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DISCLAIMER: A great many men’s rights video creators fall in the trap of not actually representing MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way). Instead they become diverted towards date coaching. And to be quite clear, nothing herein is with such intention of facilitating such roads to committed marital slavery.

One of my favorite video creator continually brings up how 80% of men are invisible to women these days. When a better way of detailing today’s problem is that at least 80% of women aren’t worthy of marriage commitment by any man. That’s not to say that men are little angels as it were. BUT THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT – and men are the customers after all!

So if 20% of all the men are doing all the copulating; doesn’t it follow conversely that only 20% of all the women are actually wife material?

What I’m trying to point out is the flip side of all the observations that only a small number of men are actually studding the 80% majority of women.

Of course you do understand that this ‘Pareto Distribution’ phenomena {also called the 80-20 Rule} applies across the board to virtually everything you can think of – along with things you can’t even think of – it’s a very strange phenomena that exists.

In short, 100% of all hit music is produced by only 20% of the artists – the reason for the next video linked hereto.

For true equality, women must now be required to create their value like young men have been forced to do throughout the ages. You see, females have historically been born valuable while males have been forced to create their value in life. I’m sure, provided your of sufficient age, that you recognize that not all these music contributions are “Golden Oldies” – I’ speculate much less than a 20% Pareto Distribution. But just look at how many young men are taking their shot at it.

Posted by: DJ Pierre Noll ~ I month ago ~ 512K views ~ 2.55K subs
“Golden Oldies Video Mix 1[Non-Stop]”

PS1. I would hope that “Failure To Launch” recriminations heaped on young men is now at an end.

PS2. Gentlemen, in the order od importance, birth, baptism, marriage, and death are the most important and traumatic & important events of your life. Consider MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) philosophy of life and eliminate the one traumatic event concerning your life you actually have control over – marriage (don’t do it!).

PS3. What I’m trying to point out is that, with the guidance of socialist feminism, and no-fault divorce women (in general) have gone from -20% tramps/80 to +80% tramps/20 in just a couple of generations – don’t commit yourself gentlemen.

PS4. Feel free to correct any errors for yourself that you may discern – thanks in advance.


What is Pareto Distribution?
The Pareto Distribution was named after Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto. It is sometimes referred to as the Pareto Principle or the 80-20 Rule. The Pareto Distribution is used in describing social, scientific, and geophysical phenomena in society. Pareto created a mathematical formula in the early 20th century that described the inequalities in wealth distribution that existed in his native country of Italy.

Pareto observed that 80% of the country’s wealth was concentrated in the hands of only 20% of the population. The theory is now applied in many disciplines such as incomes, productivity, populations, and other variables. The Pareto distribution serves to show that the level of inputs and outputs is not always equal.


1914wizard 8 Jan 20
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