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Me: Exists as a Conservative
Leftist on Twitter: "Sexist, chauvinist, pig!"

TheLibertyAmb 5 June 28
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I'll watch some of it to kill time; more of it if they play in justvtgeir panties...except the gender ambiguous person pictured above with the orange man combover. Zhe(?) zhould keep zher pantaloons on 🙈


Lmao! The automatic go to is "chauvinist pig". It never fails to make me laugh. Then, the assumption that simply because you are conservative those sexist, chauvinistic comments are "there somewhere" is hilarious. You get called a chauvinist pig, as a woman who is conservative, I get called a "gender traitor".

That is a typical tactic tho. Call names, don't actually support the name calling then "walk away" like she proved some point. Too funny!


What you said: "Unfortunate for her, no one cares about her opinions or women's soccer."


  1. a person displaying excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for a particular cause, group, or gender.

I would say that your strong, negative reaction is pretty close to the mark!

I don't see how saying no one cares about a particular person's opinions or a particular sports division amounts to "excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support".

Looking at the popularity of women soccer....I would say that you've just called 98% of the planet chauvinist....
So....If you yourself aren't chauvinist.....Aren't you affraid that you are actually abnormal ??

I think a bunch of people are just upset that the American Woman's team can score more points in a single game that the men's team in an entire tournament. Something about women showing up men just ticks guys off. It's why computer science took so long to get off the ground.


@RemiDallaire You need to find a higher point to scream you don't care. If rooftops don't do it, have you considered the top of a water tower?

@RemiDallaire Do all of those people reflexively shit on things that a perceived minority of people enjoy?

@criminey359 I did not scream.... I played a video.... A video that said.....No one.....not me only... but pretty much No one... Let's make sure... ok ? Let's play it again... Oh look I've found a better one.

Look being somewhat of a football fan myself..... I can tell you.. I haven't watched a single women world cup game... Not a single one... I have watched some Gold cup game though... And some of the african cup of nation. Why is that so ? Well I'll answer with this video than.

@RemiDallaire Keep going, let all the internet that you don't care. I know you can do it!

@WilyRickWiles Who said anything about shit ?.. People just do not care about it.. It's like democracy... The most votes wins (unless you have states that have more importance like in the US) LOL . It's like that also in the supplly and demands laws... A product that people love and are interested in will sell more than another product.

And if I was that woman from the US national team..... I would get off my ass and go to the white house no matter what or who is in charge in there... because it's good publicity to do so.... Some people may notice and than try to watch the product..

All that I or TheLibertyAmb here are saying is just the simple truth... and that doesn't make us Chauvinist for it... that just make us honest.

@RemiDallaire I think something got lost in translation.

@WilyRickWiles Do all of those people reflexively shit on things that a perceived minority of people enjoy?

No... I think I pretty much summed up your point of view and answered it clearly.

@criminey359 Is there an acusation of something somewhere in this ? I can scream... I am a golden god too.

And I'm on drugs !!..

@RemiDallaire Come on, you're loosing steam. Let no one doubt that you don't care. Keep going! Don't stop till the streets are filled with people chanting "HE DOESN'T CARE!" I believe in you Remi, get that chant going.

@criminey359 Will it hurt your feelings if I don't ??. chuckle Listen the rating of the women world cup final were acually petty good in the US... But that is just because of a patriot of the day feelings the US has for their national teams reaching any sport finals... But tommorow.... No one will care. I'm pretty sure the rest of the world rating were not any good. And where is football most popular ? Anywhere else in the world than in the US. LOL It's just a fact.... And tomorrow soccer will go wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back last in the interest of the american sport fans... So yeah.... No one cares

@RemiDallaire, I actually love the women's team. Rapinoe acted like an impish choad. In fact, I'm not watching one game because I'm protesting her actions. The radical leftists on this thread are wrong. And, they're making the OP's point EXACTLY!

Watch, I'll be called a sexist for protesting, yet I'm doing exactly what they're championing from Rapinoe. They can't escape their own hypocrisy. Hypocrisy permeates all of their thinking. Tragic comedy.

@criminey359 scoring a lot of points is great but for it to be a measure of skill it depends on the level of competition you're facing. If the women's team actually played the male US soccer team, they would likely lose. Heck the 2017 women's team couldn't even beat a high school boys soccer team:



Do you ever wonder if you are just talking to bots, I feel therefore I don't have to think....its horribly facinating. And soccer is a pansified sport....straight out of the Euuuuuuw, lol

Yeah she went full NPC on me lol.

@TheLibertyAmb She was pretty polite tbh.

@WilyRickWiles How is calling someone a sexist, chauvinist, pig with no basis at all, polite?

@TheLibertyAmb You said she went "full NPC on you," which seems to imply a progression during the course of the conversation. In reality, after her initial message, she directly responded to your replies and politely disengaged.

As for the initial message, even it seemed proportionate to your aggrieved tweet.

Honestly, you're giving conservatives a bad look if you define "existing as a conservative" as going on twitter and policing what sports people are allowed to like.

@TheLibertyAmb A couple expressions come to mind: "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and "you can dish it out but you can't take it."

@WilyRickWiles accusing someone of being a sexist, chauvinist, pig is far more offensive than saying people don't care about a particular sport, or a particular person's opinions. Furthermore, she never recanted that accusation even after it was demonstrated that her accusations were completely baseless. Saying basically I'm sure you're a bigot because reasons but I'm too lazy to prove it, is not politeness, it is intellectual dishonesty and cowardly. Even if it were, being an NPC isn't necessarily about being rude, it's more about mindlessly spouting opinions without thinking them through, which is exactly what she did in that conversation. Finally, at what point did I say people are not allowed to like women's soccer or any other sport?

@WilyRickWiles I do not believe in that first expression. If people only said what they thought sounded nice, most of the important hard truths in life would never get discussed. As for the second expression, I wasn't even addressing her initially, I was addressing the female soccer player in the Huff Post article. And do you really not see a difference in rudeness between "nobody cares about this" and "you're a sexist, racist, chauvinist" ? At least what I said, if you strip away the hyperbole of "no one", is actually true. Not that many people in the US are interested in women's soccer, and even fewer are interested in the political opinions of that particular player.


Was it because you have picture of the white dude as your avatar... ??? Geeze she was being racist and sexist toward you than.... Go figure..

Not to mention her transphobic assumption that I identify as male lol.

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