define where they stand on specific views, that can't be tested to provide scientific proof.

Some ask WHY, only to add to the current attempt at an explanation, rather than find a definitive answer.


So, in this cultural war, who are the ones still stuck in the cave? Is Plato’s premise—that we cannot perceive reality—valid? Is the ultimate result of this philosophy good or bad? Useful or not? What is the role of nihilism in this approach? As an Aristotelian I have my own answers, which may be apparent in the questions themselves.

Basically...the ones stuck in the cave, in my opinion are those who refuse to question their own beliefs. The result of this philosophy is neither good nor bad for certain, but useful in the sense of the lines we currently use to divide one individual from another, become more well defined and understood. Which would either allow for groups to agree to disagree, or maybe even realize that the common beliefs of one another are similar enough to find a common ground, and define it.

@MaskedRiderChris Goes for most of us I think, only few are able to admit it though

Is Plato’s premise—that we cannot perceive reality—valid?

Was Plato's premise that we cannot perceive reality, meaning that we shouldn't strive to perceive reality, or was it that we should never stop developing a better understanding of what is reality, by always searching for the aspects which explain the reality of others

A person against homosexuality could seem closed minded to some, and in all honesty might be. Without the understanding that it being looked at as a sin wasn't to be taken vaguely. Rather it meant sex is meant for the reproduction and continuance of humanity, not a form of entertainment or pleasure. Making what at first seemed to be a hateful, prejudice statement, a more thoughtful, well meaning view of how another perceives reality.

This same lack of understanding has created sort of roadblocks to topics left open to unanswered questions.. such as, is homsexuality something depending on a persons DNA makeup, or is it something developed in certain environments at an early age?

The fact that, for a person to question such a thing is seen as wrong, as if they're implying for the person to be bad if such a thing were due to anything besides just being they way they were born.

Prime example of how emotions have interfered with our progression, and left us chained inside a cave. Only the shadows of the occasional pride parade passing behind us to gain understanding from.


Ignorance, stubbornness or pride? Doing battle with those three is a challenge.

dmatic Level 8 June 26, 2019

The key is having enough pride, to set stubbornness aside, and acknowledge one's own ignorance.

@DesireNoDesires I thought that was called humility.

@dmatic "Humility" doesn't seem as appealing, maybe that's the point though I guess...a way of weeding out the "weak" straight from the start. lol

@DesireNoDesires Not sure what you mean here. Humility is one of the highest, if not THE highest and most valuable characteristic of a Kingdom subject. A humble person is most often way stronger than a prideful one.

@dmatic A "weak" person wouldn't approach a concept such as "humility" with a mentality like the one you described. If it were appealing on a broader range, as far as the traits required of a person to consider pursuing such a thing, would result in having "too many chiefs, not enough indians" type of situation.

@dmatic so weeding them out from the start

@DesireNoDesires Still not following, DND. What is your definition of humility, and why do you think it not appealing?

@dmatic this may not be appealing to a person growing up in todays society that focuses on self confidence, viewing themselves as being less important may seem sorta counter productive..

@DesireNoDesires It's probably not appealing to a person deceived by their own pride....stubbornness and ignorance.

@dmatic exactly, weeding those who fail to get past that concept, out from the start

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