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Earthquake near nuclear facility... Karma.. Devine intervention.. coincidence? 🤔

FEWI 8 Jan 8
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This group is called culture war not holier than thou war let's keep the god bothering to suitable groups please

Nice to see your sensitive nature rise to the surface. So, you must believe the earthquake to be a coincidence?


Sorry to inform everyone but there's no such person as "Mother Nature". The Creator who brought it all into existence is still the one that sustains and controls it all. And man is puny and unable to alter the climate or such things in any significant way whatsoever. We don't understand the divine Creator's reasoning for many "natural disasters", but that doesn't negate His involvement (cause or allowance thereof). Neither does lack of understanding or belief negate God Himself.

Have you ever had a Deja vue and if so can you explain it?

Go ahead.

@Clarken So you’re saying you’ve never had a Deja vue?

Yeah, but can't remember or explain any.

You are as deluded as the rest of them , on a planet that's billions of years old and a human race less than 2 million years old what makes you think that a creator of any kind would be interested in a destructive species like us, the dinosaurs were here for over 165,000,000 years


Haha, I knew I'd get a rise from you and maybe a couple others. That's okay. You're cool and I have no problem with you and don't really want to get into this debate again and again.

But billions? 2 million? 165,000,000? Those are such ridiculous, random, and unscientific numbers. There's absolutely no historic science or archeological science that dates further than about 2000 BC. Those crazy numbers are flawed (intentionally or otherwise) "science" with an anti-God, anti-religion, anti-truth agenda.

Just like modern fake news joins with the Democrats to attack the truth. Just like "climate change" and "global warming" are fake science predicting the end of the world. Just like 50 different genders, denying clear science. They all (and more) have an agenda which causes them to ignore good SCIENCE/TRUTH and make up something to counter that which they oppose. They also have to "agree" with such "science" if they want to get their funding/grants - follow the money - to continue their livelihoods in research off of taxpayer funding. The minute their research findings counters the fake science, they lose their funding.

This isn't something that needs to divide us. You're a good guy as far as I'm concerned. We just disagree on the science and faith issues.

All good but pleas keep it rational and leave imaginary friends out of itb@Clarken

@Clarken If you can’t recall ever having one .. you wouldn’t understand. It’s relative.

Right. And I'm sure you're gonna leave out the fantastical numbers, too. I know Europe (to include the UK) is post-Christian, but there are still at least tens of millions of people that believe the Biblical account of creation it is more scientific and logical and cannot take the huge leap of faith to accept the ficticious numbers and theories thrown out by people with an agenda who call themselves scientists - like Bill Nye the Science Guy, Al Gore, Darwin, Greta Thunberg, and such!

I'm just as cynical as you are. So you cling to your faith & I'll cling to mine and we can still respect each other as rational worthwhile beings🙂

I know I've had one, just can't recall them any more than I can recall my dreams.

What is it relative to? Try me, I may understand.


Maybe.. maybe not. Puerto Rico is trying to screw with The Donald...Yesterday a 6.4 earthquake. If things start rumbling in or near Hollywood, you might want to rethink things. JS. But then Gervais might have been Hollywood’s rumble. He pretty much shook things up there.


My first thought upon hearing about this is that, indeed, it was a gentle reminder of Who is in control and it may have been a warning to all of us. Who really knows what is going on in the world? Who really knows how much influence the banksters have in world affairs and rogue regimes?

dmatic Level 8 Jan 8, 2020



You might be able to perceive a 4.9 but it won't do real damage. They had a 7.4 in that region in 1909.

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