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She's baaaack!! And just as stupid as we remember

Boardwine 8 Aug 28
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AOC has the Kruger-Dunning effect!


If CA, IL, and NY were red states, does anyone honestly believe we would hear even a whisper about the electoral college?


how can the electoral college be a "racist scam" when it was set up in white society where there could be not racial divergence of interest.

When she says informed she means woke.


@Boardwine, I'm afraid you have a case of AOC Derangement Syndrome. And it appears to be contagious!

No. She's just an idiot.


Protest of gov't and administrative policy is as old as the Republic itself. Politics is an ugly business - I think of it as one step short of 15 paces and the firing of dueling pistols.

I will remind you that very thing happened before - a live fire duel with pistols between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton.
I also will mention the mobs marching in the streets in protest of FDRs' decision to enjoin the War in Europe and Asia known as WWII. FDR actually did imprison / detain numerous individuals as enemies of the State during WWII for "undermining the war effort"

People often harken back to a day when politicians of rival parties managed to eek out an agreement of some sort. Decorum and formal protocols are a pleasant fantasy and fantasy is all they amount to. Sure once in a while some highly visible scene of cooperation and conciliatory "negotiation" comes along but those are not only rare but phony theater for the media and those who read the papers.

AOC is just what she is - An uninitiated plebe who somehow was able to get a seat at the grown ups table. I am no longer surprised nor amused by the things she says. We all should take some solace in the fact that AOC is for the most part ineffectual. Remain patient - eventually AOC will fade off into blissful oblivion and we will be rid of her once and for all.

Having said that we should be very apprehensive about whoever is elected to take her place after she has moved on.

iThink Level 9 Aug 28, 2019

Did anyone actually watch the video? Or do you prefer your Fox News spin straight from the source? []


Literally, one person that I have no interest in hearing what spills out of the hole under her nose.


Give her a break, she was born after students had to read history.


I guess it took time to become even dumber.
I can understand her handlers coming up with provocative remarks to keep her in the headlines, but why say things that are so easily discredited? Makes no sense whatsoever.


And the delusions of grandeur continue, just goes to show you can't fix stupid!

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