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"Britain is dead".

Jenna 7 Feb 11
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This is a great conversation. I have a question for all the Britannic members here. I am American and a recent (10 years ) anglophile:

Who and what exactly is "English?"

Facci Level 7 Feb 11, 2020

An ancient breed that has sold its soul to the multiculturalist left. They would rather be someone else, afraid of their skin colour and mocked for their achievements.

Anything that isn't Irish, Welsh or Scottish which is a good start. But first we don't believe papers, politicians or foreigners and we like sarcasm. But if you want a humorous run down on the English Google the Pub Landlord, Al Murray. Oh and we won the war and didn't need any help but thanks for chipping in.

@Boris-the-Spider Here is my family contribution to the British, and the award of a DCM with Fig Leaf.
It will all be lost unless Boris can fire Sadick Kahn and restart the Empire.
I say destroy the left, in another war if necessary.

@Rick-A Further to my take on the English everyone born after 1990 is suspect due to EU influence in our schools. Khan is an import and like lots of the imports into this land it was something we were finagled into. Boris may do his bit but we need to see a long term change running from not listening to dopey kids like Greta, booting out the whole of the BBC, making sure our taxes are spent on our country and banning PC and restoring true freedom of speech in our universities. Just a few things

@Rick-A Also good call on the CSM

@Boris-the-Spider We are sufferings the exact same things in Canada. The state funded propaganda apparatus is out of control and has to be defunded. Hopefully, the next election brings in sanity!

Get fucked, @Rick-A

@BikerPetehall70 You're not happy then Pete

@Boris-the-Spider who put the Anglo in Anglo-Saxon? Is English different than Norman? Does it include the Danish? Is English Germanic in nature? I apologize and thank you for your indulgence.

@BikerPetehall70 I hurt your feelings? What a shame.

@Rick-A Not mine mate

@Boris-the-Spider I hear you buddy, kindred spirits on many issues and I would greatly appreciate an off line conversation with you.

@Facci I can trace my family back 500 years. We were all Londoners and most painters and decorators and builders. England as England is an amalgam of Celtic, Viking and Germanic tribes and various other bits. Being English is different. It's certainly not Germanic they have no sense of humour. It's not Celtic, they take themselves far too seriously. It's not Viking because they have lost the plot. Have a look at @BikerPetehall70, he calls a spade a spade and doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks, that's English. We do have compassion but that's been stretched over the years. We are a tired people but we're far from dead

Basically The English are Anglo Saxons who settled in England and established the English Empire which came to include all of the so called British Isles. Of course as through all of Western Europe there are interspersed genes of Celt, Anglo Saxon, Teuton, and others. To be "English" it seems to me is to be one who lives in the British Isles and who voluntarily identifies as such because "English" is as much a state of mind, an Idea as is "American" or as "Roman" was during the period when The Roman Empire was the dominant power throughout Europe and beyond. Or something like that - ha!

The anglo saxon invasion is a myth, theres no archiological evidence of invasion after the roman empire collapsed@iThink

Nah not really jusy wanted you to differentiate@Rick-A

@Rick-A, @Boris-the-Spider your description is of some lightweight university middle class twat, the majority of regular working xclass Brits don't agree with the empire guilt bullshit

@BikerPetehall70 and why should they? The British Empire has done more good than harm. From an outsider, it did not appear to be overtly racist, as subjects from all four corners of the globe could benefit from its reach and benefits of education and civility. Please correct me if I am wrong.

@Facci every country that took independence had railways, a working system of governance, etc , they fucked themselves upvwith corruption and ineptitude but we're supposed to feel guilt

@BikerPetehall70 Okay, but here is the point is was making, you have an Islamist Mayor in London, it that isn’t leftist, globalist ideology then God Save the Queen from Sharia Law. Let’s at least have a conversation about this. Would you agree that the Leftist university twot is a reality, because I think all like minded nationalist all facing this pimple faced sexually confused idiot.

@BikerPetehall70 I totally agree. In North America, the English get blamed for racism and genocide of the Native Americans, yet it was the equally caucasian and supremely malicious French and Spanish who did the most atrocities in the New World. This is part of the irony of the Migration Crisis at the U.S. southern border: the grandchildren of the conquistadors who still bear their names accuse Anglo-Americans for the misdeeds of their own heritage. American rule of law due to our British heritage is nothing anyone needs to apologize for. In the northern colonies, the British Empire's greatest crime was indifference. Especially in relation to the Iroquois Nations of what is now New York state. A great British Superintendent of Indian tribes named William Johnson is maybe the single reason America remained English speaking. That and the genocidal atrocities perpetrated by the French. Yet, the French and the Spanish skirt the accusations leveled at the British Empire and later, the Americans.

Thank you very much for that @Facci you've filled in a few blanks in my knowledge , its good to hear it from the American viewpoint

Yes its a reality @Rick-A but the extreme left have been brutally exposed to the fact that they're a small crowd with big mouths and outside londonistan and the posh university towns most Brits are not playing their game anymore

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