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Abandon "Christianity Today" as well as the Democrat party if you care about truth.

Christianity Today Betrays the Truth

By Bill Thomas December 21, 2019

In a December 19, 2019 editorial, Mark Galli, the editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, opines that President Trump should be “removed from office.” This conclusion by Christianity Today’s editorial board is disheartening and, in profound ways, does a disservice both to the Christian community and the nation as a whole.

Let’s be clear from the beginning. One does not have to support President Trump or the Republican party to be a Christian. One does not have to be an American to be a Christian. These truths ought to go without saying, but I think they need to be stated. Why? Because the truth matters. This editorial position is wrong, not because it is anti-Trump, but because it is anti-truth.

In the editorial, Galli acknowledges, “The Democrats have had it out for him from day one, and therefore nearly everything they do is under a cloud of partisan suspicion. This has led many to suspect not only motives but facts in these recent impeachment hearings. And, no, Mr. Trump did not have a serious opportunity to offer his side of the story in the House hearings on impeachment.”

These facts, cited by Galli, ought to matter. Yes, there is good reason to seriously doubt anything the Democrats throw up against this president and his administration. Yes, their motives may certainly be questioned. Furthermore, there wasn’t due process during any part of the so-called “hearings.” Galli acknowledges these truths. However, it’s at this point, that he and the editorial board abandon the truth.

The next line in the editorial shows CT’s betrayal of truth. Galli writes, “But the facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.”

No, Mr. Galli, that is not a fact. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has said there was no blackmail involved during a telephone call with President Trump. The Ukrainian president himself denied there was a “quid pro quo.” Furthermore, there is no evidence that President Trump sought to have the Ukraine harass or discredit Joe Biden. In fact, Zelensky has gone on record asserting the opposite. He says he was not pressured to investigate the Biden family during their now-controversial phone call over the summer and, when asked about it replied, “Nobody pushed me.”

Again, you don’t have to like the president or agree with this defense, but to assert that the facts are “unambiguous” is a lie.

In the next paragraph, Galli launches into a personal attack against the president. He’s certainly entitled to his opinion, as is the editorial board of CT. He then notes that much of the evangelical world supports what the president has done regarding the Supreme Court, the economy, and religious liberty.

His next two lines, once again, show CT’s abandonment of truth. “We believe the impeachment hearings have made it absolutely clear, in a way the Mueller investigation did not, that President Trump has abused his authority for personal gain and betrayed his constitutional oath. The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see.”

Unless you just accept the Democrat talking points line for line, these two statements make no sense. The Mueller investigation revealed nothing because there was nothing to reveal. The impeachment hearings revealed moral deficiencies, but not of the president.

Galli attempts to justify this editorial based on what CT wrote about Bill Clinton in 1998. The key phrase written in the 1998 CT editorial is “live by the law.” What law, Mr. Galli, did President Trump break? He doesn’t address it, because he can’t. There were no laws broken.

Galli then self-righteously derides evangelicals who support Trump and bemoans how anyone who claims to live for the gospel can support such a person. And, with that, elitism rears its head in evangelical Christianity.

Here’s the bottom line. Galli and the editorial board of CT can support whomever they want. As Christian Americans, we can, too. To not like President Trump is their right. To write about it in their magazine is their prerogative. It is also our prerogative to not like what they write. It is obvious that CT has abandoned the truth in an attempt to curry favor with the elitist left. They do so under a guise of winning them to the Gospel, but with what? The Gospel is based on truth. This editorial is not. It betrays the truth for popularity. Perhaps Galli and the members of the CT editorial board can go to their Christmas parties proud of how they told off the ignorant evangelicals. I don’t know. I don’t know what is gained by this foray into political spin, but somewhere a rooster must be crowing.

Clarken 7 Dec 21
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Well, this does kinda prove my point doesn’t it?

One Christian saying from Christian perspective that Trump should burn in hell.
Then another Christian say, nope Trump living angel.

I remember how in the 70’s Apartheid was proven be “an institute from God” by the largest church in South Africa, and then 20 years later, same church apologised for the “horrors” of apartheid... both times using the Bible extensively to prove the point.

Sorry, but why does anyone take anything said by any religious leader serious?

Hanno Level 8 Dec 21, 2019

You cannot compare what happens in America today to what happens or happened in apartheid South Africa.

First, we fought a civil war to get rid of slavery and give everyone equal rights regardless of their skin color. 620 thousand Americans died in that war which began because rich white Democrat land owners wanted to keep slavery and push it into new states as well. The first Republican President of the US Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and later gave his life because of it. The Democrats had trouble accepting his Presidency then just as they have trouble accepting our Republican President now.

You probably are not any more familiar with Billy Graham or Christianity Today than you are with the history of the USA. (That's not an insult. It's understandable. I'm certainly not familiar with the country you came from or the country you currently live in.) So you don't really have anything to relate this information to.

I live in a small town that has a conservative Christian university in it (4500 students, nursing, engineering, pharmacy, liberal arts, and Bible). I speak with an Anthropology professor as well a few retired pastors and Bible professors regularly. We just had a men's prayer breakfast this morning (and every Saturday morning) and a few of us at my table discussed for a few minutes this issue about the Christianity Today article and Franklin Graham's response. Many of these men receive Christianity Today and have for years. They all say they have noticed over the last number of years that magazine has become very unreliable for representing Biblical Christianity. Such is the trend in much of America and many "Christian" denominations.

Conservative Biblical Christians believe and teach exactly what God's word says do NOT allow the secular society to influence that. But the magazine Christianity Today has altered its message according to what is popular and/or politically correct in our culture. That is saying that human beings know better than God.

No, I'm not saying Trump is the new messiah. But Trump was legally elected and has committed NO crime (they cannot name a single law he's broken). Democrats said from before he took office that they would impeach him. Yes, they said that publically and repeatedly. They've never cooperated with him in anything, always doing everything they can to obstruct. That hasn't stopped him from a huge lists of monumental accomplishments that is helping our economy and just about everything for the MAJORITY of US citizens - putting America first as the US President is supposed to do. Notice he is also pulling out our troops from fighting in other countries and has not put us in any more wars. He has even encouraged all international leaders to begin putting their own country first and taking care of their own people. That's what people elect a President to do - work for the betterment of his own country's citizens.

About religious leaders. You are right to be suspicious. Except if you know anything about Billy Graham, you'll know he was a man of complete integrity that preached a singular message of God's love (John 3:16) and brought that to countries all around the world, even being allowed into many previously closed countries. You can't put every Christian into the same bucket with those who do great harm. But you have to have some understanding, context, and discernment to know the difference between the good and the bad. As Christians, we get that discernment from studying scripture. Most "Christians" don't even read the entire Bible, much less reading it thru repeatedly to understand it more fully. You probably don't realize it is the number one best seller every year around the world and has been for a very long long time. That is to say people either love it or want to at least know what it says for themselves.

And as far as I'm concerned "if God says it, that settles it, whether I believe it or not." That may sound like blind obedience. But it isn't. I have my eyes and ears wide open and am a very "critical" thinker about the world as well as religion. I've found the Bible to be very very reliable if not taken out of context. It tells people to love even their "enemy." The Quran tells muslims to either convert the infidel or kill them. That's not attacking Islam or muslims. That's just stating the truth about the difference between the Bible and the Quran. When people follow their own way, they inevitably make a huge mess of things. There's evidence of that here in America as well as around the world. The Bible has great wisdom for living yesterday, today, and tomorrow. It isn't about religion or being religious. It's about knowing the God who created everything and sustains it in it's place. Believe it or not. It's your choice the same as it's mine.

But that's really beyond what the post was originally about, as I said earlier. I'm just trying to respond to your comments. I'd rather keep to the original context of the post though.

@Clarken thanks Clarken. I dislike being critical, however in discussions such as this it is easier if responses are shorter than longer. And we only discuss one or two points at a time.
Otherwise I appreciate your comments.

To respond to your post will open a can of worms I do not think will be useful. I will probably just say I am happy you are happy in your faith and will discuss with you rather in specifics in the marriage post.

I absolutely agree with keeping posts short. I only went long because, as I remember, your first post on the subject was very long. As well, when you throw a lot of issues out, even in a short comment, it is impossible to deal with them in a short response. It certainly isn't pleasant taking 2 hrs to answer anyone's issues. But they seemed to be very important to you, so I was willing to do so.

Merry Christmas

@Clarken 🎉 Merry Christmas to you too! 🎉

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