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When there's no way...

Jenna 7 Jan 10
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What an inspiring song. It reminds us that we don't need to react to the negative rhetoric to make our point. Moving forward with righteousness will do more to restore our culture than allowing ourselves to be dragged down to their level in arguing with them. Thank you Jenna.

debb1eb Level 4 Jan 11, 2020

Nuff said


Thank you Jenna. Very good reminder that God is in control. He knows we are but dust....but, what is interesting, is that even seeing first hand these miracles of His control and love, the people began to grumble....

May God continue to have mercy on us!

dmatic Level 8 Jan 10, 2020

God is always relevant and free speech is always in play. You and God are always a majority.

Facci Level 7 Jan 10, 2020

There are 3000 gods approximately worshipped throughout history and you don't believe in any of those , I just go one god further, its not the bronze age and I'm not an illiterate peasent in the middle east,

Sounds like a discussion of cultures and conflict, doesn't it?

@BikerPetehall70 I do believe in one of the 3000 godsworshiped through history. Mine gets a capital "G" because he's the only one that was worshipped through out all of history. "History" is the "logos" and "logos" is Jesus Christ. God bless you.

Not through all of my history , christianity waw forced roundvthe worpd by the holy roman empire, @Facci Britain and Europe had itsvown beliefs and festivals for well into prehistory all of which were trampled on and overlaid by supposedly Christian nonsense, an Arab religion

@BikerPetehall70 the Christian religion is documented to be dated back to the beginning of time.

You make a good point, though it's not really accurate in definition. That "christianity that was forced round the world by the holy roman empire" is not Biblical Christianity that we refer to here (those who call ourselves Christian). I can see it might be thought to be such with the history of the church of England and around the world with the history of the Roman catholic church. They were indeed known as christians and they certainly gave Christianity a bad name because they didn't live it.

I therefore agree with you about the abuses of that religion. So did Martin Luther who started the protestant reformation by nailing his 95 theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle church, protesting the many abuses and Biblical heresies perpetrated by the Catholic church. That didn't end the abuses/heresies of the catholic church unfortunately.

When I (and other mostly protestant believers) say Christian, it does not refer to the catholic church or even any specific denomination or "religion". It refers to those who believe in Christ as Savior and Lord and actually do their best to faithfully interpret and live according to scripture (which does not include the apocrypha by the way). Admittedly, Biblical Christians are still gonna screw up and shame the name of Christ at times because we're not perfect (and don't claim to be).

But you can't put all Christians (and "christian religions" ) in the same lump any more than you can say all straight white men are racist, sexist, bigotted homophobes. And apparently Hitler called himself a follower of Christ and many people today believe the holocaust was carried out in the name of christianity. He and many have USED "christianity" for their own personal gain. I just came across this 12 minute video that explains my point about Hitler well. Please watch it. [] I'm not a 700 Club member or anything close. But the video is well produced and very accurate historically as far as I can tell.

Finally, I'm not at all sure why you think Christianity is or was an Arab religion. Think about it. Christianity is named as such for Jesus Christ who was a Jew not an Arab. He was the Messiah promised to Hebrews. Seven centuries BC, Isaiah 9:6 prophesied of his birth and Isaiah 53 was a prophesy of his crucifixion (forced by Jewish religious leaders and carried out by Romans). You are the very first one I've heard say Christianity is an Arab religion - so that's new to me.

I appreciate our discussions. Thanks for keeping it amicable. I'm sure there will likely be more to come.

Oh dear oh dear oh dear, @Facci please read a science book before you say something really silly

@BikerPetehall70 yawn.

@BikerPetehall70 one of the science books written after the documentation of Christianity dating back to the beginning of time? Which one do you suggest?

Why don't you take that big key out of your back @Facci pointless trying to play Chess with a theist, cause they're allbpawns and their king is conspicuous by his absence

@BikerPetehall70 God is everything that you recognize as being in existence. Proof of his existence is as easy as looking at the reflection of an Anti-theist in a mirror. God is chess, the chessboard, the rules, all of the pieces, the manufacturers of the boards and the pieces, the nation in which the manufacturer exists, the land on which the nation sits, the planet on which the land belongs, the solar system the planet exists in, the galaxy in which the solar system exists, the universe that envelops the galaxy, and God is the creator of that universe. And he forgives you for denying all of these things exist. You win the game because he is your God regardless of your acknowledgement of that fact.


Wrong group this is the left right culture wars, please post your biblical stuff in a relevant group we have plenty

She was here before you. Keep it to yourself.

So much for freely expressing my opinion @Facci and as for who's been here longer, how old are you? 10? Grow up

Imagine living in a system where the government is actively engaged in racism against you. Your property and lives are subordinate to a majority population that has been trained to hate you. Week after week you are inundated with stories of robbery, rape and murder against people like you where the authorities, instead of pursuing justice, respond by further restricting your ability to defend yourself.

In that situation, one could relate to being trapped with an armed enemy bearing down on you and a desire for rescue.

Not sure how you come to your conclusion that this is the wrong group. Isn’t this posted in the culture war group? As I’ve noticed over the past decades, our culture has been increasingly hostile toward judéo-Christian expression of non-violent, faith-based perspectives expressed in the public square. Sounds like the most relevant, yet subtle expression in the ideal group. What could be more suited to this group? Just my perspective...

@BikerPetehall70 your so called freedom of expression was was to censor someone else. Any illiterate middle eastern peasant would be bright enough to figure that out.

You drama queen@RobBlair maybe if people stopped shouting about how downtrodden they are people wouldn't be so sick of hearing it , take some calcium and grow a backbone, got no time for victimhood

What does the group header say its dedicated to @Daveclark5

@BikerPetehall70 Oh my ...(sniff)....

@BikerPetehall70 I assume you mean:

“Face it. The PC culture.... The SJW... The Femenazi.... Antifa... The extreme left is on full force.... I dedicate this group for all the time they fail... And we love memes here. let it flow.”

If I understand What you’re implying, it appears this may not have been an appropriate place for this video, since it would most likely not be in keeping with the opinions of a SJW, a Feminazi, Antifa, or the extreme left. Thank you for clarifying? my misunderstanding.

As I have never seen an instance of anywhere these groups have failed to force their opinions down the throat of all those around them, I’m not sure anything would fit in this group.


First, who said this group is limited to "left right"? The title is "The Culture War".

Second, there's a significant difference between the culture on your side of the pond and culture on our side.

Third, since we broke from England, we've had this thing called the US Constitution. And it has a Bill of Rights. The 1st Ammendment therein addresses BOTH freedom of speech TOGETHER with freedom of religion. For some reason they're included together in the same Ammendment.

Fourth, preceding the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, our Declaration of Indepence from your country mentioned "the laws of nature and nature's God" in the first paragraph and that all men are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" in the second paragraph.

Fifth, America is currently in a "culture war" over the ability for our citizens to keep our rights as endowed by God and guaranteed in our founding documents. So our culture war IS actually one that includes religion, faith, and God. That is not to say everyone has to believe the same (or at all) in relation to religion, faith, and God (though whether they admit it or not, they all worship someone or something as a god).

Sixth, the "left" is fighting to make our country like England (and Europe as a whole). The American "right" likes the unique way we were founded and wants to preserve what our forefathers fought against your country to become.

Seventh, some of us (mostly the "right" ) still "pledge allegience to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Eighth, thousands upon thousands of American military men and women served, bled, and died under that flag for God and country. Thousands of them did so from your shores and against your enemies in other lands. Had they not done so, you (your countrymen) would be speaking German right now.

So, yeah, the culture war is about left and right. And within that, it's also about religion, faith, and God. We're a blessed people. We celebrate this thing called Thanksgiving over here. That means we give thanks to our God because of His many undeserved blessings on us such as keeping us free. We also still celebrate Christmas and Easter. Those represent the birth of our Savior and his death and resurrection, taking the punishment each of us deserves that we might be children of God Almighty. They do not represent Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, though we can have fun with those imaginary characters.

You don't have to believe as we do. But you benefit from the sacrifices of those who do believe. So if you have any degree of decency (and I know you do), you'll respect Christians for their beliefs that make them willing to sacrifice for their fellow man - past, present, and future.

@dmatic @DaveClark5 @Facci @RobBlair @Jenna @MaskedRiderChris

@Clarken Well said, Clarken!

@Clarken looks like someone is bucking for a level 8. This is how the site works. Attack a member and revel in the defense of that person. Someone is trying to fill a void.


Eh, let's just skip 8 (even though I have 38,000 points to get there). No, I really think there's more chance of being banned than getting bumped up. And I'm not convinced anyone can be bumped up - though I know BikerPetehall70 said it happened to him (didn't he?).


Yes, before you say it, I'm aware Jenna is South African not American. But I'd assume she has her own similar argument of how her culture war includes faith.

Besides, everyone who reads your comment would likely understand it was intended for anyone with a Biblical worldview and faith, telling us all to stay to certain "Christian" groups and don't bring our faith into the culture war - like we're told to keep our religion in church and out of the public sphere. Just not going to happen. Get used to it friend.

I am used to it @Clarken it just saddens me that otherwise intelligent people cling on to superstition like religion just because it was shoved into them as children,

2+2=4. That was shoved into us as children. We still believe it, even though new math advocates have tried to convince us it may or may not be true anymore. Just saying it isn't, doesn't change the fact that it IS.

Be intellectually brave and honest enough to investigate what is known to be true historically and acheologically like atheist Lee Strobel (award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune). See the full movie and judge if he missed something important. He certainly doesn't "cling to superstition like relgion just because it was shoved into him as a child." He was anti-christian, anti-religion as they come. He used his investigative skills as the legal editor to dig and dig to disprove the resurrection of Christ. Have you done that? Or do you just attack Christianity ignorantly because that's what modern science tells us (like modern math as well as global warming science, etc.). Do your own search! Do they care about you enough to tell you the truth? Why should we believe them when they have their agendas and we know they've lied about so many things in fake science and fake news?

Here's the 2017 movie based on Strobel's investigations. It will entertain you with the 60s and 70s styles if nothing else. I believe he even travels to England to talk to experts there.


Don't take it to heart. As I said in my comment, people put just about everything into this group since "culture" is a very broad category.

There really aren't many libs & SJWs that I've noticed in The Culture War (or on the IDW for that matter), though there are a few. It's just that some folks are strongly atheistic and seem to think that we Christians aren't intellectual since we actually still believe in God and they've "gotten rid of all their gods" which makes them smarter/better/more advanced. They don't realize that rather than being progressive, they are actually being regressive.

We could certainly turn it around and tell them to keep their atheist views in the groups that were created for atheists. But Christians are generally more tolerant and try not to be rude.

Im not going to get into how tolerant any religion is , @Clarken that could turn into a real argument, I have read the bible, 6 months in a Christian rehab so let's agree to differ and not fall out

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