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Noted Washington Post hack Margaret Sullivan flared briefly on the radar screen a few days ago with her observation that the left-wing media is actually the “reality based press.” It’s easy to write her off as a self-serving narcissist and a crazed leftist loon, although that last construction may be redundant by at least two terms.

My tendency has always been to assume that such statements were a careful strategy of hyperbole, designed to insulate one from any possibility of taking opposing views seriously, hold those views up to ridicule, and circumvent a reasoned debate on respective belief systems. I’m not so sure about that anymore.

I know, I know, you listen to someone like AOC babbling about our final 12 years on Earth if we don’t revert to a 1700 era economy, or Nancy Pelosi solemnly intoning her deep regret about having to do her constitutional duty, or Elizabeth Warren coming up with another trillion dollar give-away, and you think these people are batshit fucking crazy.

After having to write off one friend on the left after another as a hopeless cause, I’ve decided it’s not hyperbole to them. They’re not exaggerating anything for effect. They really do believe what they say.

It’s like they’ve split off into a parallel universe that occupies the same time and space as our own, but which obeys an entirely alien set of fundamental laws and principles. This is a truly pessimistic point of view. The thing about parallel universes is that they never touch. And I realize that I too am sealed inside my own, untouchable universe.

I accuse the left of intolerance, but I acknowledge that I am equally so towards them. How willing am I to compromise my own principles in a quest for common ground? Not too damn much. Certainly no more than one of them would be willing to vote for Trump. I walked from my former friends because I found them intellectually impenetrable, with numerous cutout terms to insure that they stay that way—racist, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist, or, when they abandon any pretense of civility, knuckle-dragger, uneducated gap-toothed moron. I, on the other hand, casually think of them as deranged fools. Blind ideologues... for sure. Dangerous fanatics... clearly. Terrorists... yeah, they’re getting that way. But mostly I think of them as traitors. And once you’ve branded someone in this way, you’ll never be able to take it back. Or want to.

I guess what I’m saying is this divide may never be bridged. There needs to be a fundamental and mutual assumption of good will for opposing factions to coexist peacefully. As well as mutual respect. These are things we’ve all lost, possibly forever. While I’m probably not ready to follow this to its logical conclusion, at least not by the light of day, in my darkest imaginings I fear some bad shit’s coming down. And when I think like that, I’m glad I’m on the side that owns guns and knows how to use them.

Edgework 8 Dec 6
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Nice little essay. Well written. If I may let me make a few observations about the things you said here.
There is no middle ground or compromise to be met when dealing with folks whose arguments directly come from a premise that they are personally aggrieved and mal-treated by a system of economics and governance that inarguably created the most prosperous existence imaginable for every man woman and child lucky enough to living in it.
There is no valid reason you should burden yourself with notions of "your own unwillingness to compromise with the leftist thinkers in your life when the ideas they militate over are so obviously evil and destructive and are a proverbial invitation to leap off the nearest cliff with them and thanking them for the privilege.
When they resort to the name calling, then you know, or you should know, that you have made not only the right choice but truly the ONLY choice to be made.
I would reject any feelings of shame or guilt you might have for having walked away from those former "friends" who are determined to leap off that proverbial cliff and to take you with them.
Lastly I will point out that it is dangerous to think that leftist thinking people do not have guns and that they don't know how to use them. If they don't have them already it is a fact that guns are NOT difficult to find and once found guns are really very easy to use - effectively. So, stay armed; be vigilant and prepared to resort to violence when they come for your guns because your liberty will follow immediately after your guns are taken.
I know it is easy to say from where I sit at this moment but I would rather die fighting than to live in slavery to an indifferent master in a collectivist State.

iThink Level 9 Dec 6, 2019

Appreciate the comments. But in truth, there is no suggestion of guilt or remorse attached to my observation, simply an acknowledgement that the divide has become unbridgeable.

I’m getting sick and tired of hearing otherwise intelligent commentators express shock and dismay to discover, once again, that there’s a double standard in the way conservatives are treated in the media. I just think it’s time recognize that the quest for unity is pretty much bullshit. As you point out, there is no common ground, so stop looking for it.

@Edgework hear hear


You are seeing a fight between individualism, and various interpretations of communism. These fights are ideological, and both ideologies seem to not be interested in debates anymore. And when there's no debates, violence follows.

Serj Level 4 Dec 6, 2019

Violence has already begun

@bobseeks funny thing, they say the same about the right.

A smart person dismantles the lie with facts for the benefit of others.

@bobseeks have you actually debated one in good faith? Where your mind was open to the possibility that you just might be wrong? I somehow seriously doubt that.

@bobseeks you sure seem triggered to me over such a simple question. It's almost like you've never conceptualized that you might be wrong. Why don't you go ahead and tell me all the false arguments* for liberalism? Shouldn't be a problem since you know them all, and that would definitely reassure me, despite starting to smell a whole lotta bullshit from your posts.


Howdy @Edgework,

I remember a book, I think it was by Elanor Dulles (sister of John and Allen), where she recounts a conversation with a National Socialist. She said a worldwide conspiracy of communists and international bankers was impossible. Communists and bankers hated each other. They were natural enemies.The man's reply was that it just proved how fiendishly clever the Jews were.

From their point of view, the left lives in a perfectly consistent world. They were taught leftist worldviews all the way through graduate schools. Their entertainment echoes their views. The newspapers of record explicitly state them, as does the rest of the news. They live in a bubble, buts it's a very big bubble. They never have to encounter a dissenting voice.

And then along comes Trump; this loud, crass man and his low class followers. Barbarians at the gates

You have to wonder, if the international bankers are opposed to international communism, why Wall Street financed Lenin’s revolution.

Ever get the feeling that there’s a wholly different game being played, right in front of us, that we know nothing about and the rules of which are hidden from sight?

@Edgework to me it all makes sense when you look at the One World Government thought pattern. All socialism in history began with politics and violence. From the Roman empire to's the same pattern just different warrior uniforms.


This war is in the nation's classrooms. Don't join a militia, join a school board.

rway Level 7 Dec 6, 2019

To an extent I agree, what is key though is their motives for saying that? One facet of a falling civilisation is not having united motives. These used to be religion, nation and opposing poverty. Try as they might people are not going to unite around, gun controll, gay rights or global warming. If for no other reason than some don't care about them like they would for the others.

If you want to build bridges you need to unite around universal motives. If everyone agrees the poor need help the argument is reduced to how rather than try to project hidden agendas/motives.

It’s that “universal motives” bit that’s the sticking point, yes? I don’t believe I was advocating for unity and common ground so much as pointing out How elusive a goal they’ve become. And acknowledging my own lack of passion when it comes to building bridges. Like I said, mine is a very pessimistic point of view.

@Edgework it's only pessimistic if it disregards cause for optimism. In this case, I don't see much cause for optimism. I don't want to build a bridge to the other side... the other side is wrong; demonstrably, objectively, and historically wrong. I want to build a bridge from the other side, one-way. That bridge has to be education.
They've taken over education, quite purposefully; it's one of the "10 Planks of Communism" from the Manifesto.
We're currently experiencing why it is one of those crucial planks.
The only strategic move we can make at this point, that will bring any hope for the future of America and of Freedom around the world for generations to come... is to take it back.
That means abolishing the Dept of Education, and decentralizing the institution.
Our best hope of doing that successfully, is probably to get it on the agenda for a Convention of States.

Agree on all counts

Joining a school board does very little since educational selection is not at a local level. The academic agenda available is decided on both state and federal levels not local. Home school is about the only way to get indoctrination out of your child's life. Pretty sad for our kids but the best for them in the long run.

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